Category: Business

3 Advantages of a Cloud-Based HR System

March 1, 2018
Human Resources departments have transformed a lot in recent years. Today, HR management is more than just about managing employee benefits and doing regular performance reviews. Employees are among the most important assets that can dictate the future of the company, which is why HR management relies on data every step of the way. The […]

Tips on Saving Money When Running a Business

February 23, 2018
When you’re running a business, every penny counts. It’s essential that in order not to find yourself bankrupt, that you carefully calculate all of your expenses and make wise decisions when it comes to financing. As with all things in life, you can’t always predict what will happen next in business. You should, therefore, always […]

4 Practices of Successful Online Businesses

January 17, 2018
Many companies have decided to enter the online space and try to launch and grow a business. While it sounds like a good idea at first, it’s not always an easy goal to execute. You have to have a mix of the right talent, tools and strategies to cut through the noise and get noticed. […]

How Businesses Make Improvements to their Competitive Analysis, Data Collection & Digital Assets

January 5, 2018
With competitiveness increasing across the board for local companies that face new competition from abroad and global websites seeking to suck trade away, businesses need as many advantages as they can muster. Here we consider how in one city, Louisville, KY, companies can do better with analyzing their competition, collecting data in different ways, and […]

How to Connect with Experts on Social Media

December 29, 2017
As an internet marketer or a business owner trying to promote your products online, connecting with experts and industry leaders is one of the most rewarding things to do. When you interact with industry leaders online in a genuine way, you get a nice boost in credibility. You can also take the relationship further and […]

Instagram Archiving & Instagram Highlights

December 15, 2017
Do you use Facebook for marketing? Here are 5 Facebook marketing mistakes you may be making that decrease your reach and reduce your success.

Tips and Tricks for Listening To and Enjoying Podcasts

December 5, 2017
Podcasts allow business people to tap into many perspectives from experts. Here are tips for productively listening to and enjoying podcasts.

Attracting the Right Audience with your Social Media Marketing Funnel - Part 2

November 9, 2017
Do you use Facebook for marketing? Here are 5 Facebook marketing mistakes you may be making that decrease your reach and reduce your success.

Attracting the Right Audience with your Social Media Marketing Funnel

October 26, 2017
Do you use Facebook for marketing? Here are 5 Facebook marketing mistakes you may be making that decrease your reach and reduce your success.

Why You Need a Game Plan for Your Online Marketing

October 12, 2017
Do you use Facebook for marketing? Here are 5 Facebook marketing mistakes you may be making that decrease your reach and reduce your success.

15 Facebook Tools you Need to Know about for your Business

September 21, 2017
Do you use Facebook for marketing? Here are 5 Facebook marketing mistakes you may be making that decrease your reach and reduce your success.

How can A.I. Help Your Business?

September 13, 2017
What do Siri, Cortana and Watson all have in common? For one, they all work as personal assistants. For the other, none of them are real people: they’re all artificial intelligences, A.I. The Rise of A.I. There is a growing trend in businesses using smarter and faster programs to manage repetitive and mundane business tasks. […]

How Supplier Portals Can Open Doors for your business

August 11, 2017
How Supplier Portals Can Open Doors for your business For any business, the importance of your relationship with your suppliers cannot be underestimated. For your business to grow and satisfy its customers, you need suppliers that can handle your level of orders and deliver them promptly. What you need is a supplier portal that your […]

6 Ways Ecommerce Brands Market Themselves Without Being Pushy

August 2, 2017
If there’s one thing people hate, it’s being told what to do. If your marketing campaign is exclusively based on telling people to do something (i.e. buy your product). Then, unfortunately, you’re unlikely to find much success. But how can you do marketing without being too pushy? After all, marketing is about trying to persuade […]

Yoast SEO plugin for WordPress

August 1, 2017
SEO. It's a short little acronym, but it strikes fear into anyone when it comes to their website. Search Engine Optimization is, for one reason or another, thought to be shrouded in mystery. The rules tend to change every time you turn around, which doesn't exactly make it easy to master the learning curve! The […]

Online Security Tips for Business Travelers

July 18, 2017
When traveling, you take the usual steps to keep you and your possessions safe, possibly to the point of enlisting help from Global Guardians. Your online security should be considered just as important. Becoming compromised while abroad can result in disastrous data breaches which can have damaging effects on your business. Here are some online […] for Photo and Video Animations

July 11, 2017
Snapchat has enjoyed its reign among youth and young adults, but it's got to look out for strong competitors like Instagram and other upstarts like Lumyer. Compatible with both iOS and Android, Lumyer offers a comprehensive set of high-resolution effects that go beyond dog ears or flower crowns. Its aim is to augment reality by […]

Get More From Your Google Analytics with PaveAI

June 27, 2017
If you've researched marketing, you've probably heard of S.M.A.R.T. goals. You probably also know that means: Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Timely If you're marketing, then you've probably got some smart goals of your own. You've probably already installed tools like Google Analytics to help you measure them. The only trouble is, Google Analytics results can […]

What is Facebook Messenger Day and How Do You Use it for Business

June 13, 2017
In its quest to be the one-stop shop for social media, Facebook recently launched another tool called Messenger Day.  Even though Messenger Day does bear many similarities to Snapchat Stories, it has unique features worth exploring that position it as a potential Snapchat rival. It's worth noting that Messenger has 1.2 billion active users since […]

Website Best Practices Review List for Lead Generation

June 8, 2017
Is your website performing well and have you done a website best practice review lately? The ultimate goal of an inbound marketing campaign is lead generation. Your site can attract a lot of visitors, but if all they do is browse and leave, then your efforts have failed. To be successful, think of your website […]
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