
A Guide to Automating Your App Testing Process

Software testing is a process that ensures that your business app meets its expectations. Primarily when it comes to functionality, performance, security, and reliability.

Automation testing, on the other hand, is a software testing technique. It makes use of automation testing tools when conducting software testing.

For one to use these tools, they have to add them to the flow of their software development. This will ensure that tests are conducted on different data sets, simple and complicated scripts, as well as behavioral simulations.

A Guide to Automating Your App Testing Process

One of the most important things that every business owner wants is to save time and resources. This is one of the benefits that they get to reap with automating app testing.

Businesses that use automating testing services can spend up to twenty percent less time on testing. Not to mention, other related tasks over those that do not.

However, what do you need to automate the process of testing your business application? Here is a guideline to help you start;

Goals for Automation Testing

The first step when it comes to automating the testing of your business app is setting the goals for automation testing.

You need to check between positive testing; checking if the app works the way it is supposed to. Tools like Testrigor can make this process easy for all businesses. Additionally, you'll want to conduct negative testing; checking if the app can work well even through unexpected conditions.

After evaluating the positive and negative testing, you need to come up with a list of the things that you want to achieve with automatic testing. As you go deeper into the goals, you might realize that it gets more difficult to automate the process.

Luckily for testers, things have been made easier by automation testing on TestProject. This is because TestProject provides a free end-to-end test automation platform. Business owners can create unit tests, test the user experience, and the general functionality of their business apps.

Planning the Test Cases

After setting the goals for your automation testing, the next step involves planning for the test cases. Here, you need to think about all the types of test cases that you need to implement when building the business application.

In addition, you need to understand that testing is not reserved or sequential for the application when development is complete. Automation testing is an integrated part of the entire development process.

When planning the test cases, you do not need to write tests for test cases that will only be run once. Writing test cases is a long process and you should avoid writing them for single tests.

Automatic test cases for your business app should be written when conducting functional, unit, and integration tests.

Selecting Automation Test Tools

Once you know the test cases that you need to automate, you need to look for the right automation tools to run the tests for you.

Make sure you understand the factors to consider when choosing software tools for your business. When doing this, you should get a tool that sets the automation rules for you. This should require little or no human interference.

You also need to look at the framework that you need to use for automating app tests. Choose a tool that can handle such a framework without any issues.

The most common frameworks include; modular-based, linear automation, keyword-driver, data-driven, and hybrid testing frameworks.


Finally, you can start testing your application. When testing, you need to make a decision on whether to conduct the tests on real devices or virtual devices. For instance, if you have built your business application to run on the Android OS, you need to test it on different versions of the Android OS.

This is not realistic since there are multiple versions and each one is different from the other. However, you can test on a real device running the latest version of the Android OS. Then test the other versions on a virtual device.

This way, you will have made sure that your app works as expected on all versions of the Android OS.


Testing is a very important part of the software development lifecycle. If you release an app to the market with functional issues, chances are that you are not going to have many people using it. Thus, opening an opportunity for your competitors. Testing ensures that the app meets all its requirements as well as those of your customers.

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