
Mobile Apps: Do You Need a App or Mobile Website?

The mobile web continues to evolve and businesses must adapt!

It's a fact that more and more people use smartphones and that website traffic is shifting from desktop to mobile dominated.

Many times businesses see others with an App and wonder if they should have an app for their business.


Do you need a App or Mobile Website?

In this episode of Halftime Mike I dive into this practical question and give you guidance so your business can make a decision to meet your needs. This episode flows out of a joint presentation I gave with Nathan DeSelm of Villing at a regional American Marketing Association Meeting.  Our presentation was entitled, "Battle of the Planet Apps" and I've included some images below from the presentation.  (I think you'll quickly see where we got our play on words from!)

So, if you're looking for the answer as to whether you need to jump in and have a app developed, or whether a mobile site will meet your needs, my aim here is to give you the information you need to decide!

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How to Decide on a Mobile Website or App:

Mobile is the way of the future.  With stats from January 2014 showing that already 58% of Americans were using a Smartphone, the age of the mobile device is NOW!

So do you go mobile site or app?  As a starting point, you need a responsive website (A website that responds to the device the user is viewing your site on) simply because of the sheer volume of mobile web users and the trend for  all web traffic to increase on mobile devices.

This is critical in order to present a quality first impression to anyone coming to your site.  The keys then are whether there is the need to go deeper and actually have an app as well.

So, it my opinion it's not really a "one or the other?" question.  You need a mobile site.  The second question is then whether you also need a app!

Answer these Questions:

  • Is our goal to reach new users or existing clients? (apps are better for going deeper with existing clients)
  • Do we need special features that only a app can provide?  (Push notifications, access contacts in phone, connect with other apps, etc.)
  • Will users need to regularly use this or is it more for lead capture?  (Apps are an investment and make sense when their is regular, repeated use)


Apps and Mobile Sites each have value:

  • More interactivity and Native Functions favor Apps
  • Cost efficiencies and faster-to-go-live favor mobile sites
  • Offline access is a advantage of an App
  • Easy upgrading and ease of use favor mobile apps


The bottom line is a mobile website is needed regardless!  

It helps you have a quality web presence and is great for new visitors to learn about you.  An app, on the other hand, is great where you need to drill deeper and provide existing clients and customers with more, frequently accessed, personalized information and tools.

[Tweet "The bottom line in app versus mobile is that a mobile website is needed regardless! via @mike_gingerich"]


App and Mobile Resource Links:

Thoughts on apps versus mobile websites?  Need one or the other? Contact my team!

Share them below!

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Why the Halftime theme Mike?

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I’m a Indiana Hoosier native where basketball is the top sport. Every team heads to the locker room at halftime to evaluate the first half and create a updated plan for the second half. That plan includes adjustments based on reviewing what worked and what didn't. The “halftime” is a key review point where the game stops, the team pulls away to huddle in the locker room away from the fans, and they come out prepared and ready to succeed in the second half.

That’s what this podcast is all about, taking the time to pull away for bit to evaluate, learn, and set some strategies for your business to succeed in the second half. Join me by subscribing and let me be your “business halftime” to help you find great success going forward!

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