Category: Business

The Best Approaches for Outsourcing Customer Service

September 21, 2018
For some business owners, the concept of outsourcing customer service to a third-party provider can be challenging and confusing.  While you understand outsourcing makes sense for certain everyday business practices, you may be unsure if and when it is actually needed, and how these services can help your company. With these questions in mind, let’s […]

Email Marketing Tips: Keys for Each Stage of the Buying Cycle

September 20, 2018
Email marketing is still a highly valuable and relevant digital marketing tool in this day and age of social media! Why is email marketing valuable?  People still read email!  They deal with the inbox, and they buy from emails.  They buy from email marketing more than directly from social media!  In fact, the there is […]

Practical Tips for Anyone Starting an E-commerce Business

September 12, 2018
The internet is increasingly becoming a good space for entrepreneurs to flex their muscles and capture their target audiences. This may be because so many people now have access to it and as a result, are socializing, connecting, as well as shopping online. It only makes sense that in response to this, businesses would decide […]

How Social Media Is Used To Sell Real Estate

September 4, 2018
Social media is now a key marketing platform for the real estate industry. With a high number of buyers preferring social channels to discover real estate opportunities, it would be a mistake to overlook social in real estate marketing campaigns.

4 Ways to Truly Invest in Your Business Security

September 4, 2018
When you own a business, the thought that anything bad might happen to it is sometimes too much to bear. However, risks to business security exist on a large scale, and you can only avoid them when you tackle each one head-on. This can be difficult to do when you have a vast variety of […]

How to Create a Webinar Landing Page that Converts

August 30, 2018
Your webinar landing page will determine how many people register for it. Get more conversions with a well set up webinar landing page. Here are the steps.

An Overview of Google Search Console

August 21, 2018
Track your website performance with Google Search Console. This brief overview covers Google's free tool that provides helpful info on website performance.

3 Things to Consider Before Starting a Business Online

August 11, 2018
Thinking of starting an online business like a eCommerce store or blog? Check out these things you should consider before starting an online business

6 Ways To Get Feedback From Your Customers

July 27, 2018
Obtaining information about your customers is a vital aspect of improving business efficiency and sales performance. This useful information about who purchases from you and what their shopping habits are can help to develop succinct processes in your company. It also provides invaluable feedback on what they think of your customer service and product delivery […]

How to Set Up a Non-Profit in Pennsylvania

July 25, 2018
Your Guide to: Set Up a Non-Profit in Pennsylvania A majority of non-profits are 501(c)(3) organizations, meaning that they are formed for educational, religious, scientific, literary, or charitable purposes and are thus tax-exempt at both the state and federal level. However, to be recognized as a non-profit, the organization must be formed in accordance with […]

How to Get Off to a Successful Start in Manufacturing

July 4, 2018
Manufacturing is the backbone of businesses large and small. While it will without a doubt cost a substantial amount of money to launch a new manufacturing company, your business could reap considerable rewards when executed well. Unfortunately, not every manufacturing entrepreneur has the right mindset or approach when launching a new business. If you want […]

4 Ways to Create More Productive Employees

June 15, 2018
  If you are a manager of any business, one of your main responsibilities is to inspire others to be the very best version of themselves. If done properly, everyone on your team will become more efficient, productive and happier with their jobs.  This results in more productive employees.  As a manager, you’re responsible for […]

Ingredients that Make a Great Leader

June 8, 2018
What makes a great leader? There are definitely key ingredients that a great leader exemplifies in business. There are also different adjectives you can use to describe a good leader.  Some include: Decisive, intelligent, driven, focused, and so on. However, a good leader has to be more than someone who says the right things. The […]

Thinkific: Online System for Creating, Selling, and Delivering Online Courses

June 5, 2018
Offering online courses is a great way to generate leads and earn some easy income. Consider Thinkific for delivering your online courses. The platform offers many advantages from easy creation and delivery, custom course marketing resources and you own all your content.

Playing the Business Game: Four Gaming Industry Trends You Can Learn From

May 29, 2018
Business isn’t a game but businesses can learn from the gaming industry. Regardless of the sector you operate in, the likes of Pokémon Go, virtual slots and even Twitch streamers like Ninja can all teach you something. Of course, like all valuable lessons, you need to do a little digging before you can unearth a nugget […]

What Is Blockchain and What Is Its Impact on Marketing

April 5, 2018
In this post, we explore blockchain technology. Mainstream businesses have started to accept cryptocurrencies and cryptocurrencies use blockchain. Can blockchain have other uses? We look at blockchain's potential and how it affects marketing.

Top Ways to Succeed in Business

March 21, 2018
To succeed in business you must have a few key components beyond simply a great product! Attitude, work/life balance and more matter. View the details...

The Advantages of Corporate Video in Marketing

March 10, 2018
Marketing is a tricky business. Many corporations approach marketing as if it is a problem that can be solved just by throwing money at it, but this isn’t the case. In order for marketing to work it needs, above all else, to be smart and considered. Over the last several years you have probably heard […]

How to Work Smarter and not Harder

March 9, 2018
Once upon a time, employees were judged on the number of hours that they were in the office – scrawling away, hammering at the keyboard and making calls. However, research has shown that the more hours in the office doesn’t necessarily equate to more accomplished tasks or better results achieved. Within this digital age, there […]

3 Advantages of a Cloud-Based HR System

March 1, 2018
Human Resources departments have transformed a lot in recent years. Today, HR management is more than just about managing employee benefits and doing regular performance reviews. Employees are among the most important assets that can dictate the future of the company, which is why HR management relies on data every step of the way. The […]
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