
4 Gems Most Social Media Marketing Plans are Missing

In this episode I talk about the 4 things that most social media marketing plans are missing. 

So, is this you?  You’ve got your plan and you are on certain social media platforms and trying hard to make social work but you’re not seeing the results that you want to see.  If so, I’ve got the post for you!

4 gems often missing from social media marketing strategies

In this Halftime Mike Podcast, I’ll share the strategy gems that are most often overlooked. These are not too difficult but often skipped and these can make a HUGE difference in your social media ROI.

Ready to jump in and get these 4 gems?  Let's dive in...

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VIDEO: 4 Gems Most Social Media Marketing Plans are Missing

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Diving into the Details:

4 Gems Most Social Media Marketing Plans are Missing

  Here are the 4 things that most social media plans are missing that will make a big difference. 

  1. OPC Engagement 

Most social media plans tell you that you need to measure engagement - how many people are engaging with your content (Likes, comments, shares), but what they don’t talk about as much is the need for you to engage with OTHERS content. The need is critical for your brand and company to engage with other people’s posts.  These are not follow-ups to comments on your posts, these are their own posts.

If you want to extend your reach on Instagram, you can’t run a “like or follow us” ad. Instead, you need to find your appropriate type of people that you want to have follow you and you need to engage on their content… what they have posted. 

The way forward on Instagram is to engage!

A way to get recognized on Pinterest is to engage!

A way to get noticed onTwitter is to retweet, to comment, to share, and like!

You need to have part of your overall social media strategy include a plan for how your brand is engaging with the content of the people that are your ideal audience. The people that look like your customers, the people that you identified and fit your profile, these you should be engaging with as well as your collaborators, or near industry partners (people you partner with). 

So, the 1st gem missing is take a look at what you are doing with your OPC engagement (Other People’s Content).

For Facebook, are you going to relevant Facebook Groups as your Page and being an active participant? Are you as a brand commenting on other people’s Stories on Instagram, on Twitter? Take a look across the board and your engagement on these platforms and also consider the value of leaving comments on YouTube videos as well. 

Oftentimes, you are lacking an engagement plan, so you need to have a strategy in giving people time to notice and get interested in your company and your brand. Engaging in the right target audiences, and commenting on their social content is the way to get recognized.   

 2.  Consistency in Posting

How frequently you post matters.  You can’t have the same type of delivery on Twitter as you do on Facebook - they’re different platforms. On Twitter, to be relevant, you can’t tweet 4 times a week and say you’re relevant. You need to look at your volume over the course of a week. 

Are you engaged 4, 5, 6 days a week on Twitter? You need to be.  Plus, on Twitter, it may mean tweeting 2-3 times per day, while that would be overboard on a Facebook Page.  For Twitter, are you responding on time to replies? Take a look at your consistency and volume per platform. Since the “life” of a tweet is fairly short, somewhere around 18-20 minute typically, more frequency on that platform is needed. 

On Facebook, are you putting up a post regularly. Take a look at the time periods that are important in your Facebook Insights and be sure to be hitting the high times it notes when your audience is online.  In general, for Facebook it’s going to mean about 1 post per day to be consistent and relevant. 

If you are starting a Facebook Live show, are you able to maintain some consistency in the show schedule?  The same day and same time on a weekly basis is important so that people can begin to count on it. 

Often times in a social strategy, the consistency PER PLATFORM is not right and needs adjusted.  Take a look at the consistency of your timing, and your frequency for your social media posts. 

3. Type of Posts that You are Using 

People say, “Yeah, we are active on Instagram”, but they are posting only pictures in the news feed and doing nothing else.  This won’t generate results. Instagram is so much more than that. 

Pictures in the news feed may be part of the mix needed for sure, but you need to do some video in the news feed as well. If you’re going to be active on Instagram, you also need to be doing Stories on Instagram. You need to be doing them on a regular basis because they disappear after 24 hours, or be sure to add them to your Highlights.  Are you using the Highlights to keep important Stories? You should be! 

You may also want to do longer forms of video for IGTV - the television type content feature on Instagram. A longer form 1-minute video can go on IGTV and can be a great addition to your marketing mix.  It could be a video that you use in training, a remix of a Facebook Live video, or a video you put on YouTube.

The basic question is...Are you using the types of content that are most relevant on each platform?

Video is working better on Facebook than photos, and live videos gets more notifications. Take a look at the types of posts that you are doing. Facebook now also has Stories for Pages. People consume Stories more and more. Get used to using your Stories for your brand and recognize that the type of posts and content you use really matters.

4. Content Collaboration 

How do you work with others on multiplying the power and impact of your content?  Again, this is one thing most social media marketing are missing.  Plan and strategize your collaborations!

One simple example is when I was helping a local marketplace with their social media marketing. It’s a market and made up of vendor stands, each its own unique small business. I want to emphasize what’s happening in the market and I do that by representing what’s happening for each stand. 

My process involves asking the stand about their news for the week and if they’re posting about that, and I am collaborating to extend it out saying “Hey! This is what they got going on this week..” I am liking, commenting, sharing some of their content including instagram posts as Stories and re-using some of their posts in marketplace Instagram news feed - that’s a collaboration piece!  Work together with others to share and spread each others content. 

Other simple types of collaboration include Facebook Live, such as having a guest come in and talk and then they will of course promote that ahead of time to their audience and you’re going to promote it to yours. They’re going to bring in some of their audience, then afterwards they can do a Facebook Watch party as well. It’s a collaboration where you bring somebody in and the audience is multiplied.

Facebook Live is a simple thing and it’s easy to do something together, and there are other ways as well... maybe it’s an event and there’s going to be another business there that you know so you can tag each other and you can do something in common. 

You can collaborate on your website content as well by doing interviews with another brand and putting that content out, it can be a shared piece or one that’s a testimonial.  You can collaborate as well on someone else’s website. You can be interviewed by their team and you can link back to your website. 

Collaboration is important today!  There needs to be ways that you collaborate with partners. Too many people are doing content just by themselves on their social media and on their website and then wondering why their traffic is not growing. You need to look at ways you can collaborate with neighboring businesses, with your near-industry partners. Your products take care of X, theirs take care of Y and you can put those two together, come up with a great Z. Make it work!  Think creatively! 

On instagram, you can do interviews for your Instagram Live, or a IGTV interview, sharing content, tagging people on Instagram, but letting them know when it will be shared and setting up planned sharing and commenting ahead of time. Or if there’s going to be an event, if you’re in a downtown, and there’s going to be 5 businesses and you want to not only just promote your content, you can also share someone else’s content on Instagram. They’re sharing the post, you can share their post in your Story and say “Come on down for this event! You can stop by there, look at what they’ve got, then make sure you pop in to our place afterwards.” Think of ways that you can collaborate! 

You can also collaborate in the B2B realm. Collaboration can be more formal in a B2B podcast. A video, a blog together…those types of pieces that work in an interview where there are 5 industry leaders giving their perspectives, 3 industry people that are using your product and giving their perspective and you put in it in a blog post, so you are recognizing their brand and then because they are included well, they’re willing to share it. 

On Twitter, it’s finding people that you collaborate with, that want to share your content, they want to retweet your content.

One other blog idea..If I am writing a guest blog such as I do with Neal Schaffer’s blog.   I write a post for his blog, he shares my content from his blog, and then he also then shares the content I write on my blog - it’s a collaboration!   I share his content as well, so we’re partnering together, magnifying each other’s website blogs on social media, and together the whole is better. 

So again, Engagement, Consistency, Type of Posts and Collaboration. These are the 4 Gems that most Social Media Marketing Plans are missing today that I want you to know and act on to correct!

What’s your next step to improve?

That's a wrap this time!

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Why the Halftime theme Mike? 

I’m an Indiana Hoosier native where basketball is the top sport. Every team heads to the locker room at halftime to evaluate the first half and create an updated plan for the second half. That plan includes adjustments based on reviewing what worked and what didn't. The “halftime” is a key review point where the game stops, the team pulls away to huddle in the locker room away from the fans, and they come out prepared and ready to succeed in the second half.

That’s what this podcast is all about, taking the time to pull away for a bit to evaluate, learn, and set some strategies for your business to succeed in the second half. Join me by subscribing and let me be your “business halftime” to help you find great success going forward!

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