
SEO and Ranking High Today

If there is a question I get via email a lot, it's about SEO and ranking high in search results.  It usually goes something like this, "Mike, we aren't ranking well for <Term>.  Why not?

Somehow they expect a simple explanation and an easy fix.  If it were that easy, everyone would be doing it and competing for top ranking!  It's not SEO and ranking high on Google is complex...and changing.  What worked last year is not guaranteed to work well this year.  In this podcast, I dive into the trifecta of key things that need to be looked at to rank well.

seo and ranking high on google today

Ready to dive in?  Listen to this SEO and ranking high on Google podcast or click the link to view the vlog on Youtube!

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Video: SEO and Ranking High on Google Today

Diving into SEO and Ranking High on Google Today

It really comes down to three things to rank high on Google today and this is an update over a year ago mainly due to the new Google Page Experience Algorithm I have talked about before.  I go into detail on these in the podcast but here is a quick summary of the trifecta for you.

1 Content

If you want to rank for a keyword phrase it should go without saying that you need to have a fair amount of content on your site that includes that phrase!  So many people ask me why they don't rank and it comes down to limited and poor content.

2 Authority Links

What's your "network" look like?  If power, high-traffic and high Domain Authority websites are linking to you, it boosts your credibility and authority.  This is your "network" and it matters!  It's often referred to as "off-page SEO" because it doesn't happen on your website but on other sites of authority linking back to you for the key terms you want to be known for and rank for.

3 Speed and Experience

Google's new algorithm update which I referred to earlier, the Google Page Experience Algorithm, is the real deal.  I'm seeing sites not ranking as well this year as they did last year for the specific reason of this Google algorithm update.  Sites that are loading slow on mobile and have a page navigation or reading experience for mobile users are falling in ranking fast.

Google's criteria is not simple!  The speed they want to see is fast and even I have had to continue to work on my site to bring the speed up to the levels needed.  Google Console is a must because Google tells you what is wrong and if you are failing the Core Web Vitals assessment.

Take Action!

Hearing what I've said about SEO and Google ranking, what is the weakness in your site?  Do you need to check your Google Page Speed or integrate Google Console so you can see what Google says about your website?  Take an action this week!

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