
Keys for Email Nurture in your Digital Marketing Funnel

Is your Email Nurture campaign performing?

Do you have a refined strategy for email nurture after a lead opt-in on your website?

How can you improve your email drip marketing to convert more interested leads to sales?

keys for email nurture campaigns

In this episode of the halftime Mike podcast I dive into the details on email nurture tactics as they flow within an overall digital marketing marketing strategy.

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Email Nurture Tactics in the Digital Marketing Funnel

Last episode I said that, "leads are the lifeblood of business."  I meant it.  You know it.

Tied closely to leads, though, is lead nurture.  If you only capture leads and do not have a email nurture plan in place, you're wasting time and effort!

Let's again recap where we've been and how this post and podcast episode fits into the overall mix for improving your digital marketing funnel. We started with an overview on the Digital Marketing Funnel (image below) and past episodes have focused on the Attraction, Engagement, and  Lead Capture aspects within the funnel.  This episode we dive into the next phase into the funnel, nurturing the leads well with your email nurture campaigns.

In short, it's about reaching more of the right target audience that fits your ideal customer profile.  This is done with a two-fold content and social media / digital marketing strategy that has your company putting out great resource-rich content on your site and social, engaging with your community by responding and being active in online conversations, and then having a strategy to move the fans and followers into your email lists with lead capture.

Once captured, the lead nurture begins with email marketing and that's where we dive in today.

Digital Marketing Funnel 1.21.16

I mentioned before that it takes on average 7 points of contact before a sale occurs.  This is true for a number of reasons:

  • Only a few are ready to buy right away but most are not.
  • Many are in "research mode".
  • A few are mildly interested but not yet near a point of trusting you.

This is where email nurture comes in!

Email Nurture FTW!

Email nurture, or drip marketing, starts at the point of lead capture.  It has the opportunity to work for your business and do the labor of making multiple points of contact with the lead.  In each contact point there is the opportunity to build trust, offer value and resourcing, and increase brand awareness.

At it's most basic, email nurture is a series of emails that go out to a contact after they have opted into a email list.  This should be a automated, hands-off, system that is setup and runs by itself whenever someone signs up for your lead capture on your company website.

Email Nurture Keys:

Your email nurture series should be and do the following:

  • Builds on the Lead Capture offer given
  • Be a value-adding resource
  • Increase trust through help
  • Not be pushing products continually
  • Not come across "salesy"

A key item to address as well is the frequency and quantity of emails in your email series.  This can vary by industry and company, but here's a good starting point I can recommend.

Option 1 Email Nurture Series
This would be a 5-7 email sequence scheduled out over 14 days.  Roughly one email every 2-3 days with a final email that makes a sale pitch.  Each email is strategic and builds on the prior one.

Option 2 Email Nurture Series
This is a shorter version of the above with 4-5 emails over a 10 day time period.  It's a way to build trust, offer a resource and keep the relationship building process moving with a email every-other-day.

Tips for Each Email

1. The Subject line Must Dance!

Each email in the series must have a well thought through and catchy subject line!  Many times the subject line is the kicker as to whether a recipient is going to read the email or move on.  It's got to capture their attention and invite them in.  Don't be spammy and don't "shout" with a bunch of capitalized words!

2. Simple Focus in Content

Next, keep the content simple.  There should be ONE main point that you focus on. What's the one key resource for each email?  Think in terms of a intro that is 1-2 sentences.  Body copy that is 1-3 sentences introducing your resource and why it is of value.  Be sure to include a clear call-to-action to click the link/button to go to the full resource on your website, and then you can add a 2-3 bullets of additional resource links under a heading such as "Other Resources you may like:"

3. Mobile Friendly Email

It's not a given that your email is easy to read on a mobile device!  Make sure your provider offers mobile friendly emails (I know Mailchimp does).  It's got to be formatted to be easy to read as people skim and they WILL NOT work hard to read what you have sent.  Its' on you to make sure it is easy to read.

People are busy so this simple format helps them see, understand, and click to the resource.

Note as well that the email does not contain the full resource!  Take them back to your site; back to great content you already have on your site!  This is important for two, you are getting them back to your site where they may consume even more content you have.  And, two, it saves you time as you already have some great resources written!

The Podcast covers more but that's an overview of the details I cover in this episode!  Helpful? Let me know!


It's time to evaluate your email nurture campaigns!  Are they adding value?  Using great subject lines?  Narrowed down to a key main point?  Spaced out in a good timing pattern?  What's the next step you need to take to sharpen them?

All this and more in this podcast episode!

So what’s your key takeaway from this?  What do you need to do in the next 24 hours based on listening?

Share below!

Email Nurture Tactics Resources:


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Why the Halftime theme Mike? 

I’m an Indiana Hoosier native where basketball is the top sport. Every team heads to the locker room at halftime to evaluate the first half and create an updated plan for the second half. That plan includes adjustments based on reviewing what worked and what didn't. The “halftime” is a key review point where the game stops, the team pulls away to huddle in the locker room away from the fans, and they come out prepared and ready to succeed in the second half.

That’s what this podcast is all about, taking the time to pull away for a bit to evaluate, learn, and set some strategies for your business to succeed in the second half. Join me by subscribing and let me be your “business halftime” to help you find great success going forward!

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