Category: Social Media

Why are Followers on TikTok so Important?

March 27, 2022
TikTok for those of you who have been living under a rock is a platform that lets you create short, simple, fun and interesting videos. This has led to a huge revolution in the entertainment industry. Especially, as most of these soundtracks and music videos go viral due to the TikTok challenge behind it. Because […]

6 Ways To Extend Your Social Media Reach

March 23, 2022
The advantages of social media presence cannot be overstated. From individuals to corporate organizations, more and more people are taking significant measures in having an established social media presence. To join the community of signing up for social media and all its benefits, it is important to understand the six ways to extend your social […]

5 Tips for Building Your Brand Image on Social Media

March 4, 2022
Brand identity refers to what you want your customers to think about your brand and how they perceive you. Brand identity answers a range of questions about your business including who you are, what you offer, what your qualities are and why customers should choose you. It is highly important and means making smart choices […]

How Tracking Shots Can Keep Your Viewers Watching

January 24, 2022
Keeping your viewer's attention on your video can be challenging with the amount of stimulus everyone is constantly receiving. Pairing that with a short attention span and view times can be low unless you have a video that will grab a person's attention. In this article, we will look at the benefits of adding tracking […]

Social Media Apps are Ruling Society and Playing a Huge Influence on Different Demographics

January 13, 2022
Social media is a powerful tool used to bring people together and spread information across borders. With the rapidly changing landscape of social media and society's dependence on it, we often forget that many different demographics see effects from its influence. As revealed by Gravitee on an interactive widget, the number of app downloads is […]

How to Increase Fan Engagement?

December 28, 2021
Assuming you are managing marketing for a sports team, it is your responsibility to create a robust online presence for everyone. Your strategy will engage fans to cheer for their favorite sports team online and in the stadium. Here are a few tools to increase fan engagement successfully. Push Out Engaging Content Good content is […]

Seven Tips to Uploading Top Quality Instagram Videos to Your Account

November 21, 2021
With the likes of Facebook and Twitter being social media channels that cause a great deal of consternation and seemingly driven (to a large degree) by division, being on Instagram can sometimes feel like a real breath of fresh air. Of all the big social media platforms, Instagram has managed to stay true to its […]

Facebook's New Name: Meta - What Changes and What Stays the Same

November 18, 2021
Facebook has a new name!  In this episode, we dive into Meta, Facebook's new name including what changes and what stays the same.   Ready to dive in?  Click a link below to watch or listen to this episode. Listen Now: Listen to the Podcast on Anchor FM Subscribe: Halftime Mike on iTunes | Android […]

5 Best ways to Manage Your Instagram Account

November 12, 2021
Several social media platforms have come and gone, yet Instagram has managed to survive and become a thriving platform for businesses globally. In these competitive times, the odds are that you’re here on this article because you’re struggling to gain more Instagram post likes. There’s no secret sauce to managing your Instagram account and it […]

Understanding the Importance of Social Media Marketing

October 9, 2021
Throughout the past few years, social media popularity has skyrocketed and has led to the advent of many businesses on social media. In recent years, businesses can barely survive in the market if they don’t have a strong presence on social media.  The importance of social media marketing cannot be understated. There are numerous benefits […]

7 Tips for Greater Instagram Engagement

September 16, 2021
Ever wondered how to foster better Instagram engagement? This guide is here to teach you how to do just that.  Optimize If you’re running a personal brand or a business, you should switch to an Instagram Business Account. This should give you more control over your Instagram account, along with countless Instagram analytics that you […]

Tips to Induce Your Social Media Followers to Action!

August 30, 2021
Almost half the world’s population is on social media. To further complicate matters, almost everybody seems to have multiple accounts. Add the various social media channels to the equation, and you can understand the challenge brands face when it comes to building their following and getting business from social media followers on these channels. The […]

Digital Marketing Mistakes That You Need to Avoid

August 22, 2021
Digital marketing has become a core part of business success as the world is relying heavily on technology and the internet nowadays. Starting a marketing campaign online is extremely different from traditional marketing. Each one has its own strategies and methods to execute the campaign. Generating some leads through your digital marketing doesn’t mean you […]

Simple Steps to Use online Small Text Generator

July 10, 2021
Small text is a very common thing nowadays, and people use it everywhere like a social media account or a website as it increases their online discoverability, makes their accounts SEO optimized, and more. Attracting your audience to your content is also a very important thing as it can help you to grow and spread […]

Search Engine Optimization & Social Media: How to Leverage Both for a Better Business 

May 29, 2021
Search engine optimization (SEO) and social media marketing go a long way in promoting the digital presence of a business, product, or service. They are incredible tools in online marketing that can help skyrocket the growth and expansion of modern businesses if used strategically. While both of them can individually have almost similar benefits to […]

The Role Social Media Plays in Gaming

May 22, 2021
Once upon a time, social media and online gaming were two separate phenomena. Each with its own distinct audiences, methods, and reach. Those who gamed online may have had a social media account, and those with a social media account may well have played games. However, there was little to no cross-over between the two. […]

8 Instagram tips for small businesses

May 21, 2021
Instagram is an enormous platform and getting noticed takes time, energy, and creativity. As a business that has just recently been set up, you should prioritize establishing a broad audience on key social media platforms. Currently, platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter do wonders for businesses and companies. The key is to be where you […]

5 Ways to Get More Views on TikTok Videos

April 19, 2021
Time is increasingly limited now. People prefer content they can consume in the shortest possible time. This is an essential and undeniable factor behind TikTok’s popularity. In fact, whenever people see this social media logo, they automatically know what it is, and what to expect. But to describe it simply, it's a video-sharing app that […]

5 Creative Ways to Increase Your Facebook Fanbase

April 18, 2021
With over 60% of internet users worldwide, Facebook is the number one social media network. It is used by digital businesses and topmost content creators. Moreover, it is the best social media platform to gain Facebook likes and increase fan base. However, growing a fan base on Facebook requires a lot of smart work. Five […]

7 Unique Tactics to Raise Money on Social Media

April 5, 2021
Fundraising to raise money for a cause has evolved over the years. Since its inception, there have been many changes, and the integration of technology has even made it more convenient and efficient. Get on the right track by utilizing new and exciting ways to spice up your fundraising efforts. The rise of online donations […]

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