
The Value of Resending Email Campaigns to Non-Opens


Low email open rates remain one of the digital marketers' biggest headaches. Ask even the most successful marketers and they’ll tell you that open rates with email campaigns can be a huge frustration. Without an effective strategy, the many hours spent perfecting a campaign may only result in a handful of email opens.

Resending to non-opens is one proven help to assist with overcoming this problem. We’ll show you why in a moment, but first, a few stats;

  1. According to a recent study by MailChimp, resending to non-opens increases open rates by on average 8.7%. In their study, MailChimp asked 1,300 email marketers to resend to non-opens after one week. By the end of the campaign, the average open rate for these marketers rose from 26.7% to 35.4%.
  2. In a different study, entrepreneur Neal Taparia found that you can increase email reach by 54.7% by resending the exact same email to contacts that didn’t open the first round of emails.
  3. Email marketing expert Noah Kagan has also tried the resend strategy with great success. Kagan used Taparia’s method but modified the email subject line. He saw a 30% increase in open rates!

You're free to question the variance in findings. But, one thing is certain – resends help to increase open rates.

Why Resending Email Campaigns Works

There are three main reasons resending emails to non-opens is guaranteed to increase your open rates.

Resending addresses soft-bounce issues

Most marketers just assume that emails only remain unopened because recipients choose not to open them. Unfortunately, this isn’t true. Sometimes emails remain unopened because they didn’t even reach the recipient in the first place. An example would be if the recipient’s inbox is full at that moment and the email doesn’t even get to the inbox. Or, it could be that the email server is unavailable. In such situations, the recipient doesn’t get the chance to open or reject an email.

Resending is the only way to give these unlucky recipients another chance to look at your emails. If they’re qualified leads, odds are high they’ll open the emails.

Rectify best-time-to-send errors

Over the years, numerous studies have been done to determine days of the week and even times of day when your emails are most likely to be opened. These best practices depend on a number of factors including your industry. For some industries, your emails are most likely to be opened at 10.00am in the morning while in others, afternoons register the highest open rates. The best days to send also differ in the same way.

If the majority of your recipients didn’t open the first round of emails, it is plausible that you got the day or time wrong. Resending the emails on the right day, at the right time, is likely to result in higher open rates.

Was your Email subject line the issue?

Subject lines can be deal-breakers for many email recipients. If your subject line isn’t exciting enough, most recipients won’t read your emails. The situation is made worse by the fact that email users can see your subject line without opening the email. If they don’t like the message or wording, they can simply ignore, delete, or send your email to the spam folder.

Resending to non-opens gives you another chance to impress recipients who didn’t like the original subject line. It gives you the chance to adjust the subject line to match the needs of these people. If the new subject line appeals to them, they’ll open and read your email without judgment.

Key Takeaway

Don’t leave money on the table. Set up an email resend campaign today to non-opens and watch your open rate numbers increase significantly!

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