
Emerging Digital Marketing Tools for 2021

Social media is so 2020! Now that we've moved beyond 2020 there are some emerging digital marketing tools for 2021 and key trends to be aware of that I want to cover in this Halftime Mike Podcast.

Podcast on emerging digital marketing tools for 2021

Let's dive into this episode to look at the emerging digital marketing tools for 2021.   Listen in to learn more...

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 The Details on Emerging Digital Marketing Tools for 2021 

Things are changing fast and marketers need to change with it.  These items are not just fads but clearly emerging tools and methods that will be used for years to come.  They have in common the goal of capturing attention and getting in front of the user.

1. SMS Marketing

SMS marketing, also referred to as text message marketing, is an emerging marketing method of sending text messages like specials, coupons, alerts, or promotions using highly-targeted, opt-in text messages (SMS) via an SMS marketing software tool.

It’s a permission-based form of marketing meaning customers must give you permission to market to them. You can target your prospective customers via permission-based subscribe options included in web sign-up forms, contest entries, or texting a specific keyword to a shortcode.  These are just a few examples.

Why Use SMS Marketing Software?

It's gets noticed by the user!  They are on their mobile device and don't have to have any app open.  Most people also have message alerts on in their phones. With bulk SMS messaging, you can send an audience any number of text messages with a single click, allowing you to reach a considerable number of subscribers easily and quickly.

This is why SMS marketing is one of the most effective emerging forms of communication with customers. Using SMS marketing software opens you up to more opportunities to scale your marketing campaigns.

For a full round-up on SMS Marketing, see the post, the best SMS Marketing Services for 2021.

2. Web Push Notifications

What exactly are Web Push Notifications?

Web push notifications are small alerts that are clickable, rich content messages sent by a website to a user’s device via the web browser. You can deliver these browser based notifications to the subscribers' device even when they aren’t on the website.

The web push notification process is similar to signing up for an email list, but easier, and begins with the user opting into getting notifications. The first message typically reads, “ wants to show notifications,” with a notifications bell displayed.

The user can choose to “allow” or “block” the notifications. If the user clicks “allow,” the marketer/brand can begin sending notifications to the subscriber's device.  See the little bell in the lower right on this website (except for Safari mobile users).

For full information on web pushing notification services, check out my post on web push notifications.

3. Micro-Content with Video and Audio

Ain't got time for that!  Too many messages and videos are too long.  People are scanning and skimming the web and apps and the only way to engage them is with brief snippets.  Social Media sites like Instagram with Stories and 1-minute video limits have contributed to this trend and made it mainstream.

People are now conditioned to shorter video and audio segments so to be relevant, marketers must adapt and review.  Podcast lengths are becoming shorter.  In fact, 2 of my favorites, Up First by NPR is only 6 minutes, and Snacks Daily by Robinhood LLC, is less than 11-14 minutes.

Short, micro-content that is digestible quickly is in.

Looking for more trends to be aware of?  Check out this list of five trends...


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Why the Halftime theme Mike?

I'm an Indiana Hoosier native where basketball is the top sport. Every team heads to the locker room at halftime to evaluate the first half and create an updated plan for the second half. That plan includes adjustments based on reviewing what worked and what didn't. The "halftime" is a key review point where the game stops, the team pulls away to huddle in the locker room away from the fans, and they come out prepared and ready to succeed in the second half.

That's what this leadership and business podcast is all about, taking the time to pull away for a bit to evaluate, learn, and set some strategies for your business to succeed in the second half. Join me by subscribing and let me be your "business halftime" to help you find great success going forward!

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