
Building a Brand, Creating a Raving Community

Ready to build your personal brand?

Need a roadmap for creating a raving community and taking your business to the next level?

My guests today help businesses do this for a living!


Andy Zitzmann and AJ Amyx are Co-Founders of the GAMETIME Movement where they help leaders and high achievers launch and monetize their message both offline and online.

AZFBProfile052314Andy Zitzmann had an amazing corporate career, as he describes it, "kicking butt and making tons of money for 12 years." After becoming a workaholic, Andy hit rock bottom and realized all he could do was turn his life around. He realized he was meant for so much more and started The GAMETIME Movement to help others achieve their goals.

Aj Amyx (1)Andy came from rural Texas, toured in a rock band and has found his niche as a Twitter Strategist and Business Coach.  His passion is to see people come alive and live to their full potential!

Andy and AJ are hosts of the Movement Marketing Summit where 50 A-list entrepreneurs share their best tips and tools to build a brand and launch a movement online. They are also hosts of a popular web show, GAMETIME TV. They provide motivation, mindset tips, marketing, and business tips. Andy and AJ interview game-changers, thought leaders, successful entrepreneurs, pro athletes, entertainers and other high achievers who are making a positive difference in the world by living true to their calling.

Their big mission is to motivate and inspire you to "Get Off the Sidelines", live to the fullest & find your maximum potential. They believe there is a GAMETIME Champion inside all of us!

Building a Brand with Andy & AJ:

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badge itunes lrg Growing Business Online: Identifying your Ideal Customer

Building Brand, Creating a Raving Community:

Well, I have the horror of horrors occur in this podcast.  As I was ending the recording, I noticed a message saying that the recording had been interrupted.  Long story short, the recording failed!

I was so upset!  This was a great interview with two passionate guys, and I was so excited to share their message.

Needless to say, I didn't want it to go to waste, so I created my own podcast sharing my notes from the interview.  In it, I try to convey their energy and motivate you to check them out.  These guys are great, and you need to hear what they have to say! So here's my take:

Branding Building 101:

AJ says you need to take it down to the basics.  Do not jump to methods first.

Don't get too fluffy but, rather, strip it down to the core....

What problem do you solve?  Answer that.

Then identify who needs this.  Who is the audience?

AJ had great counsel encouraging businesses to "niche your niche".  First, be topic specific.  Things really took off for him when he accepted being a Twitter Strategist as opposed to being a more general "Social Media Strategist."  He still coaches on more than Twitter, but that's what opens the doors for him.  Be specific!

Andy outlined the need for entrepreneurs to have a daily routine.  They need to manage themselves well each day to have the focus to build their business and brand.  He shared his daily routine...

7 Step Daily Routine:

  1. Breathing
  2. Gratitude
  3. Prayer/Meditation
  4. Setting Intentions
  5. Visualize Completing 1 task
  6. Get Inspiration (song, video, quotes)
  7. Speak Affirmations/Mantras - "I am healthy, strong, and persistent."  Speak life!

Next we moved to growing your business and community.

AJ shared three strategies:

  1. Go from Online to Offline - The need to reach out to your network offline for getting new business.
  2. Online you need a Platform and Promotion - A website that kicks butt and a method to grow leads!
  3. Content - You need GREAT content!  It's not the volume of content, but ridiculously great content that people talk about.  Content that gives people results.

Andy noted that to build a community that is connected to you, you need to:

  • Be yourself.  Don't be someone else or something else!  Be authentic.
  • Engage your community.  Authentically reach back on social and share.  Not just a thank you tweet!
  • Take the social offline.  Take the time to connect with others and invite them to conversations that go deeper.
  • Focus on your strengths.  Don't try to do all and be all.  Identify your strengths and play within them!

That's a synopsis of our awesome conversation that I lost!  I hope I convey some of the expertise and energy these guys brought.  I highly recommend you check them out.  We spent the last part of the interview talking about their April 7 launch of the Movement Marketing Summit.  Read more below...

 Social Links and Event Links:



MMSFBPromoAndyZitzmannThe Movement Marketing Summit ( is designed to help leaders and high-achievers, who are authors, speakers, coaches, consultants, build a brand and start a movement. In the world of online marketing and business building, people are bombarded with information on what to do and how to market. Their biggest challenge is having the PLAYBOOK to follow from start to finish.

The goal of this summit is to give leaders and high-achievers a step-by-step system to build their brand, grow a targeted audience and learn how to market effectively to get their message out and get paid well.  We have 50 35-45 minute pre-recorded video interviews that will train them on the 5 steps to dominating the game of becoming an expert and thought leader:

  • Power
  • Program/Products
  • Pitch (Sales)
  • Platform
  • Promotion.

We will cover topics ranging from identifying your passion and purpose to selecting their target market, selecting your business/company name to sales, the frameworks to create products and programs to building your online platform and multiple promotional and traffic techniques.


  • Identifying Your Passion and PurposeMMSFBPromoAjAmyx
  • The Keys to Getting Crystal Clear on What You Want
  • How to Create Unstoppable Momentum and Certainty
  • Crushing Limiting Beliefs and Mastering Your Mindset
  • Identifying Your Target Market
  • Frameworks to Creating Products and Programs
  • The #1 Way to Get Clients Fast
  • The Game Plan to Creating a Home Page Money Machine
  • Automating Your Followup
  • Proven Social Media and Traffic Strategies to Get Your Message Out
  • Building a Raving Fan Base of 100,000+
  • The Playbook to Becoming a Best Selling Author
  • The Slam Dunk Approach to Dominate as a Speaker
  • The Key to Shortcut Your Way to Success
  • Daily Execution Strategies and Keys to Staying Focused

What's your next step to "up" your game?

Share your thoughts below!

Next Doable Task:

It’s always about taking away learnings and applying them!  What’s the key takeaway that you need to act on in the next 24 hours based on listening to this?
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Why the Halftime theme Mike?

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I’m an Indiana Hoosier native where basketball is the top sport. Every team heads to the locker room at halftime to evaluate the first half and create a updated plan for the second half. That plan includes adjustments based on reviewing what worked and what didn't. The “halftime” is a key review point where the game stops, the team pulls away to huddle in the locker room away from the fans, and they come out prepared and ready to succeed in the second half.

That’s what this podcast is all about, taking the time to pull away for a bit to evaluate, learn, and set some strategies for your business to succeed in the second half. Join me by subscribing and let me be your “business halftime” to help you find great success going forward!

Subscribe via iTunes: Halftime Mike on iTunes | Android users via RSS | Listen on Stitcher.

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