
A Guide to Increasing Conversion Rate Through Social Media

A Guide to Increasing Conversion Rate Through Social Media

Do you want your conversion rate to take a trip to the moon?  Meaning do you need to bump it up?  Then you need to evaluate how you work at increasing conversion rate presently.

If so, this is the post for you.  Have you considered putting social media at the core of your digital marketing conversion strategy?  If not, it's time to consider it!

However, when it comes to creating successful SEO campaigns, neglecting the power of social media could be detrimental for you and your team. On the other hand, embracing its potential could wreak an unbelievably high conversion rate and a brand boost for your team- in no time. Conversion rates are directly proportional to the inflow of the right kind of traffic. Where does this kind of traffic come from? Social media.

After reading through this article, you would have discovered ways through which you can leverage the power of social media to ramp-up your conversion rates.

Ensure your links transport prospects to the relevant landing pages

In digital marketing, a landing page is a term which refers to a standalone web page, that is created specifically for a marketing/advertising campaign. When you post your link on social media platforms or get links in front of your prospective customers through targeted social media ads, your landing page is A where the visitor “lands” on the website.

If you want to foster trust and see an increase conversion rate, a general rule of thumb states that you should take your prospects where they want to go. A prospect that clicked an ad about your product wouldn’t want to land on your homepage, neither would that prospect wish to see your “About us” section first. Don’t frustrate prospects by taking them to irrelevant webpages on your website.

Create content that is native and peculiar to each platform

A native content, according to Gary Vaynerchuck in his book- ‘Jab Jab Jab, Right Hook: How to tell your story in a Noisy Social World’, is a content which appeals to the culture, unique language, sensibility, style and pattern of communication of the platform in which you are publishing.

In other words, a super-interesting story on Facebook might not do well as an Instagram caption, and a highly-motivating piece on LinkedIn might not necessarily work on Twitter.

Why? People go to these different platforms for different reasons.

So, how do you create a native content that drives traffic to your website? Simple: Crack the reason why people are there, conquer the platform. Once you know why people hop on each platform, you would be able to create informative contents that are peculiar to each platform.

Here’s a brief review of the use of some popular social media platforms:

  •       Facebook: Connect.
  •       Google: Learn facts and instructions.
  •       Reddit: Crowdsource.
  •       Instagram: Observe trends and lifestyles.
  •       Snapchat: 1-on-1 connect. A bit more intimate.
  •       Twitter: Monitor live events, news, and opinion.
  •       YouTube: See "how to's", watch music videos, follow influencers

Use interesting headlines

The unit of traffic is attention. Get attention, get traffic, have a concise call-to-action and increase conversion rate. Your headline has only one job- to keep the prospect interested in your content. Think creatively when creating headlines- and make sure it is very attractive.

What words make your prospect's heart skip a beat? ‘Profit’, if you are in the finance sector or ‘true love’ if you are in the relationship sector? Make sure you include those words in your headline. Wrack your brains, but not too much if you can help it. Always be ready to get inspired by a catchy headline on another business’s social media. To have a whole lot of the most traffic-generating content, you can review leading captions by others business’s social media - for example, Scrape Instagram captions allows you to see and get a head-start on those type of posts with the most likes and comments.

Plan your analytics

Now that you have gotten on track with a good social media strategy, how do you monitor your progress?

Social media trends change almost daily. So, it’s important to see how your strategy is working- to ascertain whether any tweaks would be needed. SEO tools like mysiteauditor take the burden off your shoulder when it comes to the analytics of your SEO strategy.  

Your takeaway

The attention span of people online is reducing drastically- and there is increasing competition for that time.  As well, there is intolerance for irrelevant content. If you want to successfully drive traffic and increase conversion rate overall and from social media, you need to up-your-game and show up consistently with engaging, valuable, rich-media content.

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