
How to Best Optimize Your Website for a Better Conversion Rate

how to best optimise your website

If you want your website to be successful, knowing how to best optimize it for conversions is crucial. If you can achieve this, you can have the peace of mind that your website is performing at its optimum.

A website with good SEO is going to rank higher in the search engines, will attract more visitors, and therefore, generate the potential for more conversions. As you know, that means more money for your business and for you. However, how do we optimize our website? How do we increase leads and conversions?

Well, it is not easy and will require work but it is possible. There is a reason why some websites perform fantastically and others are lucky to even rank at all. If you want to be the former rather than the latter, then you should be prepared to make an effort, learn about website optimization, and stick to whitehat ranking methods.  

If you needed a bit of help in this area, you are in luck as cbmarketing will give you a few tips on how to optimize your website for increased conversions:

  • Regularly Analyze Your Website Data

Even if you are ranking well in the search engines, this does not guarantee that you will get a good conversion rate. You may get the visitors but your conversion rate is low. When that happens, there is something going wrong somewhere. Perhaps your CTA is not the best, perhaps your site is not as user-friendly as it could be?

Analyzing your data will allow you to discover any patterns and hopefully find out reasons why you are not performing as you would like. You can reach out to these experts to learn how to audit your conversion funnel to increase ROI.

  • Do Thorough Keyword Research

In years gone by, you could just think up a keyword or phrase, thrash out a short 300 word article, and rank for it within days. Unfortunately, with so much competition for keywords, these days it is not so simple. Many of the best keywords are taken and will cost a lot of hard work, time, and money to become competitive for them. 

Instead, try to find some hidden gems that do not have too much competition. There are plenty of tools that can help you do this. Once you have found one, even if the search volume is low, you can rank well for that keyword and work on the more competitive phrases another time.

  • Create Quality Content 

Content has to be written to a high quality in 2020. No longer can you write 500 words of decent content and expect it to be good enough. Today, they say that the average blog post should be 1,600 words in length. That is a long article, which means a lot of thought has to be placed into the content. If valuable and well written, a long form article like that could mean the world of difference when trying to rank.

Content is not just about blog posts either. The content on all of your pages has to offer value and be written well.

  • Don't Forget Your Onpage Optimization

If your webpages are not optimized properly for the keywords that you want to rank for - you will not rank for them. That keyword needs to be placed at the start of your meta title, meta description, in subtitles and strategically used throughout your content. Google needs to recognize the keyword that you are trying to rank for.

Just do not overdo things and spam that keyword. You will not rank and could even incur a Google penalty. 

  • Off Page Optimization

Once you have your onsite optimization sorted out, you should now start to think about your off page optimization. This means creating social media profiles that link back to your site, getting quality backlinks, writing guest posts for other websites, and getting brand mentions.

This takes a lot of thought and some strategy, so in cases like this it is best to speak to those that know what they are doing. Many quality SEO firms will be able to offer you guidance and services that can help you to get your website ranking well and converting.

Final Thoughts

If you can implement all of the above and put some effort in, eventually you will start to reap the rewards. A website that has implemented all the keys for how to best optimize it noted here will always stand a good chance of converting better. Once it ranks, you can always think about tweaking things like your CTA, content, or anything else to increase that conversion rate even further.

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