Category: Social Media

7 Benefits of Having an Online Community for your Business Growth

March 1, 2023
Running a business is a difficult task, and it requires a lot of time and effort to keep everything in order. In today’s world, having an online presence is crucial for any business. Having an online community is just as important. An online community is a group of people who interact with each other, share […]

5 Proven Ways To Expand Your Business's Social Media Presence

March 1, 2023
Social media is known as one of the best ways to connect with people across the globe. But these days, it has become a platform for businesses to promote and reach a wider audience. This is why having a social media presence is essential, whether you’re running an offline or an online store. With millions […]

How to Grow a Discord Server: 4 Tips to Know

February 27, 2023
Whether you just want to increase the size of your community or you have products to promote on the platform, there are multiple reasons you may want to learn how to grow a Discord server. Learning how to grow a Discord server isn’t as difficult as it may sound. You only need a few tips […]

Reasons You're Not Getting Followers on Twitter

January 3, 2023
Twitter is among the most challenging platforms to garner a huge following. Given that the app thrives on your relationship with your followers, you need followers to use the app effectively. Businesses need help to get more followers, and due to the challenges involved, a lot of people end up giving up on the accounts. […]

How Social Listening Helped Us to Grow a Brand? TradeCrypto Case Study

December 15, 2022
Businesses should be more conscious than ever that simply monitoring social media to boost brand recognition is no longer as effective. The process of social listening is very beneficial, and it assisted us in growing our brand. In this article, you’ll find many interesting things about social listening strategy and learn how helpful it was […]

5 Proven Instagram Hacks to Boost Your Engagement Rate

December 4, 2022
Are you marketing your business on Instagram? Maybe you want to reach influencer status in your community.  What are you doing to boost your engagement rate? If you're scratching your head wondering what an "engagement rate" is, the answer to the question is that you are probably not doing enough, right?  If so, it's time […]

4 Reasons Why Your Website Is Not Getting Enough Traffic

December 2, 2022
If your website is not getting enough traffic, there are a few reasons. You may have recently launched your site and need to give it time to build up an audience. Or you're not doing all the necessary things for people to find you online. You've built a great website, but people are waiting to […]

What Are Social Media APIs And What Do They Do?

November 30, 2022
Social media APIs are a way for developers to access the functionality of social media platforms in order to create tools and applications. They allow you to access data, post content, and otherwise interact with the platform. APIs can vary significantly from platform to platform. Therefore, it's important to become familiar with the specific API […]

Reasons Why You Need an LMS with Social Media Integration

October 25, 2022
Having the ability to instantly communicate with family, friends, and even strangers from all over the world for various reasons has made social media an integral part of our daily lives. We can learn through online resources like blogs, movies, and podcasts. Plus, interact with real-world folks through activities like games, conversations, and shared experiences. […]

New Social Apps Worth Exploring In 2022

October 24, 2022
If you’re a content creator, brand, or business looking to set up an online presence, then you know that several social media platforms and apps can be explored to take your brand and content to the next level. While many believe we’re referring to leading platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, these aren’t your […]

Want to Start Your Own YouTube Channel? Here's How

October 6, 2022
Millions of people around the world have made their fortunes by starting their own YouTube channels. But, it's not just the big names that make money on YouTube. There are plenty of smaller channels that are making a good living from this popular platform. If you're thinking about starting your own channel, then we've got […]

9 Things to Make Your Resume Stand Out

August 27, 2022
Resume writing can be confusing. In today’s competitive job market, you have to draw the attention of the hiring manager in mere seconds. And, unless you work with resumes on a daily basis, you might find yourself wondering what format to choose, how many pages to write, whether to include that short-term job you had […]

Which Social Media Provides Data Access API?

August 20, 2022
There are a number of social media platforms that offer data access APIs. These APIs can be used to gather information about users, their social connections, and their activity on the platform. The best social media APIs allow developers to access a wealth of user data, including profile information, photos, status updates, and more. They […]

Business Website Design vs. Social Media: What to Choose for a More Successful Endeavor?

July 22, 2022
A massive number of entrepreneurs are launching new company accounts on social media. Consequently, such platforms as Instagram, Facebook, Tik Tok, and Twitter have become indispensable for business marketing and growth. Social media is a fantastic form of advertising. It assists you in reaching new audiences, creating a movement around your business, building connections, and […]

How to Build Brand Trust With Social Media: 6 Proven Strategies

July 6, 2022
Social media is a fantastic way to connect with customers and prospective customers. It lets you build trust in your brand, encouraging first-time customers to take the plunge and bringing back loyal customers time and time again. But what if your social media metrics aren’t quite as good as you’d like? With so much happening […]

OTT Monetization: How to Earn Money with OTT Platforms

June 18, 2022
OTT platforms are said to be money-making. This happens due to their wide monetization functionality. In this article, we talk about the monetization capabilities of OTT platforms in detail. Four OTT Revenue Models #1 Monetization with advertisements  Ad-based video streaming platforms bring revenue with advertisements. Viewers can access videos without a fee, but they watch […]

5 Cyber Security Threats That Are Lurking on Social Media

April 27, 2022
The ease of using social media has opened the doors for hackers to attack their users. Billions use social media every day, and they are spread out across multiple platforms. As cyber security threats get more dangerous, users have to become smarter about how they interact with new technologies. 1. Misinformation Misinformation is one of […]

How to Use Social Media for Job Search?

April 26, 2022
A statistic says 93% of employers look upon the social media profiles of prospective employees. Modern-day job search and social media in so many crucial ways. The companies often shortlist candidates based on their online profiles. Job seekers must learn how to influence potential employers through social media. There are five essential steps involved in […]

How to React with Negative Comments on Your YouTube Videos?

April 20, 2022
When you receive an unfavorable YouTube review of your video, you're concerned that this could cause problems. Now, what do you do? Many brands worry about bad reviews because of the public nature of comments. Many take the extra mile to keep them from receiving them. Others play blame games with customers and do not […]

7 Social Media Metrics you should track

April 19, 2022
In this article, we will explore the importance of social media metrics. We will discuss how to measure social media metrics and how to use them for your business. Social media is a powerful tool for businesses and organizations. It gives them the opportunity to reach out to their customers, market their products, share information […]

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