
Latest Trends in Social Media: Keys for your Business

Recently I hosted a seminar on the "Latest Trends in Social Media: Keys for your Business."

The aim was to inform small and medium sized businesses as to what is changing in social media and online.  Things change fast and it's hard to keep up!

For many small businesses, business life is already busy and keeping up with what might be shifting in social media that impacts business marketing can be a hard thing to get to in any given week!  That's where I come in.


In this episode I dive into some the latest trends in social media, what new tools are out there, and what it means for your business.

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badge itunes lrg Growing Business Online: Identifying your Ideal Customer

Covered in this Episode:

  • Social Media network Quiz - Can you name them all?

My audience could name at best 8 out of the 10.  Who's got all 10?  Let me know in the comments!

quiz sm


  • I dive into key stats on social media use
    • Bottom line....It's here to stay, is your business adapting? It needs too!
    • Use across all age brackets is growing
    • Time spent on social is dominantly on mobile devices
    • 50+ age bracket is rapidly growing in use of social media, showing adoption across all age demographics
    • Here's a snippet of things I talk about...

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  • Periscope and other live streaming apps are growing rapidly!
    • What's the deal with them?  Video is working!  It captures attention, personalizes content, and draws people in.
    • I explain ways small businesses can use these new tools for their business
  • Blab - This is another new video-based social network. It's different than Periscope as it is geared for multiple people to be live on video at the same time.
    • Blab is great for interviews and topical discussions where you want the audience to be able to live chat in questions and even join you in one of the four live video streaming boxes.
    • blab for business uses blab livestream
    • Remember "Hollywood Squares"?  If you do, you're showing your age like me!  Blab's boxes remind me of that layout a bit! It's different, of course, because each Blab attendee is streaming in from their location.
    • HollywoodSquaresblab 3
    • I use it for two shows, #MagnetMarkets co-hosted with @JessikaPhillips, on Tuesday's at 4:00 pm ET where for 30 minutes we talk about social media and digital marketing topics with a focus on how you use them to draw (like a magnet) your ideal client in.
    • My second blab show is called "Relationships & ROI" and in that weekly show we focus on how building good relationships is good for business and sales.
    • How to delight from the inside out
  • Not to get all caught up in the "new" and totally leave out the most dominant social network, I dive into Facebook.
    • Facebook is the only social media tool that has penetrated all demographics and continues to grow in time spent on the network.
    • Video loaded to Facebook is getting the most engagement, views, and action
    • Facebook is keeping up by rolling out live streaming as well.
    • facebook stats

All this, plus Snapchat and more covered in this episode!  All to give YOU insights to help you run your business today.

What’s your key takeaway that you need to do in the next 24 hours based on listening to this?

Share below!

Social Media Trends Resources:

Resources outlined in this episode:

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Why the Halftime theme Mike?

YouTube video

I’m an Indiana Hoosier native where basketball is the top sport. Every team heads to the locker room at halftime to evaluate the first half and create a updated plan for the second half. That plan includes adjustments based on reviewing what worked and what didn't. The “halftime” is a key review point where the game stops, the team pulls away to huddle in the locker room away from the fans, and they come out prepared and ready to succeed in the second half.

That’s what this podcast is all about, taking the time to pull away for a bit to evaluate, learn, and set some strategies for your business to succeed in the second half. Join me by subscribing and let me be your “business halftime” to help you find great success going forward!

Subscribe: Halftime Mike on iTunes | Android users via RSS | Listen on Stitcher.

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