
Attracting the Right Audience with your Social Media Marketing Funnel - Part 2

November 9, 2017
Do you use Facebook for marketing? Here are 5 Facebook marketing mistakes you may be making that decrease your reach and reduce your success.

What is Rerun App and How Do You Use It?

November 7, 2017
What is Rerun App? Rerun is a unique billing and invoicing software for small and mid-sized businesses. Learn what it can do and how to use it.

What is Time Tracking and What Can You Use It For?

October 31, 2017
For freelancers and WAH employees time tracking can be such a pain. We review time tracking service that makes time tracking a breeze!

Attracting the Right Audience with your Social Media Marketing Funnel

October 26, 2017
Do you use Facebook for marketing? Here are 5 Facebook marketing mistakes you may be making that decrease your reach and reduce your success.

Chrome vs Edge vs Firefox: Which is the Best Browser

October 24, 2017
Chrome, Edge, and Firefox which is the best browser? We take a look at some features of each of these browsers to help you decide which one is best for you.

Facebook and Instagram Updates for October 19th

October 19, 2017
Innovation keeps the social network's new and fresh and changing every day. The cause for the innovation? The quest to make the platform attractive so people stay and spend more time, which makes the platform more profitable. Personally, I’m glad that the platforms innovate so much, or what would I have to talk about? Facebook […]

Pinterest Marketing: A Case Study

October 17, 2017
Pinterest made its debut as a photo-sharing website in 2010. It's an amazing platform to use for marketing, especially when your product or services are visual. Does Pinterest marketing work?  I say it can for the right businesses! Here's my “go to” Pinterest Marketing steps. 1. Set up a Pinterest business account Pinterest is free […]

Why You Need a Game Plan for Your Online Marketing

October 12, 2017
Do you use Facebook for marketing? Here are 5 Facebook marketing mistakes you may be making that decrease your reach and reduce your success.

What is Repost for Instagram and How Do You Use It?

October 10, 2017
Do you use Instagram to market your business? Here's an easy way to share your follower's posts, Repost for Instagram. This app helps you expand your brand.

What are Facebook's Audience Network Ads

October 3, 2017
If you're implementing a social media strategy for your business, Facebook advertising must be a part of it. It's demographic targeting, and price points make it very attractive for a lot of businesses. It's much cheaper than traditional advertising, and it gets your business in front of more people than organic Facebook marketing does. There […]

Facebook Updates and Instagram Updates for September 26th

September 28, 2017
Every time I turn around one of the social media networks is making changes and adding upgrades!  I never run out of new things to write about in social media marketing! H\ Here are the bigger changes for the past couple of weeks. Facebook Updates Facebook Adds New Tags to Facebook Messenger To help businesses […]

YouTube Tools to Improve Your Video SEO

September 26, 2017
If you spend money and resources to create video content, then you want people to find it. Just like improving your web copy for Google SEO, you should be optimizing your videos for YouTube's SEO. Here are a few tools to help your videos rank higher on a video search engine like YouTube. 1. YouTube […]

15 Facebook Tools you Need to Know about for your Business

September 21, 2017
Do you use Facebook for marketing? Here are 5 Facebook marketing mistakes you may be making that decrease your reach and reduce your success.

How Do I Manage Job Posts for my Facebook Page?

September 19, 2017
Do you use Facebook to promote jobs you're hiring for? Facebook just made this easier for you! Learn how to manage job posts for your Facebook page.

5 Facebook Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

September 14, 2017
Do you use Facebook for marketing? Here are 5 Facebook marketing mistakes you may be making that decrease your reach and reduce your success.

How can A.I. Help Your Business?

September 13, 2017
What do Siri, Cortana and Watson all have in common? For one, they all work as personal assistants. For the other, none of them are real people: they’re all artificial intelligences, A.I. The Rise of A.I. There is a growing trend in businesses using smarter and faster programs to manage repetitive and mundane business tasks. […]

Facebook Groups for Pages

September 12, 2017
Facebook is a powerful marketing tool. Part of the platform's power is the ability to connect with your followers through Pages and Groups. Facebook now allows you to combine the functionality of both by creating Groups, especially for and connected to your Pages. Have Deeper Interactions and Connections With Followers Having a group allows you […]

Recent Social Media and Facebook Updates for September 7th

September 7, 2017
There are some exciting changes from the past several weeks. I’ve collected the ones I think will impact your business the most. Facebook Facebook Blocks Ads that Repeatedly Share False News Facebook is on a mission to reduce hoaxes and false news. Now if Pages repeatedly share news that has been categorized as false by […]

What is How You Can Use It

September 5, 2017
Sometimes hiring a designer to create the graphics you'll use is a bit out of your price range. However, not hiring a professional designer can scrambling to deal with the design aspects of your marketing. If you can't afford a designer then you have to do it yourself. Why Are Graphics Important Look at Facebook. […]

What is Streak for Gmail?

August 29, 2017
Marketing may sometimes feel like a field that relies on instinct and an unidentifiable charisma that the most successful marketers have. But the truth is, data and research are just as important in marketing as they are in discovering if the universe is made of wiggles or what cooking temperature makes the best souffle. You […]

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