
Email Marketing Tips: Keys for Each Stage of the Buying Cycle

Email marketing is still a highly valuable and relevant digital marketing tool in this day and age of social media!

Why is email marketing valuable?  People still read email!  They deal with the inbox, and they buy from emails.  They buy from email marketing more than directly from social media!  In fact, the there is a ROI of $44 for every $1 spent on email marketing.  Let that sink in.  Spend, $1, generate $44 in sales.  It has potential if you are doing it right!

To succeed with your email campaign, however, you need to understand that you can’t just send whatever you want whenever you want. There must be intentionality with your emails.

Ready to dive in and learn more about email marketing keys?

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Video Podcast:
Email Marketing Tips: Keys for Each Stage of the Buying Cycle

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As I noted, to succeed with your email campaign, however, you need to understand that you can’t just send whatever you want whenever you want. There must be intentionality with your emails.

Instead, you must choose your email messages carefully and time them well to gain the highest engagement rates. One way to organize your campaign is by following what is known as the email marketing cycle.

Also popular as relationship marketing online, the email marketing cycle involves sending relevant messages informed by the position of the contact in the customer lifecycle.  You track every move your customers make and send emails that are likely to benefit them (and your business) the most at that specific moment.

Four Main Stages of the Email Marketing Cycle

Step #1 On-boarding Leads

On-boarding is the very first step after a contact subscribes to your email list. At this stage, all you know is that the contact has interest in your business or offers. The reason for their interest is still unknown, but they are giving you a chance to show them what you have and convince them to make the next move.

Emails at this stage are geared toward welcoming the contact and learning more about them, while providing them some valuable and free resources.  Do not sell! Who are they? What are they interested in?  You can learn this by offering various resources and seeing in analytics what they have clicked on and expressed interest in. Capturing this information early on allows marketers to send valuable, personalized messages going forward.

Step #2 Nurturing Trust

Once you’ve gathered sufficient data about your new contacts, it’s time to officially introduce them to your brand and products. Start out by telling them about who you are and why your brand operates as it does.  This is where they can get to know you.  Stories work well here.  You need to share to build trust.

Put simply, you want to make the contact feel that they’re in the right place; that you’re the person to solve their problems. Once they feel safe and you've provided value to them, you’ll have their attention.

Step #3: Strategic Promotion

Now, you can begin to promote. Your lead knows enough about the brand and even your products. They also understand the perks of buying from you. They might still need a little push to open their wallet, but you’re almost there.

Some of the best emails at this stage include messages promoting offers and discounts. Let them know about upcoming deals and coupons, send information about new products, and showcase any seasonal sales, all with a time limited offer.  A deadline is critical.  A majority of contacts will at least click through to your website to take a closer look at the offers.

Step #4: Ongoing Relationship Building emails

The prospect just made their first purchase, completing the journey from newcomer, to prospect, to lead, and finally to a customer!

Take this opportunity to thank them for doing business with you and provide any useful information and resources that might encourage them to return in the future. For instance, send purchase confirmations indicating when the product is likely to arrive. It's important here to provide ongoing value, low-key upsells, and more and more resources to maintain trust and contact.

Consider Behavior-Triggered Emails

Sometimes, a lead or customer can interact with your business in a way that demands a special response. For instance, a lead might send an email asking about product details. Or, a customer might abandon a purchase midway. When this happens, you need to send appropriate and timely emails addressing that situation.  These are have specific messages for specific situations that your team can prepare and automate to deploy when needed.

That's a wrap this time! If you can successfully implement these keys and upgrade your email marketing cycle, you’re guaranteed plenty of email link clicks and increased sales.

Other Resources:

  • My complete guide to Digital Marketing in 2018 including Facebook and social media lead generation online...  Game Plan Book >>
  • Getting your Business Setup and Running Well on Instagram >  New Ebook Resource

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Why the Halftime theme Mike? 

I’m an Indiana Hoosier native where basketball is the top sport. Every team heads to the locker room at halftime to evaluate the first half and create an updated plan for the second half. That plan includes adjustments based on reviewing what worked and what didn't. The “halftime” is a key review point where the game stops, the team pulls away to huddle in the locker room away from the fans, and they come out prepared and ready to succeed in the second half.

That’s what this podcast is all about, taking the time to pull away for a bit to evaluate, learn, and set some strategies for your business to succeed in the second half. Join me by subscribing and let me be your “business halftime” to help you find great success going forward!

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