
Why is Timing Your Social Media Marketing Campaigns so Important?

Why is Timing Your Social Media Marketing Campaigns so Important?

In social media, timing is everything. The perfect marketing projects could reach fewer people or an audience unrelated to your niche if you post at the wrong hour. The best content won’t make a substantial impact if you make this mistake, but you can adjust your scheduling to ensure your post has reach. It’s important to time your marketing campaigns for the following reasons.

How to Schedule Posts for All Platforms

There are two hurdles to scheduling posts: figuring out the optimal time to post and how to schedule posts in advance. Since all social media platforms have an evolving algorithm, there isn’t a catch-all time for every niche, country, and website. However, there are general rules for when to post for the most popular platforms based on audience engagement metrics.

  • Facebook: Wednesday, 11 am, 1-2 pm. Weekdays around lunchtime.
  • Instagram: Wednesday 11 am, Friday 10-11 am. Weekdays around lunchtime.
  • Twitter: Wednesday and Friday 9 am. Weekdays early morning.
  • LinkedIn: Wednesday 8-10 am, Thursday 9 am, 1-2 pm, Friday 9 am. Mornings.

Pinterest and TikTok are other common social media platforms that show a lot of growth and don’t require strict posting requirements.

Scheduling is another hurdle to overcome. While some social media platforms, like Facebook pages, have built-in schedulers, others, like Instagram, don’t. Instead of remembering and waiting for the optimal time to post, make scheduling easy with the right tool or social media management software. With these handy apps, you can put multiple posts on your calendar days in advance and not worry you’ve missed a day.

Why Timing is Everything in Social Media Marketing

Creating great content isn’t enough for viewers to click on your content. You’ll need to post at the optimal time so more potential eyes could fall on your marketing campaigns.

Use Timing to Maximize Impact

Posting in the middle of the night, unless you have an international audience, will lead to poor metrics on your beautiful photos or well-constructed meme. You only have a few hours to draw eyes to your social media posts because they’ll quickly become buried in your customers' feed. Posting during the morning and afternoon (aka, during the workday) is optimal.

You may be thinking: “Why should I post during the workday? Won’t they be busy?” Yes, and no. Plenty of working professionals check social media during the workday from boredom, so give them something to see. Otherwise, look at your existing statistics to consistently know when you get an influx of likes, followers, and views. You can then schedule your content at that time.

Use Lull Times for Less Competition

Everyone has access to engagement rates and optimal posting times on social media, so even though the workday is the best time to post for visibility, you’ll also have a lot of competition. Savvy social media managers know that it’s better to release certain types of content at different times on the say and how to cater to weekend visitors on separate platforms.

While Instagram is more popular during the weekdays, there are plenty of weekend users that want to see quick content while they multitask on chores or watching television. Use that weekend lull to create eye-catching content that prioritizes bright colors, beautiful people, or sprawling landscapes. People like to dream during the weekend, so scratch that itch.

Audience Determines Timing and Frequency

Fashion brand Versace generally posts twice a day, 12 hours apart. Versace is an international brand that has a reach in almost every country on every continent, so they need to adjust their social media content timing to suit their customers. While someone in North America will miss their posts in the middle of the night, they’ll see at least one in the afternoon.

Social media counts that utilize video or stories have another chance to grab their viewers' attention. Decide whether you want to connect with an audience overseas, a local community, or everything in between. There are multiple ways you can keep your content relevant for more than a few hours to capture likes at all times, including video, highlights, and retweets.  Another tip is to use engaging content in posts such as memes.  One way to boost engagement can be by the use of memes.  To discover meme ideas, search and find meme hashtags and then use those memes in your own posts.


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