
Instant Website Traffic: 9 Proven Ways to Increase Traffic to Your Website

Are you trying to increase your digital audience? This is a great plan! That’s because the internet helps customers easily find your business. Think of the number of people you interact with every day on Facebook, Twitter, and even Instagram. What if you could convert all of them to your loyal customers? Well, that’s exactly what many brands are already doing today. 

Unfortunately, the internet also has a lot of competition. Many entrepreneurs are already aware of the benefits they can gain from online ventures, which means you’ll be competing with many brands for the same market. And with many Google ranking factors, it can be difficult to meet all of the criteria to achieve the top search results.

One of the best and easiest ways to improve your digital presence is by increasing your online traffic. Not only will your search engine ranking improve, but also your sales.

As you’d expect, generating website traffic is not a walk in the park, especially if you’re still a beginner. Given the technicalities involved, you might want to hire a New Orleans SEO expert to handle everything and improve your online visibility. There are, however, some things that you can do you on your own to achieve the same fate. Read on to learn more!

1. Utilize Social Media

Social media and website marketing go hand-in-hand. If you’re trying to increase your general website traffic or trying to promote a landing page, entice your social media followers to visit your website.

For better results, use an image. For example, if you’re launching a limited edition product, attach an image of the product with the description and the website link to purchase the product.

Social media is also a great place to promote your blog, post-sales, and other techniques that will help to increase traffic to your website. Want to grow online presence on LinkedIn? Here’s a guide on how to grow your network on LinkedIn.

It's worth noting, however, that whatever the visitors see on your page first is what will determine their next move. Therefore, it’s imperative that as you entice them on social media, your website reflects the same energy. 

Invest in the user interface and customer experience before putting too much emphasis on product specifications. With such a setup, you can be sure that a huge percentage of leads generated through social media will be converted to customers.

2. Advertise

Even in our digital world where organic search results rank, advertising is still an effective strategy. Your results will appear first on search results, especially when you put your advertising dollars on a search term.

Advertising helps you attract customers you wouldn’t reach previously.

You can also invest in ads that appear on other websites, video ads that appear on YouTube and Facebook videos, and social media ads.

However, it’s good to have an advertising plan and to set a budget. Advertising can get expensive and you won’t see results without a strategy. Ensure you target your advertisements correctly, for your industry or needs, and consider the needs of the business. For example, utilizing age demographics for adult SEO, or location demographics for your restaurant. Or, consider hiring an SEO consultancy agency to handle this for you.

3. Write Great Blog and Product Titles

The headline and title are what will make people click your website. Let’s take blog writing for example. 80% of people will read your headline but only 20% of those readers will actually finish reading the article.

What goes into writing the best headline? There’s no secret formula. The best course of action is to write several and then decide which one grabs the most attention.

It’s also essential that your headline is keyword rich. Use different keyword tools to find a keyword that has impressive search traffic with low competition and low difficulty.

4. Mix Up Your Content

It seems like every month, there’s a new study that shows different content lengths rank better. In all honesty, most websites benefit from mixing up content. Publish long-form blogs to short product descriptions.  For example, this detailed how-to guide on CJ Affiliate for marketers builds a relationship with readers through the helpful, long-form nature of the content.

Why is this effective? You want to attract different website visitors. Some want to educate themselves before purchasing while others just want to get to the product page.

You should also include other forms of content. Great examples include infographics, video, and even statistics in your industry.

5. Use Long-Tail Keywords

While some single-word keywords still rank, long-tail keywords rank the best. These include a phrase or a sentence. For example, instead of using “headline,” as an example, use a long-tail keyword such as “examples of catchy headlines.”

Why are long-tail keywords better than single-word keywords? There are two main reasons:

Long-tail keywords typically have low competition but great traffic, and

Most users search phrases or sentences, especially with voice search becoming so prevalent

According to Safari SEO Brisbane, Longtail keywords are a highly effective way to expedite SEO for a new or growing website. By chasing low competition, high-value keywords, growing businesses can build credibility with Google and bolster their search presence for a variety of keywords that competitors may be ignoring.

6. Practice On-Page SEO

On-page SEO encompasses everything you do on your website to ensure your website ranks in Google searches. Use high-ranking keywords in all content. Ensure your web design is modern and your website loads fast.

There are other factors you should use for all content. This includes adding a meta title, description, and meta tags for all content. Include image alt text. Use internal and external linking. Speaking of linking…

7. Utilize Guest Blogging

One of the ways your blog can rank on Google is by supplying other blogs with your links so they can externally link to your blog.

When Google crawls that blog and sees your URL, that tells Google you’re an influential website and they will rank your content better.

In addition, you can open your blog up to be a guest blog. Since you’re including external links in your blog, Google will better understand your niche and will know how to rank your website among similar websites.

8. But Also Link Internally

Internal linking is including your own links in your content.

For example, let’s say you sell business courses and you’re writing a blog about business courses.

Link to your service page in the blog. Since your readers are already interested in business courses, they may click the links you have available in your blog for more information.

This action helps generate more traffic; Google will notice the same user was on a couple of different website pages and Google will rank your website higher.

Internal linking also helps Google get to know your website better and how to rank your website.

9. Outsource Digital Marketing

If you tried all of these tactics and are still not seeing results, it may be time to outsource your digital marketing. You might be doing something wrong. You need to learn some essential skills to be a digital marketing professional. When you outsource a digital marketing firm, you’re working with some of the best in the business.

They can take strategies such as SEO, PPC, and social media marketing and apply their knowledge to ensure you rank.

For digital marketing companies that specialize in all strategies, your website traffic can improve on a full-scale level. Or, you can find a specialty or niche marketing firm for a niche audience.

Time to Get Instant Website Traffic!

Getting instant website traffic isn’t impossible. It just takes a few marketing strategies, some knowledge, and hard work. If all else fails, you can outsource your marketing to a firm that can take your website to another level by doing some website archiving for your domain.

Do you need more business advice? Keep browsing our blogs where we cover many areas of business and marketing.

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