
7 Unique Tactics to Raise Money on Social Media

7 Unique Ways to Raise Money on Social Media

Fundraising to raise money for a cause has evolved over the years. Since its inception, there have been many changes, and the integration of technology has even made it more convenient and efficient. Get on the right track by utilizing new and exciting ways to spice up your fundraising efforts. The rise of online donations and communication media has opened more opportunities for nonprofits these days.

Take advantage of digital channels to perform your fundraising events. This is the best and easiest way for donors to help and contribute. Not to mention, you may be able to expand the event's exposure through a more significant segment of your donor base. Social media usually utilizes an automated geographic concentration for postings.

Below are some social media fundraising tips that will maximize your efforts to raise money online:

  • Use Trending Hashtags

Hashtags are commonly used for people to search a trend or a variety of posts. As a social media fundraiser, you must comply with trending hashtags so your post will be included in those hashtag searches. Popular hashtags included in your social media post will spread your fundraising activity to many viewers, especially those who rely on searching hashtags.

You can also incorporate your fundraising hashtag with other existing popular ones like #ThrowbackThursday, #FlashbackFriday, and many others. This will expose your posts on a global scale, helping to increase IG likes. Also, you can reach a maximum of 30 hashtags when you post on Instagram.

One important thing about posting your content on your social media networks is the timing. Research on audience engagement metrics, and you'll find the most optimal time to post your content with the right hashtags to expect more views.

  • Create Your Fundraising Hashtag

Some people make use of their uniquely-created hashtags that eventually become viral. This makes it easier to be shared and spread by your friends and friends of friends.

When creating a hashtag, keep it short and concise. Do some research related to your cause and make sure that nobody has ever used the same hashtag, which could lead to confusion and conflicts.

Don't forget to always include your hashtag with every post related to your fundraising activity. You can share this through word of mouth or personally approach friends to share it on their pages and accounts.

  • Stick to a Theme for Your Profile

One way to spice things up for your social media fundraising is to invent a social media theme or concept. It could be in color forms or a uniformed piece of design, as long as you remain consistent with it all through your posts. This strategy works best on your Instagram account, as it makes your page look beautifully organized and attractive. Make use of your creative juices and simply post a picture without tweaking it to be more visually enticing. Follow some tips to make your best social media post ever.

Remember always to keep your link for your fundraiser ready and connected in your bio.

  • Come Up with a Compelling Content

Your nonprofit project should make use of how social media is always buzzing with users. Take advantage of these channels as you continue and implement your campaign to raise money.

Come up with a social media strategy first and foremost. Create compelling content specifically intended and matched with every social media platform. It would be best if you were careful not to post generic content as this will be deemed as ingenuine or insincere. Deliver your message clearly by providing reasons why you're requesting and encouraging people to donate and why they should.

All these steps will result in a more meaningful engagement with your loyal fans and followers. It will also generate more visits to your website and increase donations. People will share your content more, as your sincere message touches the hearts of many. One huge advantage when using social media channels is that you can pay reasonable amounts of money for placed advertisements. This is effective in reaching out to your brand-new or targeted audience.

Raise Money

  • Create A Special Challenge

If you want to stop conventional methods for fundraising, you should give this tip a try. Get your followers more engaged by creating a unique challenge for them. If you have noticed recently, this gimmick has been ongoing, and many businesses and organizations are going along with it.

You can do the same thing. Find a task that is fun, challenging, and surprising. You can require them to post a picture or video of them doing the challenge while donating a gift for your cause. And they can post it on their social media accounts, using your official fundraising hashtag.

This strategy creates more chances for widespread about your cause since the videos and photos will help other people become aware of your fundraiser. This can result in being a trend, and others will join the bandwagon, which eventually increases donations and gifts.

  • Partner with an Organization with the Same Vision

Another effective tactic to raise money is finding an organization or business that shares the same vision as you. You may observe which ones are approachable, and you can reach out to them to ask if they would like to collaborate. By this, it would mean they might agree to "lend" their social media account to you for some time, or even just a few hours. This would already mean so much.

The purpose of this request is to post your nonprofit content on their social media channels, allowing their followers to be aware of your fundraiser. You can provide content matched with their social media themes as you insert about your cause and include prompts to donate.

Although this tip could be extra-challenging, it sure comes with solid results once you find an organization that can help you market your fundraiser more.

  • Collect Photo Submissions

One win-win social media strategy to raise money is to gather others' photo submissions and feature them on your own page. This will give you legit and organic followers and is a great way to grow your online channels, too, as they share your page as a way of gratitude.

This will give you more followers who hold a chance to check out your fundraiser and eventually give out some donations. Another additional tip to make the most out of this wise strategy is to encourage the photo submitters to include a caption on their photo about the importance of giving.


There you have it; these are ultimately practical ideas to raise money for your cause using social media channels. Take advantage of each social media platform's features and functions, like placing advertisements, using the "Live" feature, and creating story contents every day. All these will expose your nonprofit more and more.

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