
Social Media Apps are Ruling Society and Playing a Huge Influence on Different Demographics

Social Media Apps are Ruling Society and Playing a Huge Influence on Different Demographics

Social media is a powerful tool used to bring people together and spread information across borders. With the rapidly changing landscape of social media and society's dependence on it, we often forget that many different demographics see effects from its influence.

As revealed by Gravitee on an interactive widget, the number of app downloads is rapidly increasing.  Social networking sites have been around for a long time, but it was more recently that they rose to prominence in our society. Now they are an essential and significant part of how people communicate with each other online.

There are many different social networking sites, but the three most popular ones in the US are TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram.

The Rise of Social Media and Its Effects on Society

Today, the majority of people connect to others via social media. Furthermore, it is a tool for connecting with brands and businesses, which makes them more accessible than ever before.

According to a previous poll of 1,884 Americans between the ages of 13 and 21 conducted by Business Insider, 73% spoke with friends using social media, and 41% said they liked to learn about new subjects. Around 25% said that online platforms were used to express their beliefs or experiences.

The report goes on to say that "millennials are social media's biggest users." This is true even though they get criticism for using it too much because of their reliance and addiction to smartphones.

The Demographics of Social Media Users

In 2021, a Pew Research Center study revealeds that about 72 % of the United States population use social media. The report also found that younger generations are more likely to use it. This includes 84 % of those aged 18-29 compared to older demographics whose usage was around 45%.

This means that younger generations are more likely to be influenced by social media. Therefore, they need to learn how to protect themselves from its harmful effects. The report also split the demographics of users on their race. White Americans were the heaviest user at 77 % while 55% of African Americans and 53% of Hispanics use social media.

How Different Demographics Use Social Media

How different demographics use social media can also differ significantly. For example, African Americans are more likely to use it as a networking tool to find jobs and connect with friends. In contrast, white Americans are more likely to use it for news consumption and entertainment. This difference in use can be traced back to the different experiences different demographics have had with social media.

However, the Millennials and Generation Z use social media for all kinds of reasons. From connecting with friends and family to getting information, and entertainment.

The Effects of Social Media on Different Demographics

How social media affects different demographics can be quite different. The younger generation, Generation Z, is more likely to experience the adverse effects of social media. For example, depression and anxiety. This is because they are still developing their understanding of what it means to be online. Thus, social media trolls are likely to have a greater effect on their self-esteem.

Furthermore, Black Americans and Hispanics are more likely to use social media for political activism. It has been found to have a positive effect on their political engagement. This escalated to new levels in 2020 due to the murder of George Floyd, who was unarmed when he was killed by a police officer who kneeled on his neck for over 9 minutes while Floyd had his face lying down in the street while handcuffed.

The millennials can use social media to connect with others and find solutions for problems they might be facing.

Final Thoughts

As social media continues to evolve, we must pay close attention to how it affects different demographics. This allows us to better understand its impact on society. While there are adverse effects, such as cyber-bullying and anxiety, we should not ignore the many positive effects. Each demographic experiences social media differently, and it is essential to understand these differences to create a more inclusive society.

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