Category: Podcast

4 Gems Most Social Media Marketing Plans are Missing

August 15, 2019
In this episode I talk about the 4 things that most social media marketing plans are missing.  So, is this you?  You’ve got your plan and you are on certain social media platforms and trying hard to make social work but you’re not seeing the results that you want to see.  If so, I’ve got […]

Maximize your Facebook Live Videos with these Tactics

July 18, 2019
This episode is all about how to maximize your Facebook Live Videos.  You've jumped into doing Live's and you do them regularly but are you using the videos to the fullest potential?  Many of us haven't been but here's a quick guide to doing just that.  You've worked hard on these, now use that content […]

Using Instagram and Facebook Stories for Social Lead Nurture

June 20, 2019
This episode is all about Stories, Instagram Stories and Facebook Stories, and how you can use them for growing and nurturing leads for your business. In this Halftime Mike Podcast I’ll share key tactics and tips on how and why to use Instagram and Facebook Stories. Listen Now: Subscribe:  Halftime Mike on iTunes  | Android users […]

Digital Marketing Opportunities and Tools Guide for Small Businesses

May 16, 2019
As a small business owner, you likely feel you should be doing more online and implementing more digital marketing opportunities.  Having a digital presence is one of the best ways of building brand awareness and reaching a broader audience to grow your business sales. When you are just getting started, it may seem overwhelming to […]

7 Instagram Growth Hacks for Business Marketers

April 18, 2019
Interested in Instagram growth hacks for your business marketing?  I've got 7 that I think many are missing!  Instagram has become a powerful social media marketing tool in the past 1.5 years and is really posed to be the #1 go-to platform potentially in the next 2 years.  Yes, it may surpass parent Facebook in […]

Online Marketing Funnels and ROI

March 21, 2019
What are keys to online marketing funnels and ROI (return on investment) growth? That's what every marketer wants to know, right? Ready to learn more about online marketing funnels and the different types of ROI you can and should aim for?  Sales is a key metric but there are other types of ROI to look […]

Creating Low Cost Videos for Lead Generation

February 21, 2019
Simple videos can be powerful for lead generation. Videos of any type, even low cost videos for lead generation, can be a scary thought for many small businesses but they truly are “doable” for nearly all businesses.  The KEY is that you need to have a plan! It does not need to require a professional […]

Game Plan for Social Media Lead Generation in 2019

January 17, 2019
In this podcast episode I dive into the strategy and the specific tactics businesses and organizations need for success in social media lead generation in 2019. Ready to dive in and learn about the digital marketing funnel strategy and the specific tactics for specific social platforms that are working in 2019?  If, so, you're in […]

Determining ROI from Social Media and Web Marketing: What Metrics Matter?

December 20, 2018
In this episode of Live with Mike! I dive into an area that is sorely needed and often not setup well. I talk about, "What Metrics Matter? Determining ROI with your Social Media and Digital Marketing." Ready to dive in and learn what metrics you can and should be tracking to truly determine ROI for […]

Top SEO & Digital Marketing Tips for Your Website

November 15, 2018
A new year is here and it’s time to review and be sure you are implementing the top SEO & digital marketing tips for your website!  Is your website and digital marketing doing each of these items? It’s time for you to review and I’m providing the checklist and tools! Ready to dive in and […]

Book Launch Podcast of Making the Miles Count

October 18, 2018
Special unique episode here with the book launch podcast of Making the Miles Count! Also covered is a key small business issue, whether your business entity should be an llc or s corp. I'm excited to announce and discuss the release of my newest book, "Making the Miles Count", a guide to living beyond the […]

Email Marketing Tips: Keys for Each Stage of the Buying Cycle

September 20, 2018
Email marketing is still a highly valuable and relevant digital marketing tool in this day and age of social media! Why is email marketing valuable?  People still read email!  They deal with the inbox, and they buy from emails.  They buy from email marketing more than directly from social media!  In fact, the there is […]

Social Media Lessons from Hershey's Chocolate World

August 23, 2018
Recently I visited Hershey's Chocolate World in Hershey, PA, and I came away with appreciation and a number of valuable take-aways on how Chocolate World increases social media power, particularly with user generated content. Social Media has power for all businesses.  However, to expand and use the full power take creativity and strategy.  I came […]

YouTube and Pinterest as SEO Tools: Not Just Social Networks

July 19, 2018
It's time to view YouTube and Pinterest as SEO Tools and not just as social networks!  What do I mean and how do you make this happen? In this episode I dive into the details of YouTube and Pinterest from a SEO, Search Engine Optimization, perspective. Let's dive in! Listen Now: Subscribe:  Halftime Mike on iTunes  […]

Instagram's Algorithm for the Feed Demystified

June 19, 2018
Are you wanting to know how the Instagram Algorithm really works and how you can know what posts you share for your business really matter? In this episode we look at the information a group of reporters where able to glean from direct access to the Instagram team all related to demystifying the Instagram Algorithm. […]

GDPR and Your Business: What you Need to Know

May 17, 2018
Are you ready for the GDPR in your business?   Cybersecurity remains a major issue for digital commerce world. In the U.S. cybercrime costs business owners millions of dollars every year and has even led to the collapse of several startups as they didn’t have a data protection officer or the correct security measures in […]

5 Ways to Reuse Blog Content to the Max

April 19, 2018
Are you getting the most out of your blog content? How about I give you 5 ways to reuse blog content to the max?!? You spend hours on each post, researching information, looking up keywords, finding photos, creating graphics and all the other details that go into writing a  blog post. You publish, then you share […]

Life Lessons from the United Airlines New York City Half Marathon

April 7, 2018
Have you been to New York City?  Have you toured Times Square and Central Park? How about RUNNING 13.1 miles through New York City?  Now that's a unique view! I did run New York City, and I had a great time!  This podcast episode is about my run, my training and the life lessons I […]

Recent Social Media Updates in this Halftime Mike Podcast

March 15, 2018
The topics covered in this week's podcast are recent social media updates.  Social media platforms change all the time, as well as test new features, and marketers need to keep up! What worked last month may not be what works best this month! Join me as we dive in and keep you  up-to-date. Just a […]

Digital Marketing in 2018: What's New Today

February 24, 2018
Digital Marketing in 2018, what matters now?  It's an important question! Social Media marketing and digital marketing always evolve and shift. What's new for 2018 and what matters now is different than what mattered last some cases...and in some cases it hasn't changed. The key is knowing the difference! Mike Gingerich dives in on […]

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