Category: Podcast

What Are Podcasts? Why Is It So Much In Trend?

December 15, 2022
It shouldn't be a surprise that podcasts are popular with kids today. Many people in Generation Z and Generation Y are not only familiar with podcasts but also listen to them daily. Because of this new trend, companies are becoming more interested in podcasting to market their business. Why do podcasts seem to be more on […]

How AI Copywriting Software Can Help You Write Content

November 10, 2022
Artificial Intelligence is here to stay.  No longer something only in the realm of the super nerd and tech geek arena, AI is now growingly used across many industries and businesses because AI can increase business productivity and solve problems efficiently.  In fact, you've probably encountered some AI multiple times in the past week!  So […]

9 Reasons Every Company Should Have a Private Podcast

October 27, 2022
Why should every company have a private podcast? The reasons are many! It is more engaging, convenient, and effective and harnesses the power of the spoken word in passing your message exactly as you want. What more? Podcasts are not expensive to create. You can get started on a free plan with a professional tool […]

Words Matter! Positive Affirmations to Reflect on in English and Espanol

October 6, 2022
Words matter.  Words have power.  The words we say and reflect on impact our psyche, attitude, outlook, and even beliefs.  With this in mind, it is important that we have positive affirmations to reflect on.  Some call these "affirmations", others "positive manifestations", and others call it "positive thinking" or "mediation reflections".  Whatever you want to […]

The Power and Uses of Virtual Digital Mailboxes from Anytime Mailbox

July 21, 2022
If you have ever wondered if you can increase the privacy of your home-based business by having a simple yet official business address without renting or leasing a location, well the answer is now a resounding YES!  With Anytime Mailbox it is possible to have a virtual digital mailbox where you manage everything online that […]

Type Less and Do More with Smart Text Expander FlyMSG

June 9, 2022
You know how hectic the process can get if you have tons of work or messages to type. The better news is that you can now reduce your computer time by using a smart text expander. For example, take a scenario where most of your phrases have a shorter form. You type the short form, […]

By 2024, Up To $1.7 Billion Will Be Spent On Podcast Advertising

May 17, 2022
A young and loyal audience makes podcasts attractive to advertisers. Therefore, the market is growing every year. Spotify's music and podcast listening service has bought a podcast from American comedian Joe Rogan for $100 million, according to The Wall Street Journal. In 2019, Techcrunch wrote that Spotify had bought the American podcast studio Gimlet for […]

The Future of Small Business Work

April 21, 2022
So much has happened since March of 2020!  2 years later it is important to understand that there is no "going back to the way it was" any longer.  The world has been through a massive shift in the last 2 years and in America, in particular, we have been through the pandemic, the murder […]

Top Office Fitness Challenge Apps for 2023

March 17, 2022
According to the Harvard Business Review, employers who invest in employee wellness programs get an ROI of about 6-to-1. That’s some serious ROI. Typically, when employees are fit and healthy, there is higher morale and increased productivity in the workplace, which then improves the company’s profitability. In today’s mobile culture, one of the ways to […]

The Ultimate Guide to Producing Video Podcasts in 2022

February 22, 2022
Yes, it is 2022, and podcasts are still a thing! Did you know that there are currently 850,000 active podcasts with over 48 million episodes? Moreover, let us not forget that the number of active podcasts and podcast listeners is exponentially increasing daily! But what is it precisely that makes podcasts so essential? A podcast […]

No Code App Builder Tools: Shoutem vs Appy Pie and More

February 17, 2022
Is your company wanting an app in the Apple and Google Play app stores?  Are you not wanting to spend 6 figures and potentially want a simpler way to build that you can manage or update?  Then it's time to look at no code app builder tools like Shoutem, Appy Pie and more.  In this […]

7 Tips To Improve Your Podcast Reach

February 4, 2022
Podcasters work passionately to deliver excellent and irresistible content to their listeners. There seems, however, to be a struggle; their hard work gets only to a few listeners. Having relatively few listeners for your content can put you off after exerting much effort to promote it. Could this be describing your plight? Stay fixed as […]

How to Transition from Podcasting to Vodcasting

February 1, 2022
Podcasting & Vocasting are two completely different worlds, yet they exist and sort of correlate into a multi-million dollar industry. Thanks to the massive increase in video content consumption around the world, the Podcasting industry has seen a shuffle. Most of the podcasters are slowly transitioning into creating video content. And why not? Vodcasting attracts […]

How to Get More Views on YouTube: 5 Tips that Actually Work

January 20, 2022
How to get more views on Youtube?  That's a popular Google search and for good reason!  There's power in video, there's power in YouTube where people spend hours per week watching videos, and there's potentially money to be made for your brand through YouTube videos.  This podcast, we dive in with more details! Ready to […]

Podcastle vs. Descript: A Review of Pricing and Features

January 11, 2022
Before you start recording your podcasts, you should understand the importance of audio recording and editing software. Unfortunately, most people overlook the importance of these tools, despite the fact that they can make or break your podcasting future. Essentially, this is the software that builds and shapes your podcast from the ground up, making the […]

How To Launch A Successful Business Podcast

December 6, 2021
Ever wondered what business podcasts are? They’re mostly narratives that can cover a myriad of topics. From the story of a startup to a company's journey in a lighthearted manner. Or, a discussion of trending topics related to your firm’s industry, and many more. Nowadays, many podcasts are said to use an interview format to […]

SEO and Ranking High Today

October 21, 2021
If there is a question I get via email a lot, it's about SEO and ranking high in search results.  It usually goes something like this, "Mike, we aren't ranking well for <Term>.  Why not? Somehow they expect a simple explanation and an easy fix.  If it were that easy, everyone would be doing it […]

Time Management Tips to Get Back on Task 

September 16, 2021
Proper time management is a common challenge faced by workers resuming work, especially after summer or annual leave, and particularly during a pandemic when things are changing weekly if not daily!  In this podcast, we dive into time management tips to get back on task. Ready to dive in?  Listen to the time management podcast […]

Niche Mobile Apps like Swimply – The “AirBnB for Pools”

August 19, 2021
Mobile apps have exploded in the app stores in the past 2 years and yet each month brings about even more new innovations.  From cars, to motorcycles, and now to pools, niche apps for rentals and experiencing are popping up everywhere!  In this podcast I talk about the trends for niche apps, the emerging industries, […]

How to use SEO to Grow your E-commerce Business

June 17, 2021
E-commerce has exploded in the past year and most likely you are here because you have an e-commerce store.  With the explosion of online shopping has come the intensity of competition to rank high in search results. So it's critical to do the due diligence to use SEO to grow your e-commerce business. In this […]
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