Category: Podcast

Building a Brand, Creating a Raving Community

April 9, 2015
Ready to build your personal brand? Need a roadmap for creating a raving community and taking your business to the next level? My guests today help businesses do this for a living! Andy Zitzmann and AJ Amyx are Co-Founders of the GAMETIME Movement where they help leaders and high achievers launch and monetize their message both […]

Facebook Changes Announced at Recent F8 - What You Need to Know

April 2, 2015
Facebook continues to evolve. Facebook change is a constant!  Are you keeping up?  Let me help! Facebook Changes Announced at F8: Listen Now: [powerpress] Subscribe:  Halftime Mike on iTunes  | Android users via RSS  | Listen on Stitcher. Facebook F8 Info and Tools: Facebook recently held their (mostly) annual F8 conference for developers.  This is where they talk about new […]

3 Key Social Marketing Takeaways

March 27, 2015
So if you could discover the most leading-edge social media tactics from some of the best in the business to improve your marketing online, you'd be in a pretty great spot, right? I had that opportunity at Social Media Marketing World 2015. With loads of sessions and respected leaders sharing, it was a smorgasbord of […]

How to Write Blog Post Headlines that Work

March 21, 2015
So you've got a content plan and your writing helpful blog posts regularly, GREAT! What would you say if I told you that perhaps 50% of your effort should go into your blog post title? Headlines matter BIG TIME. They really do! In this episode of Halftime Mike I dive into reviewing an Infographic from […]

Google Search Results Favor Mobile Friendly Sites

March 12, 2015
Mobile matters.  This is not simply an opinion, it's a reality! Google search results favor mobile friendly sites. If your website is not mobile-friendly expect your search ranking to do down because Google is making a BIG change. Details in this podcast episode of Halftime Mike!    Google Search to Favor Mobile Friendly Sites Listen Now: Subscribe:  Halftime […]

Facebook Ads vs Google Ads: What Works Best?

March 5, 2015
Facebook  Ads and Google Ads continue to evolve. It's not so much "if"you use them anymore, but "how", "when", and "which". Ads help drive traffic and grow leads when used properly.  With the rapid rise of Facebook Ads the question often is, "What works best, Facebook Ads or Google Ads?"  Facebook Ads vs Google Ads: […]

Mobile Apps: Do You Need a App or Mobile Website?

February 26, 2015
The mobile web continues to evolve and businesses must adapt! It's a fact that more and more people use smartphones and that website traffic is shifting from desktop to mobile dominated. Many times businesses see others with an App and wonder if they should have an app for their business. Do you need a App […]

6 Email Marketing Best Practice Tips

February 19, 2015
Once you start capturing leads on your website and growing your email list, it's important that you have a great format in your email nurture campaigns on top of quality content. The best content in a email marketing series can get overlooked if the format (subject, content, links) is not helpful. What I see far too often […]

Be Uncommon: A Story of Rising Above

February 12, 2015
There's a lot of noise online, a lot of noise in life. I always talk about the need to be distinct, and unique, to cut through the noise and be seen. Here's a powerful story with tremendous life and business lessons about a young man who is distinct and is making great choices in the […]

Facebook Call-to-Actions: What works Best?

February 5, 2015
Facebook just rolled out a new Call-to-Action (CTA) for Pages. Is it the best option? What other options are there? All this and more in this episode of Halftime Mike! Listen Now: Subscribe:  Halftime Mike on iTunes  | Android users via RSS  | Listen on Stitcher. How Facebook Call-to-Actions Work: A Call-to-Action is a lead generation method that marketers use […]

Sworkit: Work Better, Live Better, Be Fit

January 31, 2015
Updated May 2018 It's early in 2015. Did you set some fitness goals for the year? One of the biggest roadblocks to fitness for the business person is time. Running a business takes a lot of time and if you're not careful it can creep in on other things in life, like health, fitness, and […]

Integrated Facebook Marketing

January 22, 2015
Facebook made more shifts at the beginning of January 2015 that can impact Facebook Pages. What should your business do going forward with your Facebook Marketing? I address this with my solution in this podcast episode: Integrated Facebook Marketing! Listen Now: [powerpress] Subscribe:  Halftime Mike on iTunes  | Android users via RSS  | Listen on Stitcher. What Changed on […]

Online and Social Media Marketing for Small Business

January 15, 2015
How can you "up your game" online? What's a way to take your social media "to the next level"? In this episode I fly solo and dive into just that! Online and Social Media Marketing for Small Business The caveat here is that this is a unedited email I sent to an acquaintance. She's had […]

Small Business Branding with Social Media

January 8, 2015
Can social media help you grow your small business? Do you need a "brand"?  What is a "personal brand" and can it help your business grow? This week I am joined by a special guest who answers "YES!" to each of those questions above! My guest, Jill Boudreau, is having some amazing business success!  She's […]

2015 Online Marketing Trends you need to Know About

December 18, 2014
As 2014 winds down and we begin to look ahead it's important in the fast changing world of the web to stay nimble and be ready to adjust. Join me in this episode of the Halftime Mike podcast as I dive into the details you need to know for success online in 2015! It's all […]

Facebook Reach: Free Traffic is Still Possible says Kim Garst

December 11, 2014
Is free traffic on Facebook still Possible? Reach is down, are Ads the only way? Join me as I interview Kim Garst and she shows the way she is getting great engagement and free traffic! Kim is the Co-Founder and CEO of Boom! Social, a social media consulting and training company that helps small businesses […]

Visuals in Social and Online Media: What You Must Do

December 4, 2014
  You know you need to use visuals in your social and online media right? Visuals in social and online media are critical! They draw skimmers in, they capture attention, and they communicate. Episode Topic: In this episode of the Halftime Mike podcast, Peg Fitzpatrick stops in to bring some spark and direction to the […]

SEO 101 for your Web Page

November 20, 2014
"Why doesn't my website come up in Google when you type the term <fill in blank with your product>??" If I had a dollar for every time I've been asked that, I'd be a wealthy man!  Every business wants to come up first, or at least on the first page when a search for their […]

Small Business Productivity Guide: Push it With Excellence

November 13, 2014
I like to get things done, how about you? Is your productivity up-to-snuff?  Do you ever have projects that take way longer than they should? Join me in this episode of the Halftime Mike podcast as I dive into the details you need to know to market successfully on Facebook today! It's all about keeping […]

Facebook Changes you Need to Know

November 6, 2014
Liking Gating on Facebook is over! Videos natively loaded to Facebook are getting more reach. Custom Audiences are a secret sauce for reaching customers. Are you up on all this latest Facebook goodness? Join me in this episode of the Halftime Mike podcast as I dive into the details you need to know to market […]

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