
7 Tips For Choosing The Right Social Media Platform For Your Business

7 Tips For Choosing The Right Social Media Platform For Your Business

Nowadays, social media marketing has become a vital part of digital marketing strategy. If you want to reach your target audience and turn them into loyal customers, you have to establish your presence on social media platforms. However, just because there are potential customers using a certain platform doesn’t mean you should use the same platform. Even if you do, merely setting up a business profile does not guarantee the acquisition of these customers. The knowledge to go about choosing the right social media platform is crucial for the success of your social media strategies. 

If you’re feeling overwhelmed without having any idea where to start, here are 7 tips to help you in choosing the right social media platform for your business. 

1. Let Your Business Direct You

The first thing you should consider is the nature of your business. If you operate primarily as a B2B company, you’ll want to seek professional platforms where the likelihood of reaching other businesses is higher. In that case, LinkedIn should be your first choice, as it helps you build personal connections with professionals all while targeting current and potential clients. For B2C businesses, platforms like Facebook and Instagram will give you better odds of reaching and engaging with potential customers. Furthermore, you should let your business goals direct your efforts. If its quality leads you’re after, then posting high-quality content on LinkedIn is the way to go. However, if you’re growing a consumer-centric brand, then it’s better to start with Instagram. 

2. Meet Your Target Audience Where They Are

Once you realize the scope of your business and which platforms fit your needs better, you need to consider your target audience as well. The tech gurus at Alrigh point out that, although social media apps are used by everyone, the way users interact on each app becomes completely different - even if it’s the same customer. You’ll need to analyze the users of each platform, study the demographics of your target audience, and understand their behavior, so you can meet them where they are, how they like to be approached. 

3. Consider the Kind of Content You’ll Be Sharing

Choosing the kind of content you’ll be sharing can be a bit tricky. You want to create content that will showcase your business, but the kind of platform you use will largely impact the content you can create or share. Instead of running around in circles, it’s better to think first of your target audience, find the platform that gives you the best odds of reaching them, and then tailoring the content to suit their tastes. For instance, if your content relies mainly on video production to showcase your products, then starting a YouTube channel is the most obvious way to go. If your content is focused on informative blogs, then LinkedIn will be more effective. 

4. Let Your Platforms Support Each Other

What if you have to create more than one social media account? Maybe you need to target different customer segments, or you need to share different kinds of content. In this case, you can start more than one social media account and let these platforms support each other. For instance, you can publish your videos on YouTube in addition to IGTV. To boost your blogging efforts, you can combine your website’s blog and LinkedIn. Starting more than one social media platform can also give you the opportunity to repurpose your content from one form to another. 

5. Sneak a Peek at Your Competitors

Oftentimes, you can start your marketing efforts without having any idea if they’re at all effective. There’s no need for you to reinvent the wheel though; why not take a look at your competitors and see how they’re operating? This should give you a good idea of how effective their strategies are and, if they’re effective, what you should do as well. 

6. Consider Your Overall Marketing Goals

You should never make your decision solely by looking at social media platforms. In the first place, you’re exploring social media platforms to achieve your marketing goals. Even if the platform looks appealing or easy to maintain, you should always revisit your plan and evaluate whether using this platform will contribute to your main marketing goals. 

7. Be Consistent

Finally, keep in mind that the key to succeeding on social media is to be consistent. In a place where users update their feeds every other minute, you can’t expect to see results if you only post once a month. Consistency is key with all social media platforms. 

7 Tips For Choosing The Right Social Media Platform For Your Business

With more social media than your fingers can count, choosing the right one can be overwhelming. That becomes even more challenging for small businesses who can’t afford to waste time or resources with experimentation or wasted efforts. However, once you align your business goals, target audience, and content needs, you’ll be able to narrow down the list to the most effective social media platform.

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