
Attracting the Right Audience with your Social Media Marketing Funnel

Attracting the right audience is critically important for businesses to maximize the use of social media for growing leads online.  It's also one of the most missed and misunderstood aspects of digital marketing.

Wanting to know how to maximize your use of social medial for growing leads through attracting the right audience? That's what today's podcast is all about....

Attracting the right audience on social media

It's all about a strategic attraction plan using both free and paid social media to attract the right audience

Ready to dive into the plan?

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Video Podcast: Attracting the Right Audience with your Social Media Marketing

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Digital Marketing with Social Media: Attracting the Right Audience

Attracting the right audience is critical in business marketing.  In basketball, the point guard of the team with the ball looks for ways to break through the opposing team’s defense to setup a teammate in the offense to score.  There’s a connection in this illustration I’d like to explain...

The same principle works in social media marketing. You need to look for ways to get through the noise and other content to reach your target market. This means trying out some strategies to see which attract your desired audience and generate the most engagement and leads.

Since attraction is at the top of the digital marketing funnel, your focus should be on reaching people potentially interested in your products or services. These people will resemble your customers.  It’s not about selling at this point, but about finding and connecting with the right people through content. You offer something of value and deliver a good experience, making it easier for people to find you. It’s about leaving a good first impression that starts a relationship.

But before you dive into social media, work on your website content first. For the funnel to work, you need high-quality, resource-rich content to drive relevant traffic.

Your Website Content as an Attraction Tool

The content on your website serves as the foundation on which your social media marketing strategy should be built. So it has to be strong. No matter how great your social media posts are, if the content they link to is disappointing, people won’t bother clicking anymore.

Have a plan that involves regularly posting current content that’s rich in resources for your audience. Static websites that don’t update are out because they can’t maintain high ranks in search engine results. Google will give low priority to sites that don’t add new content. But aside from that, people aren't interested in stale resources. They’ll leave and never come back.

Don’t let this happen to you when the road to success is simple....

  1. Create high-quality content on your website/blog and share it on social media as photos or videos with links to the content.
  2. Amplify some of this content to your ideal audience on Facebook and Instagram with Facebook Ads.  You can target by Interests, income, industry, etc to reach that ideal audience.
  3. People will be curious enough to click the link to the post on your website and see what else is on there.
  4. If they like what they find, chances are they’ll opt into one of the soft lead capture options on your website. (More on that key step later)
  5. If you have other interesting content on your website, link to it in your email marketing nurture campaigns, so that people will return to visit.
  6. The more time they spend on your website, the greater the chances they’ll share your content on their own social media pages. (Make it easy to share with social media sharing buttons!)

That’s how organic popularity grows and trust is built.

Online Digital Marketing Funnel

Much of the weight is carried by good content. But what exactly is good content?

Your website has several sections on it, and one of those sections should be a blog or news area. Whatever you call it, this section should be full of resources that your target audience finds useful. It shouldn't be a promotional area for your products or services – that’s a separate section on your site. But for the resource center, make sure to deliver content people want, like a FAQs, how-to guides, tip lists, etc.  This is for people seeking answers and

An Actual Business Case Example

Vinyl lattice – a product that serves as enhancement for vinyl fencing or as standalone decoration – caters to such a niche market that it’s not easy to sell. People don’t know what it is, let alone that they need it. This is a challenge for Permalatt Products, a producer of vinyl lattice.  They wanted to reach out to their target audience through digital marketing.

Their site already contains product information and online shopping option. But there’s nothing to attract search engines or to arouse people’s curiosity. Thus, the company addressed this deficiency by creating a blog section and naming it “Resource Center.”

Topics were identified based on the usual questions their sales teams receive and the key points highlighted in their presentations. Permalatt also chose to feature some of design projects made by their customers. The overall goal was to become the top resource for everything related to vinyl lattice.

Every Tuesday, Permalatt publishes a fresh and informative post related to vinyl lattice. The company mixes up the content for variety. Some posts are case studies, others are guides and project suggestions. The company doesn't do a hard sell on vinyl lattice. Instead, they provide solutions and answer questions.

attract the right audience on permalatt

Permalatt Resource Center blog post

The content doesn’t serve Permalatt per se, but their customers (both current and potential). The company starts out with helpful content offered for free in an effort to draw in their market. Once the crowd is formed and interest is piqued, Permalatt comes in with their selling strategy. But by that stage, people are already so engaged that they don't mind -- they even welcome it!

That’s how you attract through content.  Like with deep sea fishing, chum the online waters with free and useful content to lure the crowd. Then, unleash the baited hooks once people start clamoring for more.


  1. LISTEN TO THE PODCAST!  This is just a sample of the goods I deliver to help you get on track, think through your key online changes and what you need to do this year to succeed.
  2. Identify your "one thing."  What's the next single thing you need to take action on that you learned today?   Share below!

Other Resources:

  • My complete guide to Facebook and social media lead generation  online!  Game Plan Book >>

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Why the Halftime theme Mike? 

I’m an Indiana Hoosier native where basketball is the top sport. Every team heads to the locker room at halftime to evaluate the first half and create an updated plan for the second half. That plan includes adjustments based on reviewing what worked and what didn't. The “halftime” is a key review point where the game stops, the team pulls away to huddle in the locker room away from the fans, and they come out prepared and ready to succeed in the second half.

That’s what this podcast is all about, taking the time to pull away for a bit to evaluate, learn, and set some strategies for your business to succeed in the second half. Join me by subscribing and let me be your “business halftime” to help you find great success going forward!

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