
5 Tips on Selecting the Right Test Automation Tool for Your Business

Selecting the Right Test Automation Tool for Your Business

Any business that deals with any kind of software development need to learn proper software testing. As an integral part of the SDLC, testing isn’t just done because it’s required. Software testing offers many benefits to development teams, project managers, project owners, stakeholders, and an app’s intended users.

Business Benefits of Testing and Test Automation

QA testing has several benefits. It saves the company money, prevents app security issues, and improves the customer experience. Any well-performing and in-demand app that does what it’s intended can rake in huge profits for its developers.

Test automation, on the other hand, has its own merits too. Automated tests are faster, more objective, consistent, and accurate than manual tests. Without the human factor, automated test results are also considered more reliable. Despite these facts, manual testing is more reliable in complex scenarios while automated testing allows you to test your application on many devices simultaneously.

But, a development team can’t just switch over to automated testing in the blink of an eye. It takes a load of time, effort, and preparation. Senior manual testers may even have to start from scratch and study automated testing for beginners.

The execution of manual tests can be so different from automated ones. Without any IT background, it’d be difficult for a manual tester to study automation testing. Automated testing tutorials can help facilitate a faster and smoother transition from manual to automated tests.

The point is that learning test automation isn’t easy. But, if your development team is thinking of trying out software test automation, you’re going to need the right test automation tool.

5 Tips on Selecting a Test Automation Tool

How do you choose the right test automation tool? Well, you only have to ask yourself the following questions:

1. How Much Can You Spend?

Like any strategic business move, the decision to switch over to test automation will save you some money in the long run. However, you’re going to need some upfront investment. Sure, there are outstanding and open-source test automation tools out there. Still, you won’t spend the budget on the test automation tool alone.

See, budget isn’t just about money. When we talk about budget, we’re also talking about time, effort, and manpower.

2. How Skilled Is Your QA Team?

Using test automation tools for the first time can very easily disorient even the more experienced manual testers. Like any other new development tool, your development team needs to prepare for delays and setbacks. Delays mean hours lost, which in turn means money loss.

Thankfully, many test automation tools nowadays have a shallow learning curve. Some won’t even require testers to learn any new framework. Manual testers can learn automation testing in their downtime. There may not even be any need to add automation testers to your team at all!

QA teams may not always have the required technical background and skills for test automation, but that’s okay. Fully automated testing is rarely observed, even in big tech companies. Not everything has to be automated!

3. What Do You Currently Use and Have?

The best automation tool for you may not be the best for another business. No automation tool is a one-size-fits-all solution.

Businesses work on a widely different set of projects. So, when you’re looking for a new test automation tool, you might want to consider project requirements. Looking at your current and future needs can help determine which features matter to you and your development team.

Save for start-up businesses, many will already have up and running business systems. When upgrading, businesses usually stick to the programming languages and frameworks they’re familiar with. Switching programming languages doesn’t always make sense.

So, consider what currently works and what you want to be improved. It’s usual for apps in development to go back to the testing phase multiple times before they’re finally released for user consumption.

Take a closer look at projects that you’ve worked on, and you’re bound to see similarities with how they were tested and developed. This should give you an idea of which parts of the testing and development phases can benefit from automation.

4. What Features Do You Need and Want?

Make a list of features you need to have and another list of features that are nice to have. If you’re lucky, you get the tick off all of the items in both lists with just one automation suite. If not, prioritize the list of the features you need and then list down all testing tools that fit the bill.

For example, some test automation suites only work with Java, while others may work with Python and C# too. Some may only work on Windows devices, while others may additionally work with Mac and Linux OS. Some have built-in test analytics functions, third-party add-ons, self-healing, adaptive wait, collaboration features, and more.

The test automation trap is a trap you wouldn’t want to fall in, so look at script maintenance and reusability. These are just some features that you might want in your chosen test automation suite.

5. How Good Is The Technical Support?

Development teams run into all sorts of technical problems all the time, and we’re used to it. We might even throw in a few upgrades while we fix bugs and issues. But we can’t say the same for our third-party tools.

If you’re going with commercial testing tools, be sure to check out the fine print about what kinds of customer service you can get. Testing is such a crucial part of the development process, and problems with testing tools can delay releases and compromise product quality.

The provider should provide a good enough technical support service so development teams can minimize delays and losses.

On the other hand, more popular open-source programs have a following of their own. They will likely have online communities focused on providing solutions to problems encountered by other users. Forums and knowledge-sharing platforms exist so programmers and testers can help each other out.


Do you need tips on selecting the right test automation tool for your business? Here are the most important things you should consider:

  • Your budget;
  • Your team’s skills;
  • The tools and platforms you currently have and use;
  • The features you want to have;
  • And the support you’re going to get.

Choosing the right test automation tool for your business doesn’t mean shopping around for the most expensive tool you can find. In fact, an open-source test automation tool may even be the best under the right circumstances. Consider your testing demands, your budget, your QA team skills, and technical support. These will help you find the test automation suite that suits you and your team.

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