
Get More From Your Google Analytics with PaveAI

Get More From Your Google Analytics with PaveAI - 600If you've researched marketing, you've probably heard of S.M.A.R.T. goals. You probably also know that means:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Relevant
  • Timely

If you're marketing, then you've probably got some smart goals of your own. You've probably already installed tools like Google Analytics to help you measure them.

The only trouble is, Google Analytics results can be tricky to decipher, particularly if you're just getting started. It’s got a load of options and is somewhat cumbersome to quickly find and pull your data into.  That's where tools like PaveAI come in.

What Is PaveAI?

PaveAI is a user-friendly interface that plugs right into your Google Analytics account. It delivers your results in an easy to understand format. You can analyze actual events and interactions against your goals, and segment data in easy to understand chunks based on demographics and more.

In addition to this priceless functionality, PaveAI also acts as a bridge with all your social media advertising platforms, so you can do everything in one location, rather than trying to manage many different accounts.

What Does It Cost?

PaveAI is priced based on your visitor volume. Which makes it an attractive option to kick start your marketing on new sites or sites that have not been actively marketed.

If you have up to 10k visits on your site every month, you'll only pay $39 per month for the service, but pricing goes all the way up to $179 for 1 million visitors, and beyond, with custom pricing options.

If you equate that back to your hourly salary, and factor in the amount of time you currently spend trying to decipher data and export reports, chances are you're already spending a lot more in lost time.

Try It Free

If you're not sure that you want to make the commitment just yet, don't worry. PaveAI offers free trials. Test it before you pay anything. But if you're like most people (and they have some pretty important people saying nice things about them!) you're going to love the convenience and user friendliness, as well as the functionality.

Our Conclusion?

PaveAI, like many marketing tools, isn't necessary. You can get by without it.  However, if you're not a Google Analytics specialist, chances are you're missing out on key insights. For the price of PaveAI, chances are it already costs you more to turn the raw data you get from Analytics into anything that makes sense.

For the price, you simply can't do better than PaveAI, and we recommend it for anyone who wants to get more out of their S.M.A.R.T. marketing goals.

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