Category: Leadership

Moving Business Processes Online

May 21, 2020
Businesses have been forced to look at how they handle operations, including moving business processes online, since the COVID-19 pandemic has closed many businesses and forced many others to work from home.  As we look at re-opening and ongoing work-from-home scenarios, businesses need to continue to adapt and find ways to allow business to continue […]

How Employee Development Helps Your Business Grow

May 17, 2020
Your employees are your business’s most important assets. If you build your business on the backs of unmotivated and unhappy employees, your team productivity suffers and this will be reflected in your customer satisfaction. One way to increase your employee’s happiness and productivity is by investing in their professional development. This can be found in […]

Want To Become A Change Agent? Here Is How You Can Be One

May 15, 2020
Change Agent, a terminology that refers to the individual who is specifically working on the transformational journey of the organization. This transformation may include an employee's personal development, professional development, organizational improvement, and much more. In other words, the change agent is the leader who helps the organization to set up a direction towards change. […]

Pivot Well in Times of Change

April 16, 2020
Video is a powerful marketing tool. Learn what types of video your business needs to create and share on social media to thrive in a competitive market.

How to Successfully Transition to Lead a Remote Team

April 2, 2020
As a leader, help your team to be productive and successful when working remotely. 5 tips to support and stay connected with your newly remote team.

7 Amazing Ways to Keep Your Employees Motivated and Improve Performance

April 2, 2020
Do you want to learn how to keep employees motivated in the workplace? You don’t want your employees to see their work environment as a hell they must endure every day. You want them to see it as a place where they can learn and be productive. Keep reading for a handful of tips you […]

Core Leadership Skills You Need in Every Job Role

March 25, 2020
Professional leaders at different hierarchical levels of an organization are vulnerable to face unique challenges at every point of their career. Whether you are an individual business contributor, a first-time manager, a senior executive or holding a position in between, there are certain compulsory leadership skills that you need to learn and master. Here is […]

How To Be A Progressive Leader

March 16, 2020
Many people argue that leadership is a birthright; some are born to be leaders while others are more likely to follow. While there may be some truth to this saying, it is not completely accurate. Yes, to be a leader you have to have some intrinsic traits like determination and power of character, however, many […]

Top 8 Ways to Show Your Gratitude to Your Employees

February 16, 2020
Something as simple as showing gratitude can seem necessary on paper, and yet plenty of people don’t quite have this mastered. Some people have trouble showing any form of appreciation to people. Others forget to express gratitude sometimes. In some cases, there are social niceties that people don’t know that require an unspoken rule. Like, […]

Leadership Growth Secrets You Can Implement from Books

January 31, 2020
You might have been told that people are either born leaders or they’re not. That’s quite easy to accept when you look at those naturally charismatic individuals who seem to turn all eyes when they walk and catch all ears when they talk. But, if we’re being honest, this is also a pretty good excuse […]

How to Lead a Remote Team Successfully using the 3 T's

January 16, 2020
Remote teams are here to stay and only going to continue to grow in use so the key for business owners and managers is how to lead a remote team! Remote teams have some similarities to traditional teams in the office together but also some very unique differences that demand different leadership practices. In this […]

9 Ways to Become a More Effective Leader, Starting Today

January 13, 2020
Even the most successful leaders will agree that being an effective, well-respected and inspiring company leader does not always come easy. Whether you’ve just started running your own business, are taking on employees for the first time, or have been running a company for some time, and are wondering where you’re going wrong. It could […]

How to Increase Your Efficiency as a Team Leader

January 7, 2020
In the world we live in, there never feels like there are enough hours in the day to get everything done. Whether it’s in your personal life or professional endeavors, having your time taken up by constant meetings and long to-do lists can take its toll. If you’re struggling to keep on top of things, […]

Why Leadership is important to your Remote Teams’ Success

January 2, 2020
Leadership is important to your remote teams’ Success. From setting expectations to building trust, these 5 tips help you successfully manage a remote team.

How to Make Your Workplace a More Positive Environment

December 21, 2019
The workplace is not always bells and whistles and trying to keep yourself, and your staff or team happy is no easy feat. Negative interactions between people can happen during both the good and the bad times, which is why being proactive in promoting a positive environment is so important. Of course, there are plenty […]

The Business Value of Digital Etiquette

December 19, 2019
There is business value in Digital Etiquette!  Quite simply, the way you communicate digitally matters. You are either making a positive deposit to a business relationship or you are making a withdrawal from a business relationship. This can have significant implications on your ability to sell and your ability to retain clients as well as […]

Ways to Improve Your Leadership Skills

December 5, 2019
Develop your leadership skills and qualities. These 5 practices can help you improve your leadership skills to become a better leader.

Make Progress not Perfection!

November 21, 2019
Too many great ideas never reach the public and have the impact they could because leaders fail to adhere to this productivity principle: Make progress, not perfection! I believe that perfection is the great enemy of innovation, entrepreneurship, and progress, both in life and business.  Far too often we get "stuck" on the final 10% […]

How startup success depends on your leadership skills

November 7, 2019
Business growth requires great leadership. Investing in leadership skills will prepare you to take your startup to the next level. Start with these 4 steps.

Assembling the Team: 4 Preparations You Need to Make Prior to Interviewing Your Candidates

October 18, 2019
Finding the right person for an opening within a company can be a challenge. Learning how to prepare before interviews begin can be of great help in ensuring this process becomes much easier for everyone involved. No employer wishes to waste his or her time interviewing applicants who simply will not fit into the company. […]

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