
7 Tips To Improve Your Podcast Reach

Tips To Improve Your Podcast Reach

Podcasters work passionately to deliver excellent and irresistible content to their listeners. There seems, however, to be a struggle; their hard work gets only to a few listeners. Having relatively few listeners for your content can put you off after exerting much effort to promote it. Could this be describing your plight? Stay fixed as you learn the tips to improve your podcast reach.

1. Learn Top-Notch Editing

Improving your podcast reach requires learning basic and top-notch editing. Stutterings and common pauses like “ehm,” “huh,” or unnecessary laughs and coughs can offend your listeners. But learning to hone the basic editing will make your audience stay glued to your podcast. You can consult and other platforms to get professional podcasting tools.

Incessant background noises are another major turn-off because they can make your listeners miss the point you're trying to make. Also, to appear proficient to your listeners, your top-notch editing insight will save you some referral points. You can be sure that a satisfied listener will refer to the next prospective listener. Improving your podcast reach all starts with learning top-notch editing or hiring editors like Pouch 6 Studios.

2. Get Your Audience With Catchy Trailers

The movie industry commonly uses trailers to entice viewers and create hype around the movie— a perfect marketing strategy that never fails to churn out results. Taking a cue from this, all podcast hosting platforms also incorporate trailers for every episode.

Podcasters are usually recommended to include trailers of episodes in the trailer boxes. To improve your podcast reach, you must get your audience with catchy trailers. The trailers should be five seconds to a minute. They're perfect for introducing your topic and guests while encouraging prospective viewers to subscribe to your podcast.

3. Stick To Short Timeframe

Audiobooks, like a podcast, were created to save the stress and time of reading written guides or narratives. Therefore, if your podcast defies this purpose, you'll not only not lose new listeners or subscribers, you'll lose existing ones.

Therefore, have it in the back of your mind that a great podcast that translates to an extensive audience reach depends on the discourse of relevant points discussed within an appreciable timeframe. Anywhere from 6 minutes to 20 minutes is fine. Any podcast beyond 30 minutes will lose its flavor, and the listener will opt-out without hesitating.


4. Give Value To Your Speaking

The only way to give value to your speaking is to talk about new facts, unheard myths, and truths about your topics. Providing banal information will bore your listener.

Steps to giving value also begin with picking catchy topics that spark curiosity and suspense. The more value you provide for your content, the higher the quality it ascribes. In short, valuable content checks this list:

  • Listeners learn new things
  • Information is unique, with special conversations
  • Statements create imaginative memories to enhance retention

5. Work On Feedback

The sustainability of your podcast lies so much on your listeners’ feedback. Introduce a signature catchphrase that talks about your request for feedback and how important they are to continue the podcast.

It would be best to make it a habit to implement suggestions given by your listeners after every episode. When this is done, it shows you're interested in satisfying them. They feel more emotionally connected to propose ideas from a listener's point of view. Through this, you can be sure of an increase in likes that translates to more subscriptions.

6. Use Accessible Platforms

There are over 15 hosting platforms for creating podcasts, each with its own pros and cons. However, the accessibility of any of these platforms to your target listeners dictates a significant role in determining which to utilize.

One of the most accessible platforms to incorporate is Google Podcast. Specifically, the Google Podcast was added to allow Google users to enjoy the totality of the Google workspace without having to include add-ons or extensions. Having your podcast on Google Podcast is certainly one step ahead of improving your reach.   

7. Create Dedicated Social Media Accounts

The social world is an alternate reality for communal relationships. A podcast task requires creating dedicated social media accounts for your podcast channel. Study your target audience and create a social media account to promote your channel judiciously. Social media management allows for better reach and awareness.

Finally, an instructive call to action (CTA) at the end of every episode stating a share to friends or family or hitting the subscribe button is a practical tip to increase your podcast reach.


Podcasting takes time and effort to execute. But once achieved, it gets demotivating if generated content is not reaching the target audience. But you don't have to be discouraged anymore. With the tips above, you can improve your podcast reach and get more subscribers to your platform.

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