
How Utilizing Social Media Communities Can Boost Business Growth


The importance of digital technology in business cannot be overstated: enterprises are leveraging the internet to boost their growth. The number of global internet users currently stands at 3.9 billion, and they are distributed across several social media platforms. Social media communities are made to unite users that share the same interests. They give your business a better chance of growth than engaging the general audience on social media platforms. Here are 4 ways using social media community groups can help you grow your business.

A Targeted Approach to Marketing

A small group in a relevant niche on social media platforms allows you to do targeted marketing. Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram host billions of users. However, only a small group may be interested in your products and services.

Joining a small relevant group and promoting your brand to them is a more practical approach. Connecting with a targeted audience is a much better lead generation opportunity and has a higher conversion rate than standard advertising.

There is Better Engagement in a Closed-Group

Users want a place where they can ask questions, communicate, and learn. Social media communities allow your audience to collaborate and they have better engagement than Facebook Business Pages. Facebook Groups, for instance, have notification features that give members alerts on ongoing discussions in the group.

The chances of your target audience participating in discussions, contests, and other engagement activities are higher than in an open group. Niche interaction, such as in social media communities, is more appealing to users. Creating an emotional connection and brand loyalty is easier and more effective in social media groups.

Enhanced Information Sharing

Social media communities unite like-minded audiences, and the sharing of information is much more effective. Since there is increased engagement in social media groups, information sharing is boosted, providing you with useful insights into your target market.

Q&A sessions and discussions can help you get industry information and statistics, which you can then use to grow your brand. Also, your audience can get product information from your brand and other customers to help them in making purchasing decisions.

A social media community hosting users with the same interests makes it easy for you to communicate giveaways, company updates, changes in address, and any other relevant information.

Information sharing can help users understand how to make the most out of your services. Additionally, feedback from consumers can help you make adjustments in service and product delivery, leading to higher customer satisfaction.

Boosting Your Brand’s Organic Reach

Organic traffic is vital to your SEO and business growth. Among the strategies used by brands to increase organic traffic on their web pages is social media marketing. A large number of users on popular social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook alone does not guarantee you of increased organic traffic.

However, social media communities can help you attract organic traffic. Users on these platforms post tons of content every second. Your posts are likely to disappear in the feeds before your target audience can see them. This can weigh down your social media marketing efforts.

Posting in a closed group allows your audience enough time to interact with your content. It makes it easy for you to generate organic traffic, which is critical in the ranking and visibility of your brand’s website.

Joining or starting a social media community is a strategic approach to social media marketing. It allows you to do targeted marketing, which has a better ROI in social media marketing than taking a general approach. It is easier to connect with your audience and create brand loyalty in a closed group. Social media communities allow you to create a stronger relationship with your audience, boosting the growth of your brand.

Looking for help? Tired and believing there has got to be a better way?

Let’s talk about your business. With over a decade of experience leading companies and transforming lives, and a Master’s degree in Org. Development and Leadership, Mike can help you find the best way forward!

Contact Mike today to start the breakthrough!

Mike Gingerich life leadership business coaching

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