Category: Social Lead Generation

Strategic Lead Segmentation On Facebook: 8 Tips For Maximize Your Impact

January 15, 2024
Facebook offers marketers an incredibly powerful platform to connect with targeted audiences and generate leads. With over two billion active monthly users, there is tremendous potential to grow your customer base through strategic lead-generation campaigns on Facebook. However, simply creating ads and hoping for the best is unlikely to produce great results. You need a […]

How to Best Optimize Your Website for a Better Conversion Rate

November 28, 2020
If you want your website to be successful, knowing how to best optimize it for conversions is crucial. If you can achieve this, you can have the peace of mind that your website is performing at its optimum. A website with good SEO is going to rank higher in the search engines, will attract more […]

15 Social Media Marketing Ideas That Actually Work

October 29, 2020
Every small business owner knows that standing out from your competition is much harder than it is for companies with greater reach and higher budgets. In 2019, there were approximately 30.7 million small businesses across the United States. For this reason, investing in high-quality social media marketing ideas is more important than ever. Knowing where […]

5 Smart Ways to Drive Sales Through Social Media

May 8, 2020
There’s a lot more to social media than branding and engagement. Used correctly, it can also increase sales. In their 2016 marketing census, E-consulting rated the marketing channel as one of the top five for generating solid returns.  It’s safe to say that social media is only getting bigger, and a few well-placed posts can […]

3 Ways to Use Social Media to Drive Organic Traffic in 2020

April 30, 2020
Social media channels can be leveraged to bring more traffic to a website. Try these 3 ways to use social media to drive organic traffic to your website.

Facebook Making Changes & Integrations with Instagram & WhatsApp

August 22, 2019
Things are flying with social networks adding new features and making changes! Facebook is making changes and integrations with Instagram and WhatsApp.

4 Gems Most Social Media Marketing Plans are Missing

August 15, 2019
In this episode I talk about the 4 things that most social media marketing plans are missing.  So, is this you?  You’ve got your plan and you are on certain social media platforms and trying hard to make social work but you’re not seeing the results that you want to see.  If so, I’ve got […]

7 Instagram Growth Hacks for Business Marketers

April 18, 2019
Interested in Instagram growth hacks for your business marketing?  I've got 7 that I think many are missing!  Instagram has become a powerful social media marketing tool in the past 1.5 years and is really posed to be the #1 go-to platform potentially in the next 2 years.  Yes, it may surpass parent Facebook in […]

Online Marketing Funnels and ROI

March 21, 2019
What are keys to online marketing funnels and ROI (return on investment) growth? That's what every marketer wants to know, right? Ready to learn more about online marketing funnels and the different types of ROI you can and should aim for?  Sales is a key metric but there are other types of ROI to look […]

Creating Low Cost Videos for Lead Generation

February 21, 2019
Simple videos can be powerful for lead generation. Videos of any type, even low cost videos for lead generation, can be a scary thought for many small businesses but they truly are “doable” for nearly all businesses.  The KEY is that you need to have a plan! It does not need to require a professional […]

Game Plan for Social Media Lead Generation in 2019

January 17, 2019
In this podcast episode I dive into the strategy and the specific tactics businesses and organizations need for success in social media lead generation in 2019. Ready to dive in and learn about the digital marketing funnel strategy and the specific tactics for specific social platforms that are working in 2019?  If, so, you're in […]

The Keys to Engagement

December 19, 2017
How you respond and react with your community is called Engagement. Learn how to raise the awareness of your business through engagement.

Instagram Archiving & Instagram Highlights

December 15, 2017
Do you use Facebook for marketing? Here are 5 Facebook marketing mistakes you may be making that decrease your reach and reduce your success.

Attracting the Right Audience with your Social Media Marketing Funnel - Part 2

November 9, 2017
Do you use Facebook for marketing? Here are 5 Facebook marketing mistakes you may be making that decrease your reach and reduce your success.

Attracting the Right Audience with your Social Media Marketing Funnel

October 26, 2017
Do you use Facebook for marketing? Here are 5 Facebook marketing mistakes you may be making that decrease your reach and reduce your success.

Why You Need a Game Plan for Your Online Marketing

October 12, 2017
Do you use Facebook for marketing? Here are 5 Facebook marketing mistakes you may be making that decrease your reach and reduce your success.

5 Geofencing Tools to Use for Local Marketing

June 20, 2017
Geofencing is a marketer's dream. Are you up on this newer technology? It’s the perfect blend of digital media and location based advertising working together for local businesses. After all, what could be better than reminding your customers of a great deal when they're right near your store? It works fairly simply….smartphone users with location-based […]

Integrating Social Media with Blog Writing to Grow Leads

December 27, 2016
When it comes to creating an online marketing plan, chances are you have blogging and social media in two separate columns. While it's true that these 2 marketing methods can operate independently, you'll find they work best when they're treated as complementary methods. Learn how to make these 2 essential inbound marketing practices work together […]

Instagram Stories 101: How To Use Instagram Stories to Market Your Product

December 6, 2016
As a small business owner, you're always looking for ways to market your product. Social media is an excellent way to do this, but you probably have stuck with primarily Facebook and Twitter, right? There is another option that has really increased in value thanks to the release of Instagram Stories, a new feature of […]

Social Lead Generation Ideas with the New Instagram Updates

November 24, 2016
Social lead generation is all about just that...growing leads using social media.  Typically, the first networks to come to mind for use related to this are Facebook and Twitter.  Yet, one that has grown massively and has had major positive developments for businesses is Instagram. The new Instagram updates continue to evolve the network into a great platform for […]

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