Category: Content Marketing

Review of Asana: Task And Project Management

December 29, 2015
  Asana is a project management tool * designed to boost productivity and efficiency while eliminating unnecessary features such as a heavy reliance on communicating solely through emails. An Introduction to Asana Developed by a former Google employee (Justin Rosenstein) and a former Facebook co-founder (Dustin Moskovitz), it was originally created for use in Facebook's […]

Make Images A Part Of SEO And Social Media Strategy

December 24, 2015
Strong images are an important part of any marketing strategy. The old adage, "show, don't tell", rings doubly true in the realm of marketing strategies that are tailored towards social media platforms. Most people are visual, and images can project a feeling or message instantly. So use images to increase engagement: Optimize your images for […]

Efficient Job Posting And Hiring With ZipRecruiter

December 8, 2015
At some point it happens in all businesses. In order to grow, you need to hire and you want the best people for your roles. The hiring process often lands upon managers and small business owners who already have many tasks on their plate. In the past job postings were handled mostly by newspapers. Over time, […]

5 Items Every Business Owner Should Invest In

December 1, 2015
Since its conception, the online digital landscape has gone through many changes. Businesses need to keep up with theses changes by developing an integrated marketing strategy, improving website design, and utilizing social media tools. I'll outline 5 keys I believe every business owner should be investing in for success on the web: Responsive Website A […]

The Perfect Backlink

November 26, 2015
Building the perfect backlink to your website is a powerful way to achieve higher page rankings and web traffic. Use these tips below to get higher traffic to your site: Use high authority links: These links are from .edu, .gov or top publisher sites. Google looks for high-authority links when it crawls the web, and […]

Transform Email into a Team Productivity & Collaboration Tool with Hiver

November 24, 2015
Increasing productivity can be overwhelming for small and medium-sized businesses. Customer Relationship Management tools may be feature-rich, but also overkill for a 3-10 person team. But what if a tool a team is already using could be transformed into a workflow and customer support system? Introducing Hiver for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses. It’s a web […]

Why Content Marketing Is The Foundation For Organic Traffic

November 17, 2015
When building a business, every customer contact counts. Your website is the easiest and quickest way for potential customers to find and learn about your business. Your website tells people what type of products and services you have, where to find you, and what hours you're open. While this might seem like a simple task, […]

Website Chat Tools - Should You Add Chat Or Not?

November 10, 2015
Your website is an important tool for your business. It allows consumers to view products, find information about your business, and contact you. To assist your communication with customers, there are many different tools to consider. Shopping carts, galleries, and contact pages are important to attract customers and keep them coming back. New tools are […]

Tap Into the Power of Social Media to Increase Blog Traffic

November 3, 2015
  Social media is more than just sharing baby pictures or checking out cat videos and what your friends did on vacation. It's a powerful tool to connect your business with tens of thousands (if not millions) of potential customers. Another key for social media use for businesses is for driving traffic to your company […]

How to Assess Your Website Traffic and Build an Improvement Plan

October 28, 2015
Getting people to your website is what it’s all about online, right? Natural traffic, otherwise known as Organic traffic or non-ad driven traffic, is the holy grail and desire of all businesses online. The goal for many is to see their website on page one of Google. In the past, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tricks […]

7 Strategies to Increase Organic Traffic to Your Website

October 20, 2015
We all want more quality traffic to our business website. The reality is that there is a lot of competition for traffic and a massive amount of content out on the web. Your competitors have the same goal as you do. So how can you rise above? Here’s a hit-list of 7 Strategies to Increase […]

Time Saving Social Media Tools - PostPlanner

September 29, 2015
In today's world of constant content online, it's more important than ever that businesses keep up and keep their communities engaged with them by sharing more. It’s too much for businesses to solely share their own content on social media platforms. Businesses need to find valuable content from trusted sources to share and augment their […]

The Power of Google Analytics

September 15, 2015
In today's digital landscape, just because you have a website and publish content doesn't mean people will come to your site, let alone engage or convert as a new customer. Your website should evolve and be fueled by data mined from your own site visitors to make sure your site is consistently delivering what they […]

Holiday Marketing Campaign Best Practices

September 8, 2015
The holidays can be an incredibly fun time for marketers. If we’re being honest though, they can also be somewhat of a stressful time. Figuring out the marketing concept and how to promote your holiday campaign while staying aware of your competition to make sure you rise above them is no easy task. We’ve put […]

Ignite your Content if you want to see your Business Grow Online!

June 25, 2015
Content online has proliferated. You've heard all the tips about regular publishing of great content, creating quality images that communicate, and more. Yet everyone is doing that.  Great content is everywhere.  So how can you compete? More importantly, if you have great content, but no one sees it, is it really working for you?  What can […]

Metrics to Measure the Success of your Website Marketing

June 16, 2015
The only way you can make progress with your online business is to keep track and measure your activities. For most small business owners, measuring sales is at the top of the monthly and quarterly agendas. However, sales are a result of the marketing strategies and processes implemented in the business, so it makes sense […]

Metrics to Measure the Success of your Facebook Marketing

June 2, 2015
Facebook offers businesses a lot of value in ways to market to your target customer audience. The key, however, is for businesses to measure the success of their Facebook marketing to ensure they know what is working, what isn't, and what needs adjusted. So what is a business to measure on Facebook? Of course there […]

Animate Your Business with

May 19, 2015
Wondering through the masses of websites that are offering free or paid services can be maddening even for a seasoned web marketing veteran. After all, who has the time to tinker with every new tool that might be of use to your business in marketing and selling online? Nobody does. I’ve taken the time to […]

Get striking images for graphics on

May 12, 2015
Social media is becoming the lifeblood for many marketing campaigns today, with small and medium sized businesses utilizing these channels to engage more and more with their customer base. There's nothing quite as effective as making a personal connection with a customer in order to generate leads, create brand evangelists, and build brand credibility. One […]

SEO Tip: Titles Matter in Search

April 7, 2015
When it comes to SEO (Search Engine Optimization) strategies, your title is extremely important. If you don't have a compelling title, no one will click the post and read your great content. [Tweet "A well-written title will lure in readers, and it will act as a search engine keyword finder tool."] With all this in mind, […]

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