
Social Media Contests: Breaking the Contest Code for Business Success

Social Media Contests....All the rage, but how do you get results?

Is your business considering ways to up your game online using social media contests but you're not confident on the process?

Needing a game plan for contests?

There's more to a social media contest than simply tossing up a message announcing that the contest is open!

I've got the webinar for you!


Social Media Contests for Business Success:

Thursday, Sept. 3! This 75 minute event will cover items including:

- How your business can grow leads with a contest
- Keys to the length and awards you offer
- Type of Contest to run, social networks to use
- The details for pre-contest prep including social media, web, and email
- How to safeguard your contest with rules and security
- Ways to increase sign-ups and participation
- What to do after the contest
- and more!

It's about equipping your business to be successful with a social contest online that helps you reach business objectives!

Learn what you need to succeed!


COST:   $40 for the Webinar or $120 for Webinar + Consult**
DATE & TIME:  Thursday, Sept. 3, 2-3:15 pm. EDT (New York),  11 a.m. PDT (San Diego)
REPLAY? Yes, all registrants will receive a link to the video replay
HOST:  Yours Truly!  Mike Gingerich, Co-founder of TabSite Lead & Contest software, and President of Digital Hill Multimedia

Why the cost?  We are trying to keep this focused on those who are serious about contests and success.  The webinar will give you a complete Game Plan checklist of items to follow to run yours with success.  The Webinar + Consult is even better!  My time given to you to help your contest succeed!  Both options include the live webinar, video replay, and slides from the event.

**The Webinar + Consult includes all the above plus a 45 minute personal Skype session with me so that I can help you plan your contest and answer questions.  It also includes direct email access to me after the Skype and through the duration of your contest up to 30 days for ongoing support!

Register below!



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