
Holiday Marketing Campaign Best Practices

Best Practices for your Holiday Marketing Campaign - 600x600 (1)

The holidays can be an incredibly fun time for marketers. If we’re being honest though, they can also be somewhat of a stressful time.

Figuring out the marketing concept and how to promote your holiday campaign while staying aware of your competition to make sure you rise above them is no easy task.

We’ve put together this article to outline 5 best practices to keep in mind when planning for online marketing during the holidays. Follow these and you’ll be sure to find success this holiday season.

Holiday Marketing Campaign Best Practices:

1. Give people a gift.

The holidays are about giving. This is the time to show appreciation to your loyal customers during the holidays. Here is an example from HubSpot.

By giving away these 250 holiday stock photos, they're also getting potential customer information through the download form. It's a win because it's growing their email marketing database and offering something of value.

Think about something you can provide to potential customers as a download as a thank you for their interest. You’ll be surprised how many of these leads will come back and become customers because of the appreciation they feel for your gift.

2. Touch the heart.

Holidays are a sentimental time, so get personal.

The holidays are a time to pull at your consumers’ heartstrings. If there’s ever a time to get “sappy” this is it!  Go deeper than the head and touch the heart.  Here are some examples:

Stella Artois - Give Beautifully

BandAid - Do They Know It’s Christmas?

Coca-Cola - Happy Holidays

Monty The Penguin - MontyThePenguin

3. Decorate

Just like you decorate your home, decorate your brand’s online sites.

Have a creative plan and a launch plan for dressing up your company’s website, email templates, social media branding, and any other assets you have online.

This will get people in the spirit as they interact with your brand. Given their sentiment during the holidays, they’ll enjoy visiting your “online home” during this time of year.

4. Up your Service

Make sure customer service is at its best!

People will have definitive needs regarding shipping, gift wrapping, etc. during this time of year. Make sure your marketing is synced with sales and customer service.

Your customer service team should have a empathetic attitude as they are spreading holiday cheer on phone calls, chats, or emails.

If sales go up during the holidays, it might be a good idea to increase the number of customer service employees you have on hand for a positive experience for customers.

5. Have fun!

Have fun and let your fun drive sales.

Let your creative team think outside of the box when you’re planning your holiday campaign. Consider letting your brand’s personality shine. Create assets that website visitors and customers will enjoy and turn those assets into sales drivers.

Kate Spade launched their first #MissAdventure episode, The Waiting Game, during the holidays in 2014. In it, Anna Kendrick finds herself locked outside of her apartment and spends time going through her Kate Spade shopping bags.

The spot was originally clickable and would take viewers to the product pages in, creating sales. It was fun, it captured your attention, and it flat out worked!

What best practices does your company put into place during holiday planning? Comment below and let us know! Oh, and, Happy Holidays!

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