
What is Repost for Instagram and How Do You Use It?

What is Repost for Instagram and How Do You Use It-315

Do you see posts on Instagram from customers you would like to share for your business? Or, have you ever gotten a little frustrated with the inability to share your finds with your audience? The Repost app for Instagram lets you do just that.

How Does the Repost App Work?

Just as Facebook allows you to share and Twitter lets you retweet, the Repost app helps you easily share Instagram posts that others have posted. According to The Small Business Blog, it’s a quick and simple way to use “user generated content” that can help your page perform better.  How? Here are the steps:

  1. Download the app.
  2. Open the Instagram app and locate the desired Instagram feed.
  3. Tap the post you wish to share.
  4. Open the sharing options (the three dots) for the post.
  5. Click "Copy Share URL".
  6. Once successfully copied, you'll receive a confirmation.
  7. Open Repost again. The copied post will be there.
  8. Select the copied post.
  9. Tap Repost.
  10. Tap "Copy to Instagram". This will send you back the native Instagram app.
  11. From there, you can add your own captions and tag the photo's owner.
  12. Just hit "Share" and you're done.

Learning how to repost on Instagram presents loyal Instagram users with a myriad of benefits that enhance their overall experience on the app. Anyone who’s been on Instagram for a while knows that reposting is not only an Instagram function but a powerful networking tool that helps users build relationships. It allows you to connect with other creators and admire their work – on your profile.

The beauty of Repost is that it adds more functionality to the Instagram app while also allowing you the chance to give credit and the proper due to the original poster. Let's cover why exactly reposting is beneficial in the first place.

The Benefits of Reposting

Reposting offers a chance to diversify your content and grow your Instagram Likes. You probably go through hours of creating and editing the text and photos that you post. Reposting lets you gain exposure for your brand while posting another's content. It also allows you to build in-roads with your own followers. Obviously, to succeed on Instagram businesses, you need to get active followers on Instagram. And to be honest, to achieve this goal, you not only need to use an Instagram followers app, but also must keep consistent which can be done properly by reposting content.

For example, a customer-base that sees their content being reposted may feel their voice is being heard by your brand. Having their work posted on a larger platform can feel rewarding.

Sharing user-generated content from top instagram accounts allows you to harness the power of social media. On Instagram, followers are typically more engaged with a brand. Therefore, encourage your followers to create content and to use your brand hashtags.

Building with your followers offers an opportunity to expand your brand and follower base on a more personal level. Think about what resonates with today’s audience. Keep an eye on your Instagram dashboard to see their activities on your posts, to understand their needs and expectations.

With social media users placing a higher premium on influencers, having a customer post their honest, positive review of your products helps builds your brand’s credibility as well as trust among followers.

With an app like Repost, you can tap into the benefits of the Instagram platform for your marketing efforts!

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