
Online and Social Media Marketing for Small Business

How can you "up your game" online?

What's a way to take your social media "to the next level"?


In this episode I fly solo and dive into just that!

Online and Social Media Marketing for Small Business

The caveat here is that this is a unedited email I sent to an acquaintance.

She's had a small business but has quit her other work and is diving in full-time in 2015!  She's a photographer and she already had a website and Facebook page.  She knew it was not doing what it needed to do (from a marketing perspective) and so she reached out to me (on Facebook of course) asking for some ideas.

As I was forming my response to email her, I realized this advice was good!  It was gold!  It was worthy of being a podcast and blog post!!

So what you see is what you get!  This is my email to my friend!

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badge itunes lrg Growing Business Online: Identifying your Ideal Customer

Let's dig in!

  1. You need content.

That is stories.  Stories of you photographing people, and the stories of the people, and the stories of the photo sessions.

Content makes the online world go 'round!  You need regular content each week on your blog.  It's like writing a email to a friend.  Everything builds from having regular, fresh, helpful content on your site.

  1. Think "bite size blogging"

Create blog posts of the stories above, maybe 400-500 words (3-5 paragraphs), add a few images, then share that on social media (Facebook for sure).  Add personal commentary on Facebook when you post and share photos

  • share some blooper photos, people love them!
  • share about the smile and what it took to get it from the child
  • share about the couple loving each other
  • Share insights about the family in the family photo shoot. Their style, their comfort/discomfort posing
  • location, location, location. Share about the location.
  1. It's about you

As a photographer, your style and personality are HUGE in gaining new business.  People want to be photographed by someone they can feel really comfortable with.  The pics have to rock too, but the person seals the deal!

You showcase who you are in your content and in social.

Who you are is your brand as well.  You need a consistent brand. Your logo should be on all proofs as the watermark!  Extend your brand in your email, etc.

[Tweet ""You need a consistent brand." via @Mike_Gingerich #halftimemike #podcast"]

  1. It's about others (talking about you)

Don't toot your horn, allow others too!  When you share the great family pics on Facebook and tag the family members, they are going to share them on their Facebook profile and add their commentary.  That's the best exposure you can ever get, their friends and family!

Your job is to ensure you connect with your clients on social when meeting with them so that you can  @mention them, tag them, and share with them on social media!  This just helps you as they then amplify your work with their endorsement to their connections!

  1. Besides Facebook

You need your Facebook Page. It's important.  People spend loads of time on Facebook.  They like to see pictures on Facebook.  They like to comment on cute pictures on Facebook.  So that serves you well but also….you need to be in other places

What other places are easy for you?  Do you use Pinterest or Instagram?

If you already use one of those, then also be sure to focus on one of those for your business.  If it's Twitter, that can be a focus network as well.  A business Instagram account and/or Pinterest account where you share your photos can be important as another place to reach, engage with, and find people interested in you.

  1. Do Not Lead with the Pitch

You are a person capturing key moments for individuals, couples, and families.  Communicate about how you help capture that and share resources within your community.  Be a helper and a resource, a storyteller, and the clients will call you.

  1. Jill Boudreau as a model

She is a model of what to do and to learn from.  She's a real estate agent that has branding and social help and resourcing down.  She communicates well and often, not offering hype but help.

Her Facebook Page:

Note how her posts are "Helpful" and "resourcing" and even "fun" (Lehigh U football game pic). She is doing more than posting featured listings. that's the key to getting people to follow you. Note that she has her OWN facebook page outside of the company.

Her website:

Look at two blog posts she has listed now: - "Winterize your home" - "Selling during Halloween Season"

These are "help" and "resource" blog posts which gets people connected to her. So when they are ready to buy or sell, then they think of Jill. That's my point, you have to offer value and build a following, then when referrals start coming in.

Look her up on Instagram, she is doing great things there at @JillABoudreau. A lot of it is inspiring images.

Jill's Instagram account displays her branding and the authentic Jill!

Jill's Instagram account displays her branding and the authentic Jill!

This is on her facebook page and is an example of a great sharing of other content in her community. Be the community resource!

Finally, here is a personal branding guide I can recommend to you from friends of mine:

So, that should give you some things to think about!

- Mike

P.S. - Here's one more "bonus" link I sent her afterwards in a Facebook message:

Links Noted in the Podcast:

 First time with Mike?

I do a lot of writing, including having articles published with leading blogs including Social Media and with Mari Smith.

As the co-founder and manager of TabSite, I understand the small business and start-up mindset. With over 7 years of consulting experience for small and medium sized businesses, I understand and can speak to those wanting to increase in-store traffic, elevate their online footprint, and those battling the challenges of juggling multiple priorities.

I speak the language of business. I understand the challenges – what it is like to meet budgets, to go out and get customers, and to keep them.  I spend my days as President of Digital Hill web agency helping our team develop plans for solving client online challenges from responsive sites to digital marketing plans.

Those who hear me and follow my blog value my skill for simplifying technology and social business ideas to make them practical and useful.

You can view my complete bio at the About tab of this site.

Next Doable Task:

It’s always about taking away learning's and applying them!  What’s your key takeaway that you need to do in the next 24 hours based on listening to this?
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Why the Halftime theme Mike?

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I’m a Indiana Hoosier native where basketball is the top sport. Every team heads to the locker room at halftime to evaluate the first half and create a updated plan for the second half. That plan includes adjustments based on reviewing what worked and what didn't.

The “halftime” is a key review point where the game stops, the team pulls away to huddle in the locker room away from the fans, and they come out prepared and ready to succeed in the second half.
That’s what this podcast is all about, taking the time to pull away for bit to evaluate, learn, and set some strategies for your business to succeed in the second half. Join me by subscribing and let me be your “business halftime” to help you find great success going forward!
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