
LinkedIn Expert Tips with Viveka von Rosen

LinkedIn is the "Go to"  business professional social network.  Over 77% of B2B companies reported in 2013 that they acquired a new customer via LinkedIn. LinkedIn expert Viveka Von Rosen is ready to help you maximize success on this platform.

How are you doing with your LinkedIn account? Have you maximized it and are you using some of the advanced features that can have the biggest ROI on your LinkedIn efforts?

I was privileged to host author and LinkedIn expert Viveka von Rosen to get her best insights delivered straight to you!



In This Episode

viveka von rosen and mike gingerich smcamp 2014As always, the Halftime Mike podcast is dedicated to helping owners and marketers overcome digital overwhelm by breaking down the complex and important keys, delivering practical, doable tactics that can be implemented in short order.

In this episode, I was able to have Viveka dive into some of the newer (LinkedIn Publisher) and also some of the less known but really powerful (tagging) LinkedIn features.  Viveka knows LinkedIn and brings the goods in her typical high-energy, fun, and entertaining style.

This episode was recorded onsite at Canada's largest social media conference,  Social Media Camp in Victoria, British Columbia.

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Topics Covered with Viveka:

  • LinkedIn's new Publishing Platform
  • Tags
  • Content Filtering
  • LinkedIn's sharable content feature
  • Repurposing content
  • LinkedIn company pages
  • The Introduction Tool
  • and more!

More about Viveka von Rosen:

Viveka is known internationally as the "LinkedIn Expert” and speaks to business owners, corporations, Legal Firms and associations on the benefits of marketing with social media, and in particular LinkedIn.

Author of  “LinkedIn Marketing: An Hour A Day” for John Wiley & Sons, she is also a regular source on LinkedIn for prestigious news outlets such as Forbes, Money Magazine,,,, CNN and The Miami Herald.

LinkedIn expert Viveka is the host of the biggest LinkedIn chat on Twitter: #LinkedInChat (Recently quoted by Mashable as one of the top 10 business blogs) and co-moderator of LinkedStrategies, the largest LinkedIn strategy group on LinkedIn. She is constantly learning, sharing and transferring social media skills and strategies to her tribe.

Viveka has 29,000+ first level connections and a network of over 31 million people on LinkedIn, and 52,000+ followers on Twitter.  Her seminars, webinars and workshops have taught and trained well over 100,000 people.

Podcast Episode Resource Links:

Next Doable Task:

It's always about taking away learnings and applying them!

What’s your key takeaway that you need to do in the next 24 hours based on listening to this?

If you are having trouble deciding, my tip is to check out tags, and if you haven't yet, check out applying for LinkedIn Publisher.

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Why the Halftime theme Mike?

karisa-ballI’m a Indiana Hoosier native where basketball is the top sport.

Every team heads to the locker room at halftime to evaluate the first half and create a updated plan for the second half.  That plan includes adjustments based on reviewing what worked and what didn’t. The “halftime” is a key review point where the game stops, the team pulls away to huddle in the locker room away from the fans, and they come out prepared and ready to succeed in the second half.

That’s what this podcast is all about, taking the time to pull away for bit to evaluate, learn, and set some strategies for your business to succeed in the second half.

Join me by subscribing and let me be your “business halftime” to help you find great success going forward!

Subscribe via iTunes:  Halftime Mike on iTunes  | Android users via RSS  | Listen on Stitcher.

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