
Twitter Changes that Affect Your Business

Twitter Changes that Affect Your Business - 315

Recently Twitter announced they would be changing their 140-character messaging format to make business marketing easier. Many business owners might be missing the benefits Twitter offers those promoting a business or product.

Changes to Twitter will make it easier to use the platform. It will help businesses engage in real time conversations and lower customer service response times.

Twitter Capabilities

Twitter has evolved since they showed up on the scene over 10 years ago. It's not just a 140-character messaging tool. Now it's a tool that can be used to conduct polls, share broadcasts, post photos and use searchable hashtags.  It is great tool for getting news out quickly, whether it’s a new executive hire, industry trends or product introductions.

Twitter Changes that Affect Your Business

Valuable Characters

Twitter users have come to realize the value in each character when you’re only allowed 140 of them.  And with the latest change Twitter has developed new rules to relax the 140 character limit.

  • Replies to Tweets
    @names will no longer be a part of the 140-character count. This gives you more characters to use in your message.
  • Photos and attachments
    Photos, video, jpegs/GIFs and polls no longer count as characters.  So now you can add that photo, infographic or other visual, without deducting characters.

New Apps

  • The Engage App
    Provides real-time data so you can share content and conduct real-time conversations with your fans, prospects or clients. Stay ahead of what’s happening in your network and interact in real time enhancing engagement.  Available for iOS and Android.
  • Twitter Dashboard
    Helps you to schedule communications and feeds.  Plan and schedule an “editorial” calendar of Tweets, news, visuals, etc., without being on the website to hit the send button. When you're not on plugged in, you'll still have activity on your Twitter account that is scheduled to go out at the key times your audience is on the network.
  • Twitter Ads
    Helps you create and use ad campaigns that drive site visits, build an audience and engage with potential clients. You have access to Twitter analytics tools to monitor your campaigns and tweak them based on your individual needs and objectives. You're able to track impressions and discover “cost-per-result” to better determine the success and cost of your campaign.

If you haven’t been using Twitter, it’s time to take a look to see how their newest options will help you market your business.

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