Category: Search Engine Optimization

How to Build a SEO Campaign That'll Help You Dominate the Web

September 3, 2019
Does Google count your inbound links, your social shares, or your use of keywords? No, it hasn’t done this since it installed the Google Hummingbird update. Nowadays Google uses big data gathered from the use of its search engine, from Google Chrome users, YouTube, Google AdSense, and Google Ads to determine which websites are the […]

What is SEO in Digital Marketing and Why is it Important?

August 26, 2019
Did you know that the SEO industry is set to top $80 billion by 2020? Clearly, SEO in digital marketing is serious business. If you ever want to be a digital marketing professional, check out this guide here. But how does it factor into your current strategy? Despite what you may have read, SEO is […]

A 5-Minute Introduction to DIY SEO for Ecommerce

August 25, 2019
  As of 2016, 15% of people bought an item online once per week and 28% bought at least a few times per month. It's impossible to deny the power of eCommerce. With billions of dollars in sales, the world of online retail gives anyone the ability to create a profitable store. The best advantage […]

Instant Website Traffic: 9 Proven Ways to Increase Traffic to Your Website

August 22, 2019
Are you trying to increase your digital audience? This is a great plan! That’s because the internet helps customers easily find your business. Think of the number of people you interact with every day on Facebook, Twitter, and even Instagram. What if you could convert all of them to your loyal customers? Well, that’s exactly […]

Let’s Discuss Your Online Presence

August 21, 2019
Marketing is something all businesses need to consider today. Let’s take a look at some online marketing areas to contemplate… What do you need to know to sell products or services online? Whether you run your own business, or you are an affiliate marketer, you need to know about the best digital marketing strategies if […]

7 Strategies that Can Help You Improve Your Google Rankings

August 15, 2019
In a world where everything is done online, and people spend most of their time on the internet, businesses have no other option but to invest in SEO. People no longer look for services and products on TV spots, newspaper ads, or billboards.. If a person wants to find a legal representative, they look for […]

Counting Down to the Best SEO Agency in Toronto

August 14, 2019
When it comes to your website, you want the best of the best working to get your site to the top of those search results. SEO agencies promise this all the time, but only one SEO agency in Toronto can truly boost you to the top and have site traffic pouring in. So, who do […]

7 Ways to Boost Your Law Firm's SEO Ranking

July 30, 2019
Creating and managing a successful law firm is less about networking with local clients today and more about maximizing your ability to reach clientele online. Boosting your law firm website's SEO ranking is not only useful to attract visitors to your site, but it is also essential to establish your firm as a trusted and […]

Next Big Thing in SEO: Getting the 9 Most Important Steps Right

July 13, 2019
Have you heard about Maslow’s theory on the “Hierarchy of Needs”? (Assuming now this will be followed by another question, “How is this relevant to SEO?”) Maslow’s theory is a famous theory in Psychological study that prioritizes fundamental human needs, like food, water, shelter, etc., saying that basic needs must be met before higher purpose […]

Four Digital Marketing Tips for Medical Professionals

June 21, 2019
In the modern era, no business can afford to ignore the opportunities created through digital marketing-- especially medical professionals. While it’s true that the medical profession will always be a necessity, there’s a lot of competition in the marketplace. Modern medical practitioners need to stand out from the noise and connect with their audience. There […]

Why New Content is Essential to Being Found on Search Engines

April 30, 2019
Why is content marketing important for your business? 6 reasons why fresh new content is essential to add to your website and what it can do for your SEO.

How Email Marketing Can Help Increase SEO Results

April 25, 2019
It’s not something that’s immediately obvious but email marketing does impact SEO. However, this is often overlooked because each of these strategies exist in and involve different platforms, and because of this marketers don’t immediately consider getting them to work together....but they should! If you’re already engaged in email marketing, consider how it can impact […]

Benefits of SEO for Small Businesses

April 23, 2019
Are you a small business owner thinking about either creating a website for your company or maybe you are trying to optimize it to rank better on Google? There are lots of amazing benefits to implementing SEO as a small business and here we are taking you through the key benefits as to why you […]

How to think about SEO in 2019: A Guide for Marketers

April 12, 2019
In the challenges between which keyword to add and which not to focus on, many articles have been written over the years on how to do Search Engine Optimization. It’s 2019, and the science behind SEO in 2019 continues to be a challenge that evolves and changes! The very first thing that every website with […]

Important Factors for SEO Link Building

April 9, 2019
Link building has been an essential factor when it comes to modern web content. To successfully exist online, a website must support a high-quality link building and SEO framework. Building links has become crucial to creating traffic to your site content and keeping it active and moving up in search engines. What is Link Building? […]

6 Reasons Why SEO Tools Are Indispensable

April 2, 2019
As the Internet continues to grow in size and complexity, the practice of search engine optimization (SEO) has to keep up with this rapid change. Whether it’s updates to Google’s Search algorithm or the dominance of the increasingly ubiquitous social media, SEO is no longer something that can be effectively executed via manual processes. This […]

4 Tried and Tested Tips to Optimizing Your Site for Mobile First Indexing

March 29, 2019
In the early days of the internet, search engines like Google only had to index the desktop version — rather, the only version — of a website. There was no mobile first indexing. Those days are long gone. With the rise of smartphones and mobile internet, companies understood that people no longer rely primarily on […]

Are There Really Any Differences Between SEO & SEM?

March 11, 2019
SEO & SEM.. if you’re a marketer or you’ve spoken to digital marketers, you’ll probably have heard these terms before. What is the difference and how can it help you on your path to better understanding how to market your business. Well the answer is basic, SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization while SEM stands […]

SerpStat: Keyword Research Tool

January 22, 2019
Serpstat is a keyword research tool. We review it so you know what it does, how you can use it and if it's the right tool for your business.

10 Top SEO Tools to Use in Digital Marketing

January 3, 2019
By adding these SEO tools you can monitor and improve the performance of your site. Here's a list of the best SEO tools to use in 2019.

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