
Things All Podcasters Need to Keep in Mind to Grow Their Audience

Things All Podcasters Need to Keep in Mind to Grow Their Audience

Entertainment is changing all the time but never was there such a massive leap in the number of different forms of entertainment that were available to us than that which came from the rise of the internet. Vlogs, ebooks, and YouTubers have all emerged as entertainment frontrunners, but one of the most important new forms of entertainment is definitely the podcast. Over the last few years, there have been many successful podcasts from the hilarious Ricky Gervais podcasts from the UK to the enormous Joe Rogan Experience, which today has tens of millions of listeners and in this post we'll dive into the keys that podcasters need to keep in mind. 

Podcasts are a fantastic source of news, sport, opinion, and debate. With such a huge opportunity to be heard, more and more people are looking to move into the world of podcasting. To help everyone who is trying to widen their scope of outreach, here are some things all podcasters need to keep in mind to grow their audience.

1. Identify Your Niche

The first thing podcasters need to keep in mind when starting a new podcast or looking to expand the reach of yours is to identify the niche which your podcast fits into. There are podcasts in every kind of genre, and there have been huge breakout successes in all of them. True crime podcasts like Serial have intrigued their audiences. In contrast, The Joe Rogan Experience has millions downloading each episode to listen to Rogan interview a famous person on a wide range of topics. 

It is unwise to attempt to create a podcast that doesn’t have a particular niche as the subject will be too broad, and potential new listeners won’t be able to identify it. You need to be able to categorize your podcasts on download sites based on its genre, so choose something which you are interested in and create your podcast around that niche. You are far more likely to create something quality if it is a niche that you are passionate about, so don’t compromise on this.

2. Create Consistent Quality Content

There are many factors that will contribute to your podcast’s success or failure, but one of the most important factors that podcasters need to keep in mind is the quality of the content. At the end of the day, people want to listen to unique content that interests them, unlike anything else available on the podcast download market. Take your time to plan out each episode of your podcast and do a few recordings so that you can release the best version. The experts at explain that you can store all the different versions on an online cloud, along with your back catalog of episodes, so that they are easily accessible at any time. This will enable you to make edits and to refer to and re-release any previous episodes at a future date. Online clouds will keep every safe and secure in one easily manageable place.

3. Market Your Podcast Effectively

With new digital forms of entertainment like podcasts have come new digital marketing methods. There are various effective ways to market your podcast, and the most successful strategy incorporates different methods. Creating a dedicated social media presence for your podcast is a great way to reach out and engage with your audience and can also provide a platform for hosting and selling your podcast downloads. Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are excellent social media platforms for marketing podcasts and to promote upcoming episodes, interviews, and special offers. Make sure to regularly update your social media profiles to keep your audience engaged and stop them from moving on to another podcast.

Things All Podcasters Need to Keep in Mind to Grow Their Audience

4. Challenge Your Audience

These days, trends come and go so quickly, and the most successful forms of entertainment adapt and evolve to hold onto their audience and cultivate new fans. Podcasts that have stood the test of the time challenge their audience with new, daring content that stays ahead of the curve. People are always looking for the next best thing, so the best way to popularize your podcast is to make each new episode the next best thing. Trust your fans’ instincts, and do not be afraid to evolve your podcast as you see fit and take your audience forward with you.


A quality, an entertaining podcast is a fantastic way to reach out to audiences, share your views, and spread some joy. These days, there are so many podcasts available that no matter what topic people are interested in, there is a podcast just for them. When you are creating your own podcast, think hard about your target audience, the message you want to share, and deliver quality, thoughtful content on a regular basis.  When the items above that podcasters need to keep in mind are implemented, good things can happen!

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