Category: Business Trends

Start as you clean to go on: COVID-proofing your new business

August 6, 2021
One thing is for sure – it's not been easy running a business during the pandemic. Therefore, "start as you clean to go on", and make sure you take the following steps towards COVID-proofing your business.  1. Keep things clean  Inside businesses, there are multiple touchpoints that customers and employees cannot help but come into […]

Managing A Healthcare Business Is Not Simple - Here's How To Help Yourself

August 5, 2021
Effective management and reliable healthcare accounting software are essential to every healthcare business's success. Remember that attempting to tackle the country's numerous healthcare problems is far from simple. It will take some creative thinking to improve care quality, lower total costs, and traverse one of the country's most impenetrable bureaucracies.  Direct care, like that offered by […]

5 Surprising Businesses That Have Grown During the Pandemic

July 29, 2021
During the Covid-19 crisis, many businesses found themselves in a panic as they didn’t think they would survive. However, on the flip side of this, there are hundreds of small businesses that have grown suddenly through the pandemic. Here are some of the surprising businesses that have blossomed during the last 18 months. Craft E-Stores […]

These 7 Things Can Contribute To A Startup's Success

July 26, 2021
Startups are all the rage these days; there is no shortage of exciting ideas and talented entrepreneurs from tech companies to recycling solutions. However, creating a successful startup involves far more than merely coming up with an idea. The execution, people you surround yourself with, and your marketing ability will all have a say in […]

Technological Evolution: Ways Businesses Can Scale Technology for Growth

July 16, 2021
If we look at how technology has evolved just over the last decade, most anyone can see that we are leaps and bounds from where we used to be 10 years ago. If we look back only a century, the progression that we can measure is even more astounding, and the rate at which technology […]

5 ways to make money with your car

July 16, 2021
Who does not want to make money? Some of us might not escape the thought of making money, even while we sleep. Such is the power of the green. While there are numerous ways to make money from various different jobs, if you already have a car, have you considered turning it into a source? […]

Top 7 Reasons to Create a Mobile App For Your Business

July 11, 2021
You're living in a digital world. How many times have you heard the phrase, "there's an app for that?" It's no surprise that digital marketing has become a huge part of running a successful business. If you want your company to keep up with the times, you may want to look into the need to […]

Six Areas You May Want To Outsource As A Small Business

June 30, 2021
As your small business starts to grow, you will find yourself needing skills that aren’t in your skillset. This is normal and is usually when a small business starts to either recruit or outsource as a small business to get the expertise that they need.  The tasks that usually get outsourced are those that require […]

How To Improve Your Small Business And Help It Grow

June 1, 2021
Small and medium enterprises are now too familiar in many countries worldwide.  Interestingly, these businesses are also doing well and account for a good percentage of several national GDPs. A small business, like any other, can have some challenges as much as the company needs to grow and expand. You, therefore, must get it right […]

4 Ways To Stay On Top Of Industry News And Trends

May 27, 2021
The world today is moving at a much faster pace. Industries, no matter what sector you belong to, are highly affected by the changes brought about by technology. This brings in new trends, news, and other information you need to know about. If you want to keep up with the fierce competition, you have to […]

5 Keys To A Successful Pop-Up Shop

May 23, 2021
In the retail industry, pop-up shops or stores are very popular nowadays because despite being only a small investment for businesses, they effectively bring products in front of new customers and boost brand awareness. With a pop-up shop, you can get immediate and valuable customer feedback that you can use to improve your products, services, […]

5 Popular Apps Built with React Native

May 12, 2021
The active growth in the number of mobile device users has boosted application development. Hundreds of mobile applications are created every day to make working with a mobile device more comfortable. If you’re developing an app, you may choose among several approaches: working on native apps for each platform separately or using one of the […]

Why 81% Of Businesses Now Use Video Marketing

May 7, 2021
Marketing is an incredibly complex subject that ultimately depends on several key human instincts. There is a reason why 81% of businesses now use video marketing as a major part of their entire advertising campaigns. Video sells and today we’ll try to explain why.  Video Marketing And Human Communication  Marketing is all about conveying a […]

Should I trade my Bitcoin for Ethereum?

May 4, 2021
Cryptocurrencies have been around for more than a decade. However, they have only recently come into acceptance by more seasoned and institutional investors over the past couple of years. For those that are new to crypto investing, the most common coin to own is Bitcoin (BTC). While Bitcoin is the most prominent cryptocurrency out there […]

Vintage Home Decor: Procedure For Sales 

May 3, 2021
An ultimate guide to knowing about decorating a home with a vintage theme and how to put it on the market, read this article for more details. Most people born before the era of the internet prefer the world to remain the way it used to be. However, the reality is as time progresses the […]

13chats Review: Power Sales and Support with Custom Chatbots and Widgets

April 20, 2021
Improving your customer experience is key to increasing sales and loyalty. Unlike some years ago, modern customers are smart and expect businesses to be adept at how they communicate with them. Experts estimate that customers can control up to 85% of their relationships with businesses without interacting with humans, which explains the increasing demand for […]

How Do Smartphone Games Market To You

April 17, 2021
Most people underestimate the time and money spent on their favorite mobile games. Knowing how these games market to you may help you understand how you end up spending small amounts on games without even realizing it. Continue reading to learn more about how smartphone game manufacturers market their immersive games to hobby players, like […]

Use These Digital Marketing Trends To Step Up Your Online Marketing Game In 2022

April 8, 2021
Online marketing has now become one of the most (if not the most) essential components of running a successful business. With over 4.6 billion people currently using the digital space, the online world is a potential goldmine for any business owner. Over the past few years, the digital landscape has been evolving rapidly, with new […]

How Customer Tracking Software Improves Your Business

March 16, 2021
Starting a business requires finding effective solutions that can help you to track customer and contact management. Using customer tracking software is important to manage the relationships with your current and prospective customers. It includes an analysis of all the different strategies and technologies such as an online spreadsheet that companies use to effectively manage these interactions. […]

Tenants Are Shifting Gears: Here Are 4 Things They Now Desire

March 13, 2021
Business leaders should consider what clients want. In terms of apartments, it's not enough to have a place to sleep and eat. People desire a community that improves how they live and makes it enjoyable. These qualities come from managers truly thinking about ease, convenience, and entertainment. Here are four things tenants want right now. […]
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