Category: Business

A Review of Email Service Provider

May 30, 2017
It doesn't matter how well-crafted that email is if it is sent before a lead is ready to convert or if that lead moved on. Through automation, drip marketing of emails allows your message to be delivered "on-time" over a set period. From weekly specials to the monthly newsletter, drip marketing connects your lead with […]

WordFence Security Plugin for WordPress

May 23, 2017
WordPress once touted as a blogging tool, is now used for all kinds of websites. From big brand names like CNN and Huffington Post, to photographers, people that need an e-store, and more. In fact, Wordpress has become so big that somewhere around 74M websites online use it! About 27% of all the world's websites […]

How to Create Great Video Content

May 20, 2017
How to Create Great Video Content The way that people want to consume content is changing at a rapid pace. People no longer want to spend ten minutes reading through a page of text to learn how to do something or to find out about a product. Instead, consumers want a quick overview that gives […]

Using Offline Marketing Methods to Improve Your Online Presence

May 19, 2017
Using Offline Marketing Methods to Improve Your Online Presence With so much emphasis being put on digital marketing today, it can be easy to forget all about the tried and tested offline marketing methods of the past. However, whilst flyers, banners, business cards and posters may be less effective on their own in a world […]

Beware the Gmail Phishing Scams

May 16, 2017
If you have a Gmail address, your inbox is vulnerable to a range of Gmail scams aimed at getting you to click. A number of these scams look very legit; however, they're everything but. A full-scale assault begins the moment you make the wrong click. Scammers see this as a full-time job and they're dedicated […]

4 Mistakes to Avoid When Opening a Business Bank Account

May 10, 2017
4 Mistakes to Avoid When Opening a Business Bank Account When you think of business success today, you probably think about improving your online presence, ensuring that your customers have an awesome experience, and establishing yourself as an authority in your industry. However, it’s difficult to do this if your company doesn’t have an account […]

Later for Instagram: Help with your Instagram Marketing

May 9, 2017
We all know a solid social media strategy requires consistency, organization, and timeliness. However, it is not always easy to stay on top of dozens of posts per month and a load of content. With Instagram growing massively in terms of users in the past year and adding many business marketing features, it’s a relevant […]

WordPress plugin: MultiVendorX (formerly WC Marketplace)

May 2, 2017
While they might not be the first thing that pops into your head when you think of ecommerce sites, marketplaces have been around for a long time. The concept of a multi-vendor market is not just for the local farmer’s market but now also is an available platform that has spawned many internet success stories. […]

Why I published a Leadership Devotional

April 27, 2017
A leadership devotional what? My leadership devotional is a 30 day guide that you read daily.  Basically, there is a short topic each day about leadership and it has some key points for reflection and a biblical Scripture reference you can look up for further study.  The goal is to help the reader to reflect […]

FoundonTack Review

April 25, 2017
Putting your company's identity onto a social media platform inherently involves more direct communication with: customers, associates, rivals, the potential trolls, and so on. While the Instagram interface is good for interacting with people, it's not spectacular at analyzing their behaviors and measuring marketing impact. That's why I love the world of Cloud services. I […]

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Office 365 Email Archiving

April 7, 2017
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Office 365 Email Archiving Microsoft Office 365 allows companies to affordably utilize the best technologies while improving their productivity levels. It isn’t hard to see why it has easily become the most popular cloud computing service, despite only launching just four years ago. However, there are some environment restraints that […]

5 Superb Ways to Make Money Online

April 5, 2017
5 Superb Ways to Make Money Online There are hundreds of ways you can make a considerable amount of money online. You simply need to do your homework to discover the right opportunity for your needs. Below we offer you five superb ways you can start making money online. 1. Write and Sell an eBook […]

How to Spot Fake News

April 4, 2017
These days, it's impossible to not hear about fake news unless you live under a media-free rock. These made-up stories are not new, however, and they have been around for decades, with tabloids leading the pack before the Internet and social media wave exploded. Social media and millions of Internet sources have made fake news […]

Do You Need Invoice Factoring for Your Small Business?

April 3, 2017
Do You Need Invoice Factoring for Your Small Business? Do you own a small business? If you do, you are probably familiar with the delicate balancing act that is required to ensure there is enough cash flow in your business for payroll even when you have invoices that have not yet been paid by your […]

Discover the 4 Biggest Causes of a Hard Drive Failure

April 1, 2017
The 4 Biggest Causes of a Hard Drive Failure: Most industries are starting to utilize big data to grow their company, exceed their customers’ expectations and compete with their industry rivals. So, the last thing your company will want is to lose the wealth of files, photos and sensitive information you have gathered over the […]

5 Reasons Why a Business Should Outsource its Online Marketing Activities

March 29, 2017
Are you benefitting from all of the marketing opportunities the Internet has to offer your organization? If not, it may be time to consider outsourcing all or some of your business’s online marketing activities. It may be an additional cost, but the long-term rewards for your company can be substantial. Below are five of the […]

First Impression Matters: How to Increase Your Online Conversion

March 25, 2017
First Impression Matters: How to Increase Your Online Conversion In a related article about signs for small businesses, it was mentioned how your business’s signage is the first thing the customer sees before entering the store or premises. Often times, customers choose to walk in because they find the signage interesting, which you can get at Trade […]

Effective Ways to Use Video in Your Business

March 22, 2017
Are you using video to its full potential? Unfortunately, most organizations are not and they never get to benefit from this technology in the way they should. However, once you are aware of the different ways you can use video, it has the potential to change the fortunes of your business in many different ways. […]

5 Ways for Non-Profits to Grow their Email List

March 7, 2017
For all kinds of websites, businesses, and products, email lists are proven to be one of the best marketing tools available. With an email list, you can bring people back to your website and introduce new products or services. It's a great way to stay in touch with people and increase your reputation. Below, you […]

Facebook Adds Automated Video Captioning Tools to Pages

February 14, 2017
You have the perfect video content for your audience, but your Facebook Insights show low engagement and views. Not sure what the problem is? Your answer might come from where and how your followers check out your content. People check Facebook throughout the day, including while they're at work. In fact, they are spending over […]
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