
7 Steps Framework To Conduct Usability Testing For Mobile Apps

7 Steps Framework To Conduct Usability Testing For Mobile Apps

According to various researches about 90% of the time of people is spent on their smartphones. Therefore, developing a flawless mobile app is an excellent method to guarantee that people can easily look for your services on their smartphone, and the way to do this is with usability testing frameworks.

Nevertheless, a dreary app can deteriorate your brand image and your relationship with the customers. Regular usability testing of your mobile app assists you to evaluate how this product quality can be enhanced. Therefore, organizations look for the best mobile application testing companies to enhance the quality of their mobile apps.

Keeping this scenario in mind, we are presenting to you a 7 steps framework that all mobile application testing companies incorporate to conduct usability testing.

Write Down All Your Objectives

It is important for your team to set some flexible and also some core objectives. The main objectives must encompass questions you ask every time while running a usability test. Whereas, the flexible objectives are dependent on modification or latest updates that were non-existent previously.

Strategize the Tasks

This step will assist you to attain an enhanced sense of the way people navigate the site and think regarding the information that is significant. Therefore, you should not provide clues in your instructions. Providing additional tips and hints will perhaps lead them to take actions they will not otherwise think about. Prior to running the test make sure that there is no difficulty in your instructions. By leaving instructions up to the explanation, your outcomes probably make it appear non-user-friendly.       `

Select Between remote testing and Lab Settings

You have additional benefits of attaining more observations in the lab settings. Smaller things like scrunched eyebrows and hesitation can say so much regarding the user experience. In addition to this, you can attain whole control over their environment and experience in which the test is performed.

However, the disadvantage is that there is a risk of jumbling outcomes with the framing effects. This can result in providing too much information. This will reflect your experience and knowledge with the app rather than the user.

During the remote testing you do not require place and time to host your customers. The customers conduct tests in their own time and then you send the outcomes. This leads to time-saving for your team.

Prepared, Set, Execute the Test

At this stage, there are some moderation methods available. You can choose from them.

During the lab test, you can attain the advantage of being in-person to ask them things as they progress. Nevertheless, it is significant to ask questions in a non-leading and non-judgmental tone.

This will ultimately lead you to moderate retroactively. This sort of moderation requires your customer to see replay of them and provide details on their actions. This will also assist the users to explain the reasons behind some decisions that they made.

Arrange and Analyze Your Data

You must organize your information in an extremely digestible manner. A few of the standard categories for reporting that should be included are; encountered issues, task title, and ID number along with username. You definitely want to categorize issues for simple sorting of broken links and avoiding confusion.

You must not forget to view the qualitative and quantitative data, regardless of the way you select to analyze your research. Quantitative data is good for providing you app overall summaries and scorecards to higher-ups. However, keeping qualitative data is significant for remembering testing details.

How To Enhance Testing Based on Your Learning?

Executing usability tests on mobile apps is extremely overwhelming; you get so much information at a time. The initial step is to avoid feeling overwhelmed by prioritizing your feedback.

Skim through your data and select the features that should be on your priority. You should rate priorities from one to ten and sort them from low significance to critical. Then distribute these tasks in order of significance.  The process of continual review and improvement is super important.

Planning of Your Next Test

Usability tests must occur on a schedule or at least on a regular basis. These tests can assist to make choices for the latest design features and updates to enhance functionality.

Based on your learning from the past usability tests, you must evaluate the main problems from before. You should test your latest update to your traditional version, via A/B testing.

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