
Browser Push Notifications: What they are and best practices


With competition for attention on the internet at an all-time high, marketers have been exploring every possible way to generate traffic and leads. Everything from content marketing to email campaigns and social media. Shifting to the latest ways to stay in touch with their audiences is at the top of the list. Browser push notifications are one of the latest additions to the ever-expanding digital marketing arsenal and should be considered by businesses for their websites. Let’s dive into them a bit deeper here.

Browser Push Notifications Defined

Also known as just push notifications, browser push notifications are automated, permission-based informational messages. The messages are sent by web pages and displayed on both desktop and mobile devices when a user goes online to browse the web.

The aim of these messages is to inform and engage recipients when they are browsing pages or websites. Browser notifications do this without the need of an email address of the targeted consumer.  They work and appear in the browser.

Permission is required, however. To send users push messages, you must first ask if they wish to receive your messages. Do this on your website with a sign-up service. Only if they accept are you allowed to begin sending your alert messages to them. You can even customise which platforms you notify users with via a notification api in order to prevent sending notifications to a platform the user rarely uses. This is important as spamming someone may turn them away from your business if they feel it is too much messaging.

Browser push notifications can be viewed across different websites and multiple browsers (Chrome, Safari, Android, macOS, etc.). This is different from web push notifications that can be viewed only while the user is on a particular website.

7 Browser Push Notifications Best Practices

Push notifications give marketers a rare new opportunity to remain top of mind more frequently. The following are seven ways to get the most out of this opportunity;

Have a strategy

For one, there are several types of push notifications. These include rich push and push notifications with action buttons. Then, there are also factors like the intended message and campaign goals. Begin by laying out a plan for all of these.

Spend time on content

Marketing experts recommend keeping your message short and concise. For the title, 10 characters should be enough. The body, meanwhile, should be no more than 45 characters. Additionally, use images and rich media to drive the message home. Images can increase conversion rates by up to 300%.

Targeting is vital

Every user is different. So, don’t send the same message to everyone. Instead, divide your targets into segments (based on gender, age, etc.) and send relevant messages to each segment. Segmenting browser push notifications increases CTR by up to 218%.

Incorporate CTAs

There are two broad categories of CTAs to consider; Free Trial and Benefit CTAs. Free Trial CTAs may include Try For Free, Get Free Access, and Start Free Trial. Benefit CTAs, meanwhile, often include Download E-Book, Send Me Code, and Show the Coupon.

Personalize for the best outcome

You can personalize push notifications based on several factors. Including device type, geographic location, language, purchase behavior, time of the last visit, and so on. If the user’s browser doesn’t support images, for instance, consider plain-text notifications.

Timing is everything

You must get your timing spot on. If you delay by even a few seconds, you risk missing the “aha moment.” So, observe time zones and track customers’ routines to determine the best time to send. Time triggers can help here. Just as importantly, don’t spam users with notifications.

A/B test and improve

To truly boost conversions, you must always seek to uncover your mistakes and shortcomings and adjust your campaign to win more hearts. A/B tests will tell you what you’re doing wrong. Elements to test include CTA buttons, text copy, images, and even sending times and frequency.

Don’t Forget to Optimize Your Landing Page

Whenever a user clicks through, they’re taken to a specific web page. This can be a blog post or a unique landing page. Optimize your landing page to receive and convert these leads. A great landing page is fast, has focus, and free of clutter.

Consider using these best practices and get ahead of the competition by installing and utilizing push notifications.

Looking for help? Tired and believing there has got to be a better way?

Let’s talk about your business. With over a decade of experience leading companies and transforming lives, and a Master’s degree in Org. Development and Leadership, Mike can help you find the best way forward!

Contact Mike today to start the breakthrough!

Mike Gingerich life leadership business coaching

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