
6 Email Marketing Best Practice Tips

Once you start capturing leads on your website and growing your email list, it's important that you have a great format in your email nurture campaigns on top of quality content.

The best content in a email marketing series can get overlooked if the format (subject, content, links) is not helpful.

What I see far too often is that people make some common, correctable mistakes in their email campaigns that really reduce their effectiveness.

There's an art to your email nurture campaign!


In this episode of Halftime Mike I address a question posed to me by a small business marketer on why his open rate and link clicks were low in his email campaign.  I dive into 6 Email marketing best practice tips that can help you succeed.  It's a simple blueprint for your email game-plan!

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6 Email Marketing Best Practice Tips

[Tweet "There's an art to your email nurture campaign! via @Mike_Gingerich 6 Tips"]

Start with a subject line that captures attention.

It should cover the one main point you want to get across and not all items in the email. DO NOT call it a "Newsletter"!

Simple is better than overload.

I typically think that you should only focus on 2 to 4 items at most in one email and you need to test this with your audience because to maybe your sweet spot.

It's a common mistake to put way too much information in the email itself and therefore negate the impact and value of it. The tendency  is always to go for more, and more content in an email simply can reduce the overall clicks, thus reducing the impact of every single piece.

So less really is more in this case!  It's a case of "the glaze."  Too much content and skimmers glaze over and bail out.  They don't click!

Use bold headers per section.

Plain and simple, people skim.

Give them the ability to learn as they skim.  Your email should have headers that are sharp in message, and which are distinguishable from the body copy.  Quick Lines can help you in creating strong and effective email headers.

Be Brief.  Be To-The-Point.

For each header main point, have a brief 1-2 sentence summary with a clear link call to-action that takes them to the website article (typically on your website!).

Again, brevity is important.  The header lets them know "what", the body gives them the "why" that they should click.  Keep it to two sentences max.

Redundancy can be good.

By this I mean that you may want to repeat the links within the description.  Best practice is to offer at least two ways that they can access the same URL.

Have one at the end of your description, then test having summary of all important links at the end or at the beginning of the email.  Some people just want the links!  Give them the links and make sure they have access! You may want to test both quick access options and view results on clicks.  Bottom line, having 2 links and ways to get to the same key points in your email is good.

Frequency Matters.

The monthly email newsletter is dead.

[Tweet "Agreed! "The monthly email newsletter is dead." via @Mike_Gingerich"]

If you still think monthly is enough, you are out of touch.  What were you doing at this time 30 days ago?  Can't remember?  That's the point.

They won't remember you if you send 1x every 30 days.  We are bombarded with email and so to compete you have to have a frequency that is relevant to your audience.  That can be different for different businesses but is likely in the

Mobile is Critical

Mobile has taken over as the major source of viewing email for the majority of the world.  Is your email working well on mobile devices?  It needs to!

Pinning and scrolling mean higher opt-out rates and less links clicked.  Make sure you view the email test on mobile before sending!


Email Marketing Resource Links:

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Next Doable Task:

It’s always about taking away learning's and applying them!  What’s your key takeaway that you need to do in the next 24 hours based on listening to this?
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Why the Halftime theme Mike?

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I’m a Indiana Hoosier native where basketball is the top sport. Every team heads to the locker room at halftime to evaluate the first half and create a updated plan for the second half. That plan includes adjustments based on reviewing what worked and what didn't. The “halftime” is a key review point where the game stops, the team pulls away to huddle in the locker room away from the fans, and they come out prepared and ready to succeed in the second half.

That’s what this podcast is all about, taking the time to pull away for bit to evaluate, learn, and set some strategies for your business to succeed in the second half. Join me by subscribing and let me be your “business halftime” to help you find great success going forward!

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