
Why Email Marketing is Still Relevant in 2021

Young professional woman email marketing on a laptop.

If you’ve asked yourself whether or not to seriously prioritize email marketing in 2021, you’re not alone. It’s a question many marketers ask – every year. You may even come across a few articles claiming that “email marketing is dead.”
Email is still an active marketing tool. Indeed, it’s still one of the most important digital marketing strategies. If you’re in doubt, consider the following;

1. It’s still the best way to engage customers

“What about social media?” one would ask. Well, according to Opt-in Monster, the majority of customers prefer to receive promotional and other marketing messages via email. In the Opt-in Monster survey, 60% of consumers said they are happy to receive promotional messages via email, compared to only 20% for social media. The figure is even higher in B2C marketing, where 74% of customers prefer email over social media.

2. It’s one of the best ways to build personal customer relationships

You’ve probably heard the saying that “2021 will be the year of marketing personalization.” It’s not just a cliché. Today’s consumers are drifting more towards brands that go the extra mile to provide personalized shopping experiences. Research shows that 71% of consumers are significantly influenced by personalization. Email offers the best channel to provide a personalized customer journey.

3. It’s arguably the most cost-effective way to market

Digital marketing can be grossly expensive. Even on apparently ‘free’ platforms such as social media, you often end up spending thousands of dollars each month for any meaningful ROI. High-ROI SEO and content marketing also cost a lot of money. You can start email marketing on your own for free. Better still, even the best email marketing companies charge under $200/year for professional services.

4. Highest ROI for Digital Marketing Strategies

Social media marketing and influencer marketing are worthy mentions. However, it’s almost impossible to match email marketing ROI. For every $1 spent on email marketing, you’re guaranteed $42 in returns, on average. Influencer marketing generates about $5.2 for every $1 spent. An added advantage is that it’s very easy to measure email marketing ROI. Social media, content, and SEO metrics aren’t as easy to measure.

5. Email is one of the best ways to market on mobile

The mobile wave isn’t slowing down. Although personal computers are still important, most people now access the internet on their smartphones and tablets. In 2020, for instance, 51% of all web page views were on mobile. Email is one of the best ways to deliver your marketing messages on mobile. Some studies even show that, on mobile, email is only bested by text message marketing.

6. It’s more targeted and less chaotic

Marketing can be incredibly difficult when you’re attempting to please everyone. An excellent place to witness this type of chaos is social media. Brands frequently run into trouble with users who aren’t even interested in their products. Email provides a ‘private’ space with a targeted, actively interested audience. Any arising issues are handled privately, eliminating the risk of public backlash.

7. Email marketing ties together all marketing campaigns

Think about it, how many marketing campaigns, be it advertising, video marketing, etc., can you run without email? There aren’t many. In nearly every campaign, you need email marketing to tie back the new initiative to the rest of your marketing strategy. You almost always need email to follow up with your social media fans, send product offers to YouTube followers, send new blog updates to your readers, and so forth.

What You Need is a Reset

If you’ve recently felt conflicted because your email marketing campaign has stagnated, quitting isn’t the solution. Instead, seek ways to breathe new life into the campaign. Adding more imagery, increasing personalization, and automation can all help.

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