
The Impact of Automation on Your Employees

 Impact of Automation on Your Employees

The power of automation is sweeping across every industry. Its ability to streamline operations, helps organizations become more efficient and profitable. Analysis by PwC reveals that smart automation could contribute $15 trillion to global GDP by 2030.

However, no innovation comes without its challenges. As such, there are many who will be wary of automation overtaking the human workforce.

It’s important to remember that automation has many different benefits for your business. This includes impacting your employees. Here, Robiquity discovers the positive impacts of automation on your human workforce.

What does automation mean for your business?

While many skeptics may argue that automating processes will take away jobs from employees, automation and RPA can actually help to create new jobs. It also helps to evolve current jobs. Jobs under automation will require new skillsets. Thus, giving organizations the chance to retrain workers and support workforces. This is key to adapting to the ever-changing landscape of working.

The extra wealth added to the GDP can help to generate a demand for many jobs. No sector will be left unaffected by intelligent automation. While up to 30% of jobs could be automatable by 2030, there is still a huge percentage of jobs that still require human skills. For example, social skills and human touches, are critical in healthcare and education.

What impact does this have on your workforce?

It’s crucial to view automation as something that can help to make organizations more streamlined, efficient, reliable, and profitable. Automation can never truly replace people. In some cases, it isn’t designed to. People must remain at the core of business operations, simply aided by automated systems and processes to work better and smarter.

Not only will employees become more satisfied as they no longer have to complete repetitive and mundane jobs, but they will also have more time and resources to spend on tasks that require crucial human input. This is particularly true amongst dealing with customers, colleagues, peers, students, patients, and more.

As businesses continue to boost efficiency and quality in their operations, while maintaining lower costs, there will eventually come a greater financial resource for jobs amongst the human workforce. This will be a direct impact on productive organizations now requiring more workers to meet the demand and keep the momentum.

Through continuing adoption of automation software, organizations will no doubt experience a skills gap that will need to be filled. Employees will gain new opportunities to upskill and move into more evolved and fulfilling roles.

How to start implementing automation in your business

Alongside technical roles for employees to help manage the automation software, there will also be a growing demand for change management teams to help facilitate the deployment of RPA. Expanding your change management roles isn’t just a way to widen your workforce, but can also widen your employees’ skills and interests.

No RPA solution will work effectively unless its staff are fully behind it. They must be ready to embrace its benefits. Thus, it’s crucial to have the right employees in place to help staff understand the impact of automation and how it will benefit them.

Consider working with an intelligent automation partner to help your organization get the most out of RPA software.

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