
5 Facebook Timeline Contest Types and 10 Examples You Can Run Now


The social media world has been chattering extensively about the recent change by Facebook to allow Pages to run contests on the Timeline.

Page Admins now simply need to create a post on their page and push it out to run a contest!  (Well, a few more items are needed but we'll get to that.)

With the new rules, businesses can launch a quick & simple Facebook contest using a normal News Feed post.

The basic entry options for a Timeline Contest are by:

  • liking the post
  • leaving a comment on the post
  • posting a photo comment on the post
  • some combination of the above such as "Liking" for one entry and "commenting for an additional entry"

So, with that backdrop, here are some timeline contest ideas you could run!

5 Facebook Contest Ideas You Can Run on Your Timeline

1. Like to Win

If your business is looking to run a quick Facebook contest to reward fans, the “Like to Win” giveaway is a simple way for fans to participate.

As the name suggest, fans only need to Like a certain post to enter the contest & stand a chance of winning. Photos, status posts, links & videos can all be used to run this contest.


2. Comment to Enter

A closely related option to the "Like to Win", the difference here is that fans must "comment" to enter. Announce the contest and simply instruct visitors to make a comment on the post to be entered.  Tools like the TabSite Timeline Contest App let Pages download all the comments and generate a winner randomly from those entered.

A benefit of "comment contests" is that by commenting their is greater reach to friends of that commenter than a simple "Like" offers.

3. Trivia! Answer Correctly to Win

 Yes, consider a quick and easy trivia question.  Your post would outline the question and possible answers, entrants have to comment and answer correctly to have a chance to win.  This brings in a bit of game fun to the contest.  See examples below for example ideas.  TabSite's Timeline Contest App at Platinum level allows you to filter a post comments by a keyword (your correct answer)!  So, once again, it's easy to pick a winner.

4. Like and Comment

A combo option of #1 and #2 above is to run a timeline contest where the fan can like for one entry and comment for an additional entry, thus giving them two entries and a greater chance to win.  TabSite's Timeline winner tool allows for (a) keeping each entry separate or (b) merging them so the winner is someone who has Liked or Commented.  Lots of options!

5. Photo Comment Contest

Another creative timeline contest option is to create a post and ask fans to enter by submitting a photo comment.  Since Facebook allows photos as a comment, this works well!  A Page could have fans load a fun image for the Page to (a) judge the winner, or (b) randomly pic a winner from submitted photos.  Ideas could include to have a contest of photos submitted with fans using your product, or why they need your product, or some variation of these.

So those are some of the possibilities for using a Timeline contest!  Want a complete guide? Click below!


Let's switch now to specific post messages that can be used for your Facebook Page.

10 Examples You Can Run Now

NOTE: per the Facebook promotion guidelines, it does say that the Facebook release and rules/terms must be included or linked to in the contest post.  At bottom of this first example is a sample rules and disclaimer text.

Sweepstakes / Giveaway

1. It's GIVEAWAY time!  Click "LIKE" for your chance to win a $20 iTunes Gift Card!
Winners will be randomly selected at 4 p.m. CST this Friday and their names will be posted on our Facebook Page!

Rules/Disclaimer: This promotion is open to those 18 and above in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, and Australia.  Void where prohibited.  By "Liking" you enter and agree that this promotion is in no way associated with, administered by, or endorsed by Facebook; and acknowledge a complete release of Facebook by your participation.

2. Comment to WIN!  Comment below and complete with "Joe's Pizza has the best….." to enter.

1 winner will be randomly selected at 4 p.m. CST this Friday from all comments as winner of a FREE LARGE PIZZA.  We'll post the winner on our Facebook Page!

3. Comment below for your chance to win a free T-Shirt: The best flavor of ice cream we offer is _____________.  Two entries will be randomly chosen and announced at 4pm EST tomorrow as winners!

4. Who is excited about our upcoming LIVE EVENT in 2 weeks?  Like this for one entry to win a free ticket, and Comment on this post for a second entry!  One winner will be chosen randomly from those entered and announced at 5 pm EST this Friday!


5. Answer correctly to win! What is the name of our newest product launched 2 weeks ago? Simply comment below for your chance to win a $25 off code for use on our website!  1 Winner will be picked from correct entries and announced at 1 p.m. PST on Monday!

6. Answer correctly to win! In what month of 2010 was our company launched? (a) January (b) March, or (c) May?   Comment below with your answer for the month of launch!  2 Winners will be picked from correct entries and announced at 1 p.m. PST on Monday!

7. We're launching a new menu item at our restaurant this weekend!  Answer correctly to win a $30 voucher for dinner.  Winner announced here this Thursday at 3 p.m. EST Is the new menu item (a) fish  (b) chicken (c) steak, or (d) turkey? Comment below!

Photo Contest

8. Enter our Timeline Photo Contest! Enter a photo in the comment area below that shows us what makes you happy!  Deadline to enter is this Friday at 11:59 p.m. EST!  Our team of 3 judges will review all photos and announce a winner next Monday at 9 a.m. EST.  Winner receives a $50 Gift Card!

9.  Post a comment with a Photo of you in one of our stores for a chance to win a 30% off 1 item coupon!  Random winner will be selected and posted Friday at 4:30 p.m. EST

10.  It's cold up north!  Let's head to the beach!  Post a photo comment below of your favorite activity at the beach.  One person will be chosen randomly from those submitting pictures to win a $150 voucher towards a stay at our AllStar Florida Beach Hotel!  Winner announced this Friday at 4 p.m. EST

Feel free to use these or create your own variation!

Any questions on Timeline Contests?

The TabSite Timeline Contest App gives Page Admins free ability to create the post which includes sample rules and disclaimer text.

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