
A Review of Email Service Provider

A Review of Email Service Provider - 600It doesn't matter how well-crafted that email is if it is sent before a lead is ready to convert or if that lead moved on. Through automation, drip marketing of emails allows your message to be delivered "on-time" over a set period. From weekly specials to the monthly newsletter, drip marketing connects your lead with your message. is an email marketing tool that goes beyond simple email newsletter delivery to give you advanced and helpful, intelligent business features.


Drip's features make marketing automation easy. Here’s an overview of key areas in the online tool and what each part does.


Drip's workflows make life easier by uncovering the blind spots in your marketing strategy and strengthening your sales funnel. When it appears that a prospect is on the cusp of leaving or unsubscribing, an email will automatically be sent out to them.

As soon as a subscriber fills out that first form, your workflows applies tags to the subscriber and places them in a campaign. A subscriber stays in a workflow until all emails have been sent or a goal (like closing a sale) has been achieved.

The magic of workflows lies in that it's nearly hands-free once set up. For example, you can automatically funnel new subscribers to a page to download an eBook and thank them after they do so...all automatically.

Tags and Events

Forget juggling multiple subscribers lists. uses tags to segment subscribers based on their actions (what they downloaded, what pages have they visited). You can develop a profile of a set of prospects and target them. Events give you the option to pinpoint the circumstances of the tags. For instance, dates when products were purchased and affiliates involved.


With Drip, you can fine-tune your email content by analyzing the results of an A/B Test campaign. Testing elements of your email will give you an idea of what's working and what isn't. By taking the time to see what customers are responding to, you're ensuring current and future growth.

By creating emails and sending them to 2 separate groups of subscribers (you can select subscribers based on factors like when they subscribed and if they've purchased), you can determine which segments of your subscribers responded to the optimized subject lines and copy.

How to Start with

As a bonus, the Drip team offers courses to help you create workflows and boost conversions. is a powerful email marketing tool. This service provides a ton of features at an affordable price (plans start at $1 a month). With Drip, you can harness email marketing automation to improve your marketing efforts and control your marketing campaigns.



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